Can You Beat D4? I can't

I have had Diablo 4 since beta/launch.

To date, I have yet to beat Lilith or any real uber boss.

I have lost interest in the eternal realm and feel D4 only lives in the Seasonal Realm.

I am trying to stay to on board with the game but really, my only enjoyment is that it will get better. This is sad.

I have maxed out players but yet I cannot beat the game, wtf?

Build my toons to match the best builds, with no luck.

Watch youtube videos of lower levels smashing uber bosses.

Do you have to be a mathematician to really enjoy this game?

To date, I have created a new toon for each season only to come to the same ending.

Guess D4 is a game I cannot beat and feel the seasons bring FOMO creating me to focus more on maxing the game out in a short amount of time along with bug fixes, events, ptr, etcā€¦



You arenā€™t meant to ā€˜beatā€™ games like Diablo. You play them until youā€™re bored, then you go play something else while you wait for the next Season to come out. Now you can set your own goals if you like and try to accomplish those, but games like these are technically never ending.

If you arenā€™t enjoying the experience though, I wouldnā€™t suggest you continue playing.


What iggi said. I normally play the season till I feel im done for the season. Im currently farming shards for pvp cosmetics. After that im done till S5.

I could keep playing for better gear but I have no desire to play the pit till my eyes bleed. Stopped at 130.


Diablo 4 is a New Business Model.

Diabloā€™s were different but D3 brought seasons. Which then lead to this Seasonal content.

Guess, I am not one whom enjoys this seasonal business plan.

And it appears I have wasted money yet again on a video game, lol even purchased the expansion.

I do not enjoy this experience. Which brings me back to the forums every season.

Not sure why a game would have achievements if it wasnā€™t meant to be beat.


I envy you, really. I do. no, iā€™m not being sarcastic. :people_hugging:


To me, D4 is more about the journey rather than the destination.
I enjoy the chase of power progression and I can assure you, I suck at math lol.
Iā€™ll play till I have had my fill of the game and move on to something else till next season when I start my journey once more.


Diablo has seasons and or ladders since D2. In D2 it was to reset the economy because of all the dupped items.

There are both good an bad aspects to season. Each season feels a little different but I dont really enjoy blizzard bate and switch build models from not being able to balance the game.

:100: cause the destination is being done for the season.


This is me. I beat uber lilith once back in S2 with the broken BL Sorc build. Havent felt the need to defeat her since. I usually complete the season journey before moving on but Im not sure if I care to push the pit just to beat a few uber bosses. I might even skip S5 just to give myself a break before the expansion.


Depending where you purchased it from you may be able to get a refund.

Thereā€™s an achievement for beating The Pit at level 200, which I donā€™t see anyone getting this Season, maybe in a few more seasons, but who knows. Thereā€™s lots of games that have super hard achievements the majority of the player base will never get though. This isnā€™t anything new.

Online games are even worse, because usually their achievements are prolonged. Kill X amount of enemies, complete X amount of missions, destroy X amount of bases, etc. and that X can be anywhere from 5K to 5b. Regardless I wouldnā€™t get hung up on the details myself. Unless youā€™re a perfectionist, then Lilith help you, and Iā€™m sorry.

Iā€™ve no doubt the game will get better myself, as Iā€™ve rather liked the direction theyā€™ve taken it so far (not that I enjoy everything theyā€™ve changed mind you). However if you donā€™t like the fundamental mechanic of seasons, or you donā€™t enjoy playing on the Eternal Realm due to missing out on the Seasonal goodies, I donā€™t blame you. This game, or ones similar to it, just isnā€™t for you.


This is not breaking news, but yes, this is exactly what your problem is.

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I would agree about the destination and the way I am trying to look at it.

lol and at some point I will hunker down and take out the uber bosses. Guess, I like saying I havenā€™t beat them in case someone wanted to check my stats :innocent:

I chase completing the achievements.

Just think itā€™s sad, new season comes out and within a couple of months I am back here complaining again.

1st World Problems I guess. Easiest solution - Quit Paying for Entertainment.

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I added you on bnet. Im happy to help you later.

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I only play solo and join groups when Iā€™m doing the legion events.

I am not the player who wants to be carried.

Donā€™t take the ā€œI cannot Do somethingā€ as Truth. It is rather, I do not have the interest to take the time to do it.

Thank you guys for the comments :grinning:

Thank you for the reachout, Double LL

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twenty required

is this THE IGGI.


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Depends, if I owe you money, no, I am not THE IGGI. If you mean the dude whoā€™s had his questions answered on the live stream/campfires, then yes.


You mean the journey they speed us by to get to the boring destination? :hamster: :popcorn:

Lol, every persons journey is different. I had fun during S4 for a month and a half till I got burnt out so I am happy.



Yes I been off d4 now for a few weeks, you just stop when ya get bored, I tried the PTR it was a horrible mess also sadly, but not being able to do ubers and Lilith will be on your build and mostly on your Paragon boards, a lot of streamers and builds out there have horrible Paragon boards

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well its good they keep adding the new things to eternal realm so you can play at your own pace, iā€™ve ā€˜beatenā€™ the game so to speak which is basically maxing out glyphs, killing tormented bosses and masterworking my items to 8-10 following build guides, now i am focused on creating my own builds that can accomplish this

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