Can You Beat D4? I can't

Lilith is harder this season. My girlfriend killed her in S2 with ball lightning sorcerer and then carried me through it (i can’t remember if she actually did any of the killing or if she handed me her controller to do it). After some more work, I was able to kill her with my own variation on Staff of Crone druid.

This season, our sorcerer and druid are just banging our heads against the wall with her. Maybe we’ll manage to get a couple bash barbs buffed enough to do it before the season ends.

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i cant beat it because i get sleepy before i hit level 10. Ive tried. i really try but i just cant stay awake playing this game. great cure for insomnia though!


Lilith is one of the worst designed fights i have ever seen

Full of one shot cheesing stuff, very little time to react to such one shots and very often bugged

The best way to beat her is find a way to cheese yourself


Totally opposite for me, Lilith was the only fun fight in the game for me, I beat her in s1 with TB rogue which was broken and HS rogue this season, once you get the mechanics down it’s pretty easy.

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To each their own i guess then

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Yes! It does require good knowledge of the game and all the systems that interact with each other (skills, paragons, aspects) and you need decent gear affixes as well but the gear affixes are less important as they do not need to be perfect by any means but you still need the “correct” kind.

Blizzard did design the game with casuals in mind. If you can’t beat D4 then this game might not be for you. Torchlight is very easy; you can always give that one a go.

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You were never meant to “Play” eternal servers, that is just a graveyard for seasonal characters.

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Did you finish the campaign? if yes then you beat the game, congratz!.
If no, then the game is not for you, may i suggest shining force II?


If you feel the game is like a job, you are in a wrong game.

This is a game of the more effort/time you rendered, the better your toon. I can accept my fate of not beating Uber Lilith all becoz I have no play time to farm for Uber Uniques. But I know if I have given more play time, I would beat her.

I never had more than 50 kills of Uber Boss/Bosses that drop Uber uniques. My chance of getting Uber Unique is so low. And I am happy beating all the goals in the game except Uber Lilith.

If they make Uber Lilith soft, it would make the game like garbage. What we have right now is fine.

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I wouldn’t worry about beating Echo Lilith or the tormented bosses. They’re only there for the hyper dedicated to have something to do. Just like the level 100+ pit levels. I wouldn’t even bother myself if they hadn’t stupidly made doing one of them required to complete the season journey.

And you aren’t going to beat these bosses without significant grind toward a half dozen broken builds. Or a barbarian. Pretty much any masterwork 12 geared barbarian will work.

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I beat the expansion, I did not fall for the marketing.

Unfortunately I did not beat D4 and pre-ordered it before launch. :hamster: :popcorn:


Game: a complete episode or period of play, ending in a definite result.
Task: a piece of work to be done, especially one done regularly, unwillingly, or with difficulty.

Seems D4 is definably more task than game, innit?

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Seasonal content is fine as I know many people enjoy it, but I miss the solid start-to-finish story arc and more linear progression of D2.

D4’s open world did grow on me, though.

I think I would like D4 more if it was purely a linear story and progression like D2. And then once you beat that, then you unlock all the side quest, open world, and seasonal stuff and play that until your heart’s content. (That’s about the time players like me close the game and play other stuff, and players like you keep going.)

And since some/many players prefer all the open world distractions and freedoms from the start, just make ‘campaign + open world’ gameplay a toggle option at start of game and/or from a menu. Everyone wins.

I ‘beat’ D4 earlier this year, but have been distracted by BG3 for months so can’t remember all the details. As you know or would hopefully assume by now, the game just keeps going with seasons and open world adventures… so the main story ‘ending’ felt a little anti-climactic to me. A blurry finish line, as it quickly transitions to open world to-do lists and such. I stopped playing 30 minutes after “finishing” the game, because a linear story arc/progression is all I really want or need in a Diablo game. I did the same with D3.

If I want open world, I play GTA or RDR. Maybe Diablo is trying to pivot to that or some semblance of that, but so far, it hasn’t grabbed my attention. I still prefer the D2 way, which is why I’d like the option at the start… where I’d get to play a nicely choreographed campaign and then bail… and leave the other stuff to all the other players who like Diablo open world/seasons


Is a game not a series of tasks?

The game itself has an end. That would be the campaign. Anything beyond that is up to the player when to stop. You’re given a choice when to stop playing, the developers don’t make that decision for you. So they give you a lot of ‘tasks’ to complete. If you get bored of these tasks either due to their implementation, repetition, or any other reason, it may be time to take a break.

If the next big patch interests you, come on back, if not, well there’s always other games to play.

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Or tasks to do.

20 characters

I love the forums and reading where topics go.

Years ago I was a Clan Leader and had forums for Battlefield 2.

We ran our servers and websites without little interruption other than a patch, lol and patching was way different then. Also, BF2 was PC only and no campaign. BF2 or EA taught me, our stats and progression mean nothing. They can pull the cord at any time with your stats.

Back to D4, the forums are the same but clan lead forums bring solutions without disrespect.

It’s a joy reading the comments and other assumptions with their opinions.

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I miss Bad Company 2 and wish EA would do a new BF game like that rather than what they’ve been doing with BF games the past 13 years

I have been playing since launch, and mostly Barbarian, I have yet to ‘beat the game’ myself. I have yet to kill Lilith or most of the Tormented Bosses (I did get 1). I play solo.

I never went after Lilith as I despise 1-shot death mechanics; I find them cheap. I heard she is easier now and a little more forgiving, but never gave it a go.

I’m satisfied though. I just play my own builds and don’t follow online ubre-meta builds.

The credits are hidden behind the main campaign. I seen em.

Work on gear for an S tier build for 100 hours and you’ll have no trouble beating Lilith, or any of the ubers really.

I played about 2-3 days on my heartseeker Rogue before attempting her, and I downed her in the first try.

To me, this is the season of many-builds. You have time to get all characters to 100, try multiple builds, find the one you like most, push it to your limit (when finding an upgrade takes insane luck over weeks of play), and then quit till next season.

Being able to play multiple characters to 100 and try many builds made the game fun for me.