Can we PLEASE get some information on all of the latency issues and rubberbanding?!

So many people, myself included are furious that after an alpha test, beta test, and TWO server slams there is still ping spikes and rubberbanding. Its not my pc or my internet, otherwise it wouldent be happening to what seems like thousands of other players yet using a VPN seems to help? I spent 100$ on this and the game is litterally unplayable for me now because my ping spikes to 1000+ every few mintues, it gets me killed constantly, I cant finish the main story, but above all what makes me the most upset is that Blizzard hasnt said ANYTHING about it. No mention of the issue though so many players are having it, can I please have some information on whats going on to fix this, its driving me nuts.


Having the same issues here.


You’re not alone, my series x plays every other game seamlessly on my internet connection but Blizzard had to make it an online only game knowing good and well they would have high server demand. They’ve realistically got billions in revenue but are concerned with people getting to play it without paying and the result is a game that doesn’t even function.


Activision/Blizzard is too busy swimming around in all the money they made this week to be bothered with helping the peasants.


Wait you only have these spikes every other minute?
For me the game runs fine 5% of the time with 35ms but after a while the latency goes up to 1000-2000ms and stays their.
Also the game creates so much network traffic i can’t even load a youtube video at the same time. Something is realy wrong with the client.

I installed the high-resolution assets, so far i had no more lag, hope this fixed it.


Man thats rough, for me its every minute or two I rubberband for about 10-20 seconds until the game catches up. Ive noticed its the worst like in later hours, around 3 am to noon or so.


Same, UK Virgin internet. Since 6th june…

They already got the money and the premature reviews.

I’ve already reach out to reviewers to give a 2nd opinion.

These people are too greedy.


Same here, rubberbanding every 20 seconds, game is unplayable. Quite disappointing.


I’m on Virgin Media too, noticed some server lag on Tuesday and one DC yesterday. Other than that, gameplay for me is just as smooth as it was since prelaunch last Friday.

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I can’t even have a proper gaming session. I only stay connected around 5 to 7 minutes at a time. Can’t even complete dungeons at this rate.


Hey guys, wanted to give you an update. I got so sick of not being able to play so I decided to get a VPN and it COMPLETELY worked. What this tells me is this entire issue is because the auto server select Blizzard uses is so trash its probably connecting you somewhere way out of bounds from where you actually are, this would also explain why it gets the worst for me around midnight to 10am, probably connecting me to an EU server or something. This would be such a simple fix by just letting us pick which server we connect to which its mind boggling why this wasnt a thing in the first place. Please share and blow this up so blizzard can fix this stupid issue.


lag trying to just log in period and when i can get logged in i am having same as every one else

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I died 3x trying to just run through the zones with the helltide event and lost so many shards. It’s incredibly frustrating to be dismounted constantly because of the lag and freezing.

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Agreed. My PS5 is wired to fiber optic and I know that my connection is stable. All was fine till yesterday. Since then I can play maybe 15-30 minutes and then I start getting horrible lag and rubber banding. Game is unplayable at this point and I am assuming that it is all due to overloaded servers. I have been waiting on a tweet from Blizzard to explain this but still nothing.

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Agreed i’m in dungeons and Cellars and an getting rubberbanded to death, thankfully im not playing hardcore but this is crazy.

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Agreed. My latency is so bad I haven’t been able to play at all. My hero is level 8 and I’ve had the game since launch. I have done everything listed on every internet site to address latency issues and nothing has helped. I can get my fps up to 125 but latency stays in the 300-1000 range at all times.

The only thing I haven’t tried is a VPN. Never done that and not really sure how, but I guess I’ll look it up. I wonder if it’s because Blizzard has me connected to some server in antartica when I’m based in Seattle.

Does anyone have any advice or knowledge on how to set up a VPN for this?

If this doesn’t get fixed in the next few days I’m going to have to return the game and I’ve been so excited to play.

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Same issue, game has run almost flawlessly for me until the server crashed the other day. been nothing bug lag and rubberbanding since. cant play more than like 20 mins before i just give up because basic mobs roll me because of the skill delay and inability to react in a timely manner because of the lag.


My impression is that any VPN worth having is going to cost money. That should not be a requirement for a game I just paid almost $100 for. I think Blizzard needs to say something about these issues and tell us how they are planning on fixing it.


Also having large amount of rubber banding and kicks from party. In the midwest of USA. Unsure which data center we would be connected to. Two players on PC. In my home. Anyone know if there is a server cluster in Chicago? Dallas?

Maybe some DLC to enable local peer to peer mode like the original D2?