Can we please get gauntlet for eternal realm?

If they can separate hardcore and not I can’t imagine why eternal couldn’t be separated out. Not that I’m ever likely to play eternal I feel it should be an option.

Okay. You’re a new player and you want to try Diablo IV but you don’t like the theme or would just, for whatever reason want try the game first without the seasonal powers. Totally valid, maybe If I didn’t join during season 1 I would have done the same for season 3 because the pet isn’t spectacular.

That player wouldn’t be upset that there’s something for them to compete in WEEKLY when they finally reach level 100 and would rather appreciate that the game doesn’t die for their character right there and then. It’d be a drop of endgame content in the desert that is eternal for players currently.

{The leaderboards reset every Tuesday btw. Eternal will exist for years presumably?}

You don’t have to understand it, you paid for a game that is based around seasonal content updates.

If you don’t like seasons then you’ve bought the wrong game dude.



Eternal should always get the same content and provided seasonal content after each season. It should be equal to season servers in terms of content. Battle pass/season pass is the only reason to play seasons and that should remain that way.

Dont force new players or returning to always play seasons. Make both versions fun.


I’m gonna go with the unpopular opinion here and agree with the OP on this one. It wouldn’t hurt me in the least if Eternal Realm got the Gauntlets with their own leaderboards that reset every week like we’ll have in Seasonal. Treat it like the singular GRift run they have in D3 that gives your main character a cache of goodies upon completion.

Even if you don’t add the leaderboards the gauntlets could at least be thrown in. I don’t see how a leaderboard would hurt though. Oh sure you could say newer players will have a disadvantage toward veterans, but that’s always the case. Not to mention it resets weekly, giving people plenty of time to gear up and try it when they’re ready.

You figure player 1 is already level 100, geared to the 9’s, enjoys the gauntlet and places on the LB. Player 2, brand new to the game is just worried about leveling up and figuring out how the game works. A couple of weeks later to a month go by, the new player can try their luck in that weeks gauntlet. Win/win.

Yea I don’t see an issue with this suggestion. I understand the game is centered around seasons and seasonal content, but speaking as a seasonal only player myself, Eternal Realm having this option wouldn’t bother me in the slightest.

+1 for you OP. :+1:


We all expected more out of the game. While we know the reasons for why the game is lackluster right now it doesn’t excuse the company, or any AAA Shareholder Gaming Studio from delivering a half baked product and asking the customers to just wait it out. All we can hope is that people will learn from this experience and maybe think twice before buying from a well known studio that was known for awesome games, but is clearly on the decline.

From the campfire/live streams you can see the passion of some of the developers (not all) and it feels like they genuinely want to make the game better. Meanwhile others just look like they are there for the paycheck and they’re just reading a teleprompter.

Sadly at this point all we can do is wait, which sucks, but hey lesson learned.

It is a worthless try at some end game. ? why would you want it? A NM 70 is easy for anyone at 100.

I am tired of 1 post people. just junk.

Thing is, I got my money’s worth 10-fold. I give this game a 9 overall.
I can also objectively state that the amount of things for Eternal Realm toons to do is galactically stupid.

The two aren’t mutually exclusive. Mind you, I agree with you in terms of expectations. They have the framework from D3 to have had this problem solved. ER players don’t have to be bored.

People don’t have a month to gear up a toon every time a season drops. Hell, I do, but I was annoyed going in and moreso now that we’ve seen Gauntlet will be Seasonal only. According to Blizzard by their inactivity: if you play ER, we don’t care. As another poster alluded to, once you run out of new classes to play, are you really going to want to wind up creating 17 decked out toons of the same class over the years?

All we can do is wait indeed. But they aren’t getting any more money from me on this IP until there is something for me to do. Not even the measly $10 for cosmetics.

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People like you are why I left Reddit. Congrats on being my first block in a very long time!

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I met quite alot of people in sanctuary that just throw on skills and fully fill their paragon boards for all the +5 nodes slapping on any gear they pick up at 100 and they die in 40’s.

There are people who cant clear more than 80 at times.

He was just pointing out the OP is a one post and done type.

So we’re likely responding to someone that’s not listening.

So actually trying to give you a heads up about that and you block him… lol

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We don’t agree, and if you read his posts again, you might see why. More than that isn’t worth my time.

simple…put it on eternal w/out leaderboards. No one cares then.

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Completely agree with you, I too have definitely gotten my money’s worth. In terms of a score overall, I’d give it a solid 4 with room to improve. Now the reason I give this scoring is not for the amount I’ve played, as I’ve played hundreds of hours, but for objectively looking at it and seeing what it currently offers, what the competition offers, and the time in which updates are coming out for even the most simple of features, let alone beefier content so to speak.

I enjoy the game when a new season hits, but it’s not keeping my interest beyond the seasonal objectives, and I personally don’t feel compelled to make more then 1 character per season. I feel more seasonal crossover is needed for alternate characters, meaning I shouldn’t have to find all the little stones for Johnny 5 on an alternate character, just as an example.

I can completely understand that point of view, I don’t share it mind you, but I get it. When Seasons started to get more interesting for D3 I began to play again, and I only made seasonal characters. With all the changes over the years, new sets coming out, changes to existing items, etc. there was almost always something new to try each season for me. Again going back to 1 character per season for me, it was great.

I know D3 bad, bla bla, but hey I enjoyed it for the time. My point is I didn’t mind doing this, I enjoyed it, and I rebirthed my Demon Hunter and Necromancer many times over the years. It didn’t bother me in the slightest that their items were thrown to the eternal realm so to speak, I’d never touch them again. To each their own though, so I get it, I just don’t share the same opinion.

I haven’t spent a dime since my initial purchase. I also plan to wait it out when the expansion hits, see what the initial problems are, and possibly wait for a sale. As of this moment it would take a lot for me to want to pre-order or purchase it on day 1. I have no problem waiting it out, as all I’ll be missing is a few extra cosmetics and a title or two from the free battle pass (as I don’t pay for battle passes either).

I have no issue with the suggestion either. It wouldn’t harm seasonal in the least and give players who aren’t interested in releveling a character for the tenth time something to do in game. It’s a win for everyone, but unfortunately the stubborn brigade thinks ARPGs should remain stuck in the past and will always fight change. Look how much pushback there was to WASD before it was finally added to the game.

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There actually is an eternal realm. Just because you aren’t good enough to play without seasonal buffs and have so little going on that starting all over appeals to you, doesn’t mean everyone else does.

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Almost no one agrees with you. Have fun playing a dead game in 2 seasons.

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I would love Gauntlet on Eternal Realm. Just get rid of the leaderboard. I just want a place to test out my builds. Not to mention it’s the perfect place to try out meme builds even if they’re not efficient.

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To be honest they could throw eternal a bone here. I don’t play it myself but I can’t see the harm in giving them something like the Gauntlet to enrich the experience just a little.