Can we please get gauntlet for eternal realm?

I really don’t understand the reasoning behind making gauntlet only seasonal. Eternal will probably be less fluid than seasonal. However, with patches and game balance changes there is still opportunity to try different builds/strategies. I was very interested in trying this content as it was new endgame content. Im sure im not alone in that i dont necessarily have time to commit to always commit to seasonal content but have a chars in eternal that I would like to test out in the gauntlet.

I would have been participating in this feature had it been in eternal. However, seasonal only makes it unusable.


What would level the playing field between a player that started at launch and a player that started just recently? A player that started at launch has had so much more time to refine their gear. At least in Seasonal, the players are far closer in refinement than Eternal.

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Eternal Realm is where you send your characters to die. This game is lost, well at least the folks running it. I put this game down weeks ago, it is trash boring. I have repeated the same thing four times now. Next season will be the necro, after that the game likely will be deleted until XPAC and even that may not bring me back. How they made this game with out a Knight Class, they did it my mere laziness cause why would they want shields in such a game.

This is a joke… I must wait until 4-16 to play this game again… Gauntlet will be just for the sweats, the streamers, again not for the casual.


The leaderboards would just be separated between seasonal and eternal, not that hard.


That doesn’t answer the question. Of course they’d keep the 2 realms separate. The question was for Eternal players only. Player 1 started in Eternal day 1 of launch. Player 2 started 3 weeks ago and clearly at a disadvantage. What would be implemented to keep it somewhat fair between these 2 hypothetical players? In Seasonal, no player will compete against another player with that much time difference to acquire gear.

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that is true. by the logic many people apply here, itd be extremely unfair for someone who recently started playing eternal, to compete with an eternal player that has every uber, and absolutely maxed gear, cause he played since day 1.

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Are you suggesting the reason that Eternal should forever remain a content-less graveyard for almost every active player in the game, is because there might be new players who’ve decided to make their first character NOT on the seasonal realm, but on the eternal realm?

Also, this season has been out since Janurary 23rd. Player 2 deciding to pick up this game after hearing about the gauntlet would be CLEARLY at a disadvantage (many people have their ubers already), I guess we should cancel the content update then lmao

The answer is NOTHING should be implemented to keep it “fair”. Time played is an absurd reason not to add content to the game.


Go play last epoch if no time for seasonal contents. There is no eternal realm from blizzard.

I am not suggesting that. There should be endgame content for both realms. Just nothing competitive. Would you be fine with the Gauntlet without the Leaderboard? That would be endgame content.

Player 2 can wait til Season 4 for a better chance at a fair competition. What would give the same chance for Player 2 in eternal?

Yet this is the very thing ALL ARPG’s do to keep it fair. They reset. Until a better solution comes up, just saying who cares will most likely be the reason most wouldn’t bother. You have to keep it somewhat fair. Otherwise you end up with more rage than you already are seeing when it pertains to Uber Uniques currently happening.

I mean, god forbid If I want to try out the new gauntlet without leveling a necro to 100 again for the 4th or 5th time. It might make a fresh, brand new character on eternal feel smol.

There won’t be fairness for the current seasonal realm with the amount of duping that’s persisted throughout seasons and the amount of time that has already passed this season. Whose interests do you think are being protected by advocating for our eternal characters having nothing new to do? The leaderboard would be shelved characters competing against each other. Veterans will always have in advantage in any game.

I’ll ask again then. Would it be acceptable to have the Gauntlet in eternal, without the Leaderboard? You’d still get the content, but no one would feel like they have to compete with someone who’s had a character to develop for a year longer.

That’s something that eventually can be fixed. In eternal though, it can’t happen. As there are no resets.

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I personally don’t care about the leaderboard, since I don’t buy my mats and thus have every Uber in the game. Only takes a couple weeks to get your gear anyways, the ceiling is not that high for gearing up in D4 outside of ubers so time played doesn’t matter to me.

The OP was specifically regarding the gauntlet and not the leaderboard. Even if they did have the leaderboard, I don’t see the problem with it because realistically the only people competing on that leaderboard would be characters from previous seasons.

Overall though I just want to be able to do something else with my eternal characters besides stare at them at the selection screen.

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I think it would be reasonable to assume you wanted Leaderboards included, as you didn’t specifically say “without the Leaderboards”.

Then why not play Seasonal?

There is nothing wrong with that. Hopefully, you’ll get something.

Just make a character in seasonal if you want to play it.
Get power leveled to 100 by asking in trade chat. Someone will do it. There is a very needy Barb out there waiting to show you how he can one shot everything. :hamster: :popcorn:

I responded to you saying that the reason why we shouldn’t have the gauntlet in eternal realm is because leaderboards and I’m saying that it wouldn’t be an issue for the people who would play the gauntlet on the eternal realm which would be people who’ve not had new content for their shelved 100’s for a while now.

I think the misunderstanding here this is: I don’t that believe this person who started playing diablo for the first time a couple weeks ago but did it on the eternal realm instead of seasonal, with aims of competing with people’s shelved lv100’s exists. Thus I don’t understand who/what you’re trying to advocate for.

But hey, If they never add it, you’ll be right and myself wrong I guess. Seems like an easy way to make their active players happy. I’m sure many people would be interested in seeing how new content feels without seasonal powers when they don’t like/get tired of the theme or get burnt out from getting caught in the malphas grind (which they don’t have to).

Dude everybody who doesnt play casual gets completely geared in three days max of season start… your almost talking like this game has any kind of depth or somthing lol it doesnt and anyone can do any content in this game because it is the most casual friendly arpg on the market

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How would a seasonal character with pet buffs do worst then an eternal character lol? Trick question, it doesnt

Are you claiming that every Eternal player has only played since launch. That there are absolutely no new players in Eternal?

That’s not what I am saying. I am saying anything with competition to it, has to have some sort of fairness at play. Take for instance, the static dungeons and seasonal resets. If Dreamsxare simply just wants the Gauntlet without the Leaderboard, it could have been mentioned in the original post to avoid confusion.

The gauntlet is an illusion of depth… we will see how the forums react to this “new content” tomorrow when everybody quits after an hour of comming back lol!

A weekly reset mite bring players too the store once a week if they arent bored out of their mind from playing this “new content” and if thats what they thought was gonna work they should have done alot better LOL