Can Frozen Orb get a proper buff, please?

+1 for Sarah. Legendary singer.

firebolt sorc isnt even good.

the best sorc build…which is immune to damage, is still terrible. BiS gear, its still 15+ pts levels below necro, barb and rogue

it’s insanely hard to build too: you need 2x uber uniques and 12/12 perfectly enchanted/master worked/tempered gear or no worky. barbs, necros, and rogues don’t need this level of equipment for their builds. FB sorc also sucks in everything out side of the pit. it’s super niche. so ya, i expect it to be nerfed soon ™. only reason i am still playing it is b/c it wrecks bosses super quick instead of having to spend 8 mins blizzarding them down.

It’s Rogue actually. Heartseeker proves it. Weak core skills, weak imbues, weak traps, trash ultimates, key passives poorly designed, 2 out of 3 specializations are trash.

Oh my god this is very serious, wtf I ignored that…
It means that almost all legendary parangon nodes that nearly everyone uses are just not working…

And yet dumbass on this thread come to tell us “it’s fiiiiiiiiine”

Are you stupid ? Do you ignore the difference between a multiplication and an addition ? Did you do elementary school ? It’s an insane loss, probably explaining how we struggle on every boss.

How can this happend ? Most of this bug should have to be present since launch. That’s terrific. Where are the unit tests Blizzard team ? It should never have passed test builds.

I heard they just cant kill boss. Immune to damage doesnt work if boss kills take 15 min! Yikers. I am going for the fireshield winterglass one since Ineed help with one shots. I will be cool if I can just do 80s.

Dumbest answer i ever seen.

Maths ? Who Cares ? What’s the diff between 110,000 and 100,100 ? There are the same digits in those numbers, that’s the same thing ! :thinking:

I don’t know… Maybe it’s LESS fun to just optimise and work HARD on your stuff to discover that your class absolutely doesn’t work, and that you did everything for no result ?

The continued sorcerer neglect keeps causing me to quit the seasons. I tried out necro and barb. Barb was fun, but minion necro was kind of boring. Sorcerer can be such a fun class, but it continues to be disappointing that other classes hit for hundreds of millions or billions and sorc with top gear can maybe get to 10 million. Sorcerer also has horrible legendary nodes compared to other classes.

Someone on teh design team needs to seriously look at why sorcerer continues to have scaling issues compared to other classes. And it’s not just gear slots because necros have typically had builds that hit like a truck. I also think it’s nearly impossible to balance barb with 4 weapon slots, especially with tempering and master working added to the mix. That much extra power is very difficult to compete with.


I recently rolled my first sorc due to a lucky GA starless drop. I main necro and have played one to 100 s0-now.

I haven’t spent a whole lot of time on sorc yet (and honestly probably won’t, just wanted to check out starless on a class that actually has resource issues) but I feel like sorc just has to spread out in too many directions. I feel like I need to use fire to apply burning for mana regen, ice for chill and vuln, (so many ways to stack vuln dmg on sorc, barely a concern on a necro for most builds) AND lightning for tal rasha’s and elementalist procs. Also, it’s pretty unclear how exactly some things work (par for the course on all classes here). Like when you use fire bolt as an enchant, does that mean all skill damage has x portion applied as burning, or what? Is it limited to specific skills? Hard to tell when trash mobs just melt and boss lifebars only indicate stagger and vuln.

Why is incinerate absurdly OP until like level 75? Lol.

Anyhow, my whole reply is basically cuz you mentioned necro builds hitting like a truck, and gear slots.

A lot of necro builds are highly focused skill, paragon, and aspect-wise.


Shadowblight. You can apply shadow dmg in so many ways. Blight ticks shadow, BCE ticks shadow, mages spew shadow, you can add shadow dot to blood mist, bone prison, skele warriors and bone storm (+golem if you spec dark bonestorm). Hell, you can even make iron maiden do shadow dmg if you wanted to waste an aspect on it. (actually alright with blood moon) You can have every single skill on your bar doing one ‘element’ of damage, with a key passive that works with every single skill that does shadow dmg.

Bone Spear is different, in that you basically just maximize crit, vuln, resource max/regen, +dmg and +to anything bone

No real comment on blood cuz I just don’t ‘get’ overpower. Lol.

Anyhow, what I’m getting at is that necro seems to have more ways to push into a single damage type while adding a bunch of utility to that damage type

Maybe I’m just looking at sorc all wrong though.

1 133 14:19:00 Morana Rogue SC Heartseeker Link
2 132 12:29:00 Mekuna Sorcerer SC Firekuna Link
3 132 13:25:00 DoNotHitMe Barbarian SC Thorns Link

They should have kept Paladin in for D4 rather than dropping a squishy Sorcerer into a game that is clearly designed for melee range combat. At least Necromancer has a number of meat shields with summons. Sorc gets nothing but defense on cooldowns and then they nerfed cooldown reduction. The dev team is clueless. They should just remove it.

1 Like

Immortal sorc perma flame shield

I’m waiting for single target dmg to be addressed now…

It should be a simple matter to allow bosses to be “chilled” but not apply any movement or attack speed penalties.

Allowing cold sorc DR to be active on bosses would ease a huge pain point.

I think the Control Aspect can be buff by double damage on boss, also the Stormwell. If Blizzard want to buff sorcerer, most likely they will just increase the damage of Frigid Fate to double value. But I not prefer the buff but rather they nerf barbarian and reduce the hp of PIT mobs. The game will be so strange if sorcerer damage increase to the damage of Bash barb or Necro Golem, a Ice spike build which with 40millions per ticks with 50 spikes on the ground at any time? It is going to be so many zeros on my screen. I am not playing a Diablo release by Donald Trump which everyone doing billion damage to mobs with trillions HP. This kind of game shall be called Diabillions 4, and played by mostly Japanese players who used to the billions zero in their currency :grimacing:

Just nerf all the outlier and the mob HP and bring every skills of each class to the same level will be a better solution.

I’ve repurposed the post. I think FO really needs a big buff.

IT was too good in PTR as ppl were getting 30 conjures but it got nerfed too hard.

Every skill is op until level 75.

Blizzard nerf dust devil also and no barb is using it, they just forgot to fix the bash cleave bug. Having one skill do more damage than other skill in same class is just force everyone use it like the ball lightning in Season 2. It does not help in making build variety. The moment Frozen orb out damage than other skill then we will see a lot thread about chain lightning need buff, charge bolt weak, firewall need buff… It is just never ending.

“who cares? you are enjoying it”… Why you think he is opening a topic in forums them?

"so yea, sorcs aren’t really in an atrocious state. are they the strongest class in s4? most likely not. is that an issue? no. … Its a fact its a build that underperforms but is that an issue ? No … Let me guess? Its not an issue because you say so right ?

I haven’t played sorc since the open beta so I can not comment on the issues the class has.

I did, however, want to commend you for the quality of your post - it’s well thought-out, formatted for clarity, uses very good grammar and is formulated eloquently.

I’m not gonna lie, I actually had to google two of the words you used in the post. (Don’t @me, english is not my first language.)

With all the junk running around the internet, all the horrible formatting and grammar, it really was refreshing to read a text of this quality.