Can Frozen Orb get a proper buff, please?

I always thought that it was automatically set to Private and you had to physically change it to Public

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did anyone really a year later after a loot re-work expect the first live pit to be perfect or balanced? Just saying i think even the most optimistic person in the fan base would know better.

Is mine Private? I never set anything on it, just my own privacy settings.
The large majority of profiles I bother to look at are not Privateā€¦just a few that tend to have a similar pattern to their posts. I may be wrong if you say mine is private too. :stuck_out_tongue: Also possible that I donā€™t really look at profiles. so that may have skewed my view of it.

As far as I know you need to mark them privateā€¦and like I said it only shows post history so not sure why anyone would care to do it.

There is also BNET security settings and they may play into inheritied features for the forums depending on how strictly you have them set, my BNET settings are fairly strict.

On the OW forums the common understanding was the ā€œprivateā€ accounts were kids whose parents had parental controls set on their accounts because they had previously gotten into conflicts with others due to them running their mouths too much. And it was a plausible explanationā€¦though probably more of a joke. :joy:

Wasnā€™t the PTRā€™s purpose to solve that issue?

This game had balance issues since day one. I wish I could understand better whatā€™s happening internally. Maybe just the structure of the game in terms of code that is so hard for them to figure this one out ā€¦ Or just want to see the community divided :slight_smile:

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Ice Blade works well against Unstoppable enemies (The most dangerous enemies for crowed control build)

Ice blade hit reduces cooldown of itself and other skills. Quickly spam ice blade also trigger Conjurer Mastery to 12 conjurations in few seconds.

i see sorc doing 116 pit, this is not some kind of a joke difficuty

stop being a drama queen

sorc is a speed class with teleports and pit is not a content for speed clear

if you wanna go zoomer, go to trials

once again. if you wanna complain, than ask them to make hydra viable ; - )

I was half jokingly saying what i said. But the track record since launch, this is nothing new, so i never bother having expectations of perfect balance etc in endgame, even more so after the re-work, since it was very specific to loot, and the systems all work together so it will take time to sort it out, As for going deeper than that, unless you work there, you will never know. But there is a very corporate industry flavor to the game, that is holding it back, until that changes i never expect it to be as great as it could be, just becasue that is what happens in big studios across the board these days. With exceptions of course, but alot of the big hitters are falling short for a reason.

But as always you get graphics, sound and mtx shops that do not disappoint. and for some that is enough i guess. I can easily turn my brain off and enjoy the best looking and sounding arpg currently on the market in the isometric genre. so it can be addictive enough sometimes, but i crave more,so it never holds for me.

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try doing this

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Very good reply. And yes, great graphics and feeling of the game. I wish one day some whistleblower comes out and tells the story of the internal bli$$ drama. I bet itā€™s a lot of it. I also hope the corporate culture just goes extinct. Ppl should not work in those environments.

Yeah, i mean if you have been around long enough you get a sense of things, but that also means for big studios i am no longer the target audience, and there lies the problem targeted entertainment If they just make a great game, many people would enjoy it, but people in these companies and even smaller ones, block creatives from doing there job and creating and making games. Yeah i am sure its not all roses.

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Iā€™ll snitch because I know a decent amount about game dev.

There are a few coders artists and misc that do essential legit work. Then there are endless amounts of useless eaters. The people that do the actual work try to go about their business and just ignore the corporate bloat. Donā€™t let anyone fool you though if you do legit asset creation work at a AAA company you are basically unfireable unless you act a complete fool. People with the skills needed to make AAA games are incredibly hard to find and train. You just have to be able to stomach someone making 5x what you do for no effort.

There is a national shortage of tradeskill people because everyone majored in English or interpretive dance. Video game dev is no different.

Iyour comments shows you do not understand sorc at all

  1. The immortal build should not exist
  2. The gear requirement for immortal keeps 99% sorc players away

Omg, Don Vu. Iā€™m pretty sure he was responsible for the Monk too? Or is my memory playing tricks with me? Either way, he was a trash bag like most on that team. Except John Yang, of course.

What pit leaderboards? There are no official pit leaderboards.

Oh I see, you mean the leaderboard that previously banned cheater Wudijo hosted?

Yeah I wouldnā€™t believe in the integrity of those ā€œleaderboardsā€ at all.

He in fact, was. You recall right. He did Monks and Wizards. In fairness to the man, his idea of fun seemed to be frenetic button mashing. and tedious mechanics, and he wasnā€™t alone in designing monks and wizards.

AFAIK, Diablo 3 had one, and his name is Don Vu. I wouldnā€™t be surprised if there is one for D4. Further, the game shows common traits of siloed-ness within the dev team, imbalance being one of them.

we need this fixed and also a few buffsā€¦

Im late to reply, but this is a great point. When i first started playing, i was asking a friend of mine why a class would have two sets of mana spending ā€˜spammablesā€™.

Never did make sense.

I always have fun on my sorc Blizz alt. If I want to stomp around then I jump back on my necro.
This season I think I will try the heartseeker rogue.

seems like they still cant calculate dmg
sorc is a joke and will always be
d4 bad , poe will safe us soon