Can Frozen Orb get a proper buff, please?

Why do you people need to ruin everything, here I made a sorc and was going to have fun. Now you made me depressed. Jokes aside, what are good builds for pushing the pit?

I want a pop up every 24 hours with the latest problematic tweet from JK Rowling and a voice over that says ā€œyer a wizard harryā€

Immortal Firebolt with Flameshield (fair warning, the gear requirements are high), Frozen Orb with Fractured Winterglass, and Blizzard Ice Spikes.

Spikes is the easiest to get started with.

I believe the highest Sorc clear on pit is 117 right now. Which is really good. Many builds can get to pit 100 currently

Skeletal mages lol :smiley:

God I hope itā€™s not Don Vu. He was in charge of the sorc class in d3 and made a complete dogā€™s breakfast out of it. Absolutely incompetent.

I was hoping with the experience of D3 before he would be okay for D4.

I see heā€™s working on d4 now. I guess we know what heā€™s working on, and that he hasnā€™t learned anything from d3.

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two diablos and still not an ability that takes down a flat % of a bossā€™ health with every cast

Itā€™s truly astounding how bad sorc defensive manuals are. There are Protection, Mana Shield and Electrocution, but the developer team is like ā€œNah, you get Cold Front and Warmth.ā€


Donā€™t answer to him. He is getting paid to troll ppl on this forum. He has no idea on how it feels to play sorc class, but loves to vent his mouth.

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Exactly. We need to identify these ppl and make others aware. Donā€™t ever take them seriously!


I didnā€™t read your full post but I will say I agree from that sentence I quoted. The ONE time sorc dominated was a couple seasons ago with Ball Lighting spec which wrecked. But before that, Sorc was bottom barrel and after that is still bottom barrel.

IMO I think the reason they keep making Sorc suck is because of D2 and how that is the dominate class (because of teleport). Unless you can make an enigma. But, yeah. In D3 I think it was pretty powerful too, although iirc the OP class did change each season too like it does now. Except now they really donā€™t want sorc to do good.

You can just block anyone who is trolling in your opinion, you will never hear from them again.

A good sign there is some issue with them, is their accounts are generally private. Why would you even need to do that? All the profile shows is your post history. Everything personal is controlled by each userā€™s privacy settings.

The way to block a private account is copy their bnet tag from the URL (number and all)
And then go to your own page, Preferences/Users and then add them to the blocked user box.
Then the rest is discipline on your part to not open the hidden messages. :stuck_out_tongue:

Now enjoy the forums.

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You want to let others know their opinion is not valid or there are other reasons for it.

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imo sorc design is scuffed literally from pre season. Only 1 fun build - FO and it is incredibly weak.
But itā€™s kinda hard to balance game where some of your classes have way more weapon slots than others.

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Iā€™m not sure what you are asking.

I block people who canā€™t be civil or do nothing but attack people, I generally stick to talking about the game, and with people who do the same.

I was just letting you know how to block an account that is marked private so you donā€™t need to deal with their trolling.

I donā€™t care enough about jerks on the internet to block them. To say I donā€™t care what other people think would be incorrect, but you would be surprised about how little I care about certain things.

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well i have literally 30 or smthing dudes in my block list and the only reason for blocking them that they are d3 fanbois who are lacking common sense. I can strongly recommend anyone to do the same thing. No point to even argue with them.
I donā€™t care about trolling at all.

And that is fine if it works for you, the user I replied to seems irritated, to say the least, by a certain userā€™s posts

Witchunts are not actually promoted by the COC.

So I let him know the options every user has to make their own forum experience, enjoyable.

As for me, if someone adds nothing to the discussion that is fine, but if they are offensive on top of thatā€¦cya. They will never add anything to my experience.

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I am not asking anything. I agree with you.

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They donā€™t have you as a coder for them

When is your AAA title coming out to put D4 to shame