Can Frozen Orb get a proper buff, please?

Vulnerable aspect multipliers are bugged too. Only multiplies vulnerable damage stat which is capped.

Example you vulnerable damage is at 150%
You have an aspect that gives 30%(X) vulnerable damage.
You now have a bonus vulnerable damage of 195%.
Oh and by the why we are now past the cap so now that’s just additive damage.

Sorc is so broken.


s2 ballz sorc was the best. That bar will never be broken of how fun op that was. I still remember killing the ice beast before he even landed on spawn in hahah so funny!

The class is cookie cutter because they have 27 damage skills, very little utility, and what they do have is practically mandatory. The only “balance” the class possesses is due to this nature.

It’s always been the top of my list for class reworks. Has promise, but things don’t come together as well as it should.

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Not much being said here about the defensive options for Sorceress. Do you guys enjoy stacking HP and Dodge in Season 4? Because that’s all you got now that dmg reduction is off the table on gear and Tempering gives you next to no options.

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erm… wut?

Cries in melee Druid :cry:

This shows that the class was poorly designed from the ground up without any deep thoughts on survivability.
The devs just strike me as headless chickens at this point.
No vision, no technical aptitude, and no analytical capabilities.
Just riding on the coattails of old-school ACTUAL devs and selling a less-than-half-baked product for 70 bucks.


Do you even read, troll? On all those recipes, where are the defensive options?

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to be honest, is that not the case for pretty much every classes?

barb almost always have berserker + 2 or 3 shouts

necro almost always have bloodmist + tendril

sorc always have at least flameshield and teleport

druids, druids are actually quite versatile in terms of defensives, now that i think about it lol

i dont play rogue so no comment from me

but yeah, every class got a few skills that you are practically stuck with for every single different build, i dont think thats a very good point

Actually, I’ve seen a Wudi double swing barb that ran without any shouts or WoTB; I think it was a speed progression build, however.

I think MacroBioBoi’s currently meta shadow-summoner build does not use mist.

I think for sorc, flame and ice shields are…pretty much mandatory.
I agree with another poster above.
At least let teleport NOT count as a defensive skill, given that there are passives that interact with how many defensive skills you have on the bar.
I’d say teleport is quite agnostic, since it can be used offensively as well.

he uses blight right? its either that or blight almost no other options at the moment

most people who dont have his kind of gear will simply choose mist just to stay alive and dont get 1 shot randomly :frowning:

Yea, if we talk a bit more broadly, I cannot deny that just about every class has a limited pool of options…especially the Sorc.
"Play your way"™



They are the worst class by a significant margin due to multiple bugs.

How is that not an atrocious state? It’s not enjoyable to not be able to compete on content due to to bugs that have been reported for months.

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I swear the passive skill that increases your chill effect actually lowers it.


Don’t mind the troll. He doesn’t understand the game, I doubt he even plays it. He’s 24/7 in the forums trolling.


Ahh, ok. Fair enough.

How is it not defensive?

Its very definition of defensive.


i think the mistake here is assuming there is a sorc class manager which i assure you, there is no such thing. lol. sorc will never ever be S tier again and blizzard will make sure of that. case in point, they nerfed the crap out of FO from PTR to live already: someone on the team really hates sorcs, that’s for sure.


Sorc need some love, in the current state if you want to complete most of the S4 content, playing sorc means… either you can’t or it’s gonna be close to impossible,even with perfect rolls and uber uniques.
I hope they buff frozen orb because from what i’v seen in PTR was fun as hell.

and the fact that they added a new affix that gives sorc +40 % if they DONT use them LMFAO