Camera Is Too Zoomed In

I agree its clearly a console setting allow pc players to zoom out


I agree, it’s way too zoomed in. Please have option to zoom out further.

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Bumping for camera distance justice.

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Please allow to zoom out further, it’s too close at the moment.

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Please, increase max possible zoom out. I also dont like forced zoom-in in cities.

100% agreed, its way to zoomed in

it changes the max zoom to give you the fov intended for the content. for example when the world boss spawns the camera zooms way out. I think it’s fine.

I agree. It can be hard to comprehend what is happening around the character, especially in towns. Allowing us to zoom out a little further would make a big difference.

Looks like we need to get a 21:9 monitor to get a good view on sanctuary… I really hope the distance shown here is what we get in the final game, at least in some areas…


I agree entirely for out in the world and such, but in town it doesn’t bug me. Since we can zoom anyway, and obviously both an an outer zoom limit is already set via the world boss, and an inner via the existing zoom function, I don’t see why a toggle between say 3 zoom options, or even a sliding scale, would be difficult to implement.

To add, I have a feeling the current zoom is going to be even more of an issue on mounts. Going faster than we are while having so little screen to feed info to us about where we’re going will be a pain in the rear.

Yeah this is not good to go live with. At least let players force that aspect ratio on their own monitors so it’s not some P2W monitor game. Best solution is to just allow zooming out. Like, who cares, let’s do it.

Just have a wide screen monitor. You already have an advantage with that.

I constantly found myself trying to zoom out over and over, it’s just way too close atm.


They should keep widescreen the same as it is now, and allow people with regular resolutions to zoom out more.

This will reduce the advantage of widescreen while also satisfying the many people who want to zoom out more.

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I want the Diablo 2 Remastered camera distance because that is the perfect distance and gives plenty of viewing space around the character. The current camera view has to much of a claustrophobic feeling to it.


I thought the camera used to be more zoomed in.

I fully agree, it really sucks.

I agree, please let us zoom a bit more out. Thanks.

I’ve seen some videos online from past betas, it feels less zoomed than now. It also pans out some while mounted.

I can understand the feel they are going for to be up-close to combat and in town to show off the cosmetics people are gonna pay for and the ones they want to sell.

I believe that the option to be close or far should be at least available. It is a tad to close. 10-15% pull back in town and maybe 5-10% while out in the world would suffice and make this experience WAY more enjoyable.

I also found myself clicking on the bottom UI way more than I wanted to due to the fact that it felt like I just had no on screen real estate to move my character around due to the level of zoom, Mind you im on a 48inch LG OLED monitor, and the skill UI on the bottom feels entirely to big.

IM not sure if they made the character itself much larger, or the zoom is much more. Something about it just doesn’t feel right.

I have faith they can amend this and find a happy medium

Agreed 100%, it does feel too zoomed in. Found myself constantly scrolling my mouse wheel trying to zoom out…

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