Butcher news? Any info?

Anybody knows what gonna happen at 5.19.23 ??? Butcher event? New beta test?

Can you share a link to what you’re referring to? I have not seen it.

Its in twitter, you can check there

prolly some kfc thing

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lol yeah, nice name for a mass burger event tho :smiley:

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They are all (Blizz folks like Rod F. and PezRadar) in New York City, including some of the streamers who will be streaming tonight.

MrLLamaSC is there too. Not sure who else though.


I mean, if you ask me they should just keep the servers open until it launch day. Keep server slam restrictions. Let us all just stream and theory craft. C’monnnnn


Would be really nice!!

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its almost 7:30ET none of their streams are live?

I will be watching Rhykkers.


I will wait for the recap on here or on Twitter. Cannot stand Rhykker, dunno who Annacake is, and Llama’s fallen out of favor ever since he started bashing the game because “muh d2 tho” reasons.

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You got a problem with…


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Ron Ferguson tweeted a picture of himself in a blazer wondering if it’s appropriate for a sacrifice

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mtw Blizzard is actually doing a human sacrifice because they’ve gone crazy or have actually become possessed. Diablo 4 never gets released as the company is shut down and people go to prison.

mfw no face

Youre blind if you dont.

Rhykker makes videos soley for views, not quality of content.


He played in the exact same end game closed beta some of us did.

He knew respec costs were a non issue.

He knew druids and barbs are BEASTS.

He still produced content to feed off you sheep complaining about both. He KNOWINGLY produced content filled with false information, for views, and because he knew his sheeple would click it.

Now, you could argue he just couldnt talk about it. Cool. True. He still knew. He still produced trash.

Hes a tool right along with the rest of them.


Can you just brake NDA and just tell us everything about the game already? not here but somewhere, I’m tired of “I played the closed beta I know a lot of things you don’t”.

If you know things just spill it out already or keep it to yourself

She is an EU streamer normally located in Germany. I don’t think I have personally met her.

Rhykker is really nice IRL.

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If its anything like any of their other media it will be to promote KFC, battle pass, or some other scheme to monetize the game. It will NOT give any actually information about the game. I bet my best friends account on it. Ban him if im wrong.

no stream is live already 7:30?

Don’t get me wrong, Rhykker may be nice in person but his ethic as a journalist/content creator is just not okay.

He sensationalized some negative information that came out about D2R and D4 some year and change ago that turned out not to be true and he pressed on like Blizzard was on a course to cheat us all.

I cannot remember the videos specifically, but it stuck with me pretty hard.

I get that as a content creator, he has to generate views some how and buzzwords and hot subjects are the quickest way to do it but he could have took a more neutral stance rather than cater to people who are easily emotionally manipulated.