I’m enjoying the game, and I just completed the first part of Locran’s quest. But who is this guy? We seem to have met when I killed Lillith, but I can’t remember him. Researching the web, it only talks about his artifacts. Who is this guy?
Who knows. Some dude Blizzard thought we would remember.
Better question for you, who is John?
from his told about how we tore his members apart, i guess he is the survival of the side quest: You! Wanderer… I know what you are
EYE don’t know who he is, but he def has Oedipus vibes for Lilith. Can probably find him on some Hub site “Lilith gets stuck in the Portal to Hell. Thankfully her stepson Locran is there to help.”
The ending for Locran is sad.
John is my son. He killed a Taliban sniper. Literally.
Bro, when you rolled into his life it was life changing for him. But for you? It was Tuesday for all you care.
Who is John Galt?
Please tell you son that some nobody on D4’s forums says “Thank you for your service”.
You met him as a random Triune enemy you encountered while doing the story questline. He had no name. He was just a random joe you smacked into the ground. He says he barely survived. He had a few broken ribs and whatnot.
John is my dog, obviously.
The only reason I ever did this question was to shut him up. Everytime id walk past od hear him say that lol
hes the son of that guy that was strung up with the demon (hell raiser style).
Not sure, but also was he using horadrim magic?
Hell ya!
That’s exactly the scene I was picturing!
I wasn’t sure if anyone would get the reference lol.
what is gamora!?!?!?!
is the son of Bolovan.
What level was he? Was it in WT4?