But Who is Locran?

Maybe this isn’t a popular opinion, but I personally prefer when seasons have less story. I’m not really a lore guy (for Diablo anyways) so having to watch a bunch of characters I don’t care about talk about things I don’t care about in unskippable dialogue is really boring.

Double brutal if you do alts since progress isn’t shared. I know for the mother’s blessing at least you really only have to do the first quest on an alt.

I get this was kind of a mini-lead into the VoH expansion so I can understand it.

But why is Locran?

20 characters

because i forgot to sign the form allowing Bliz to use my name “Taetew”. Ill do better next time

But if that is the case…then when is Locran?

This is the only problem.

Everything should be skippable, by so means give me a full feature film length of cut scene I don’t care, just make it skippable that’s all.

Edit: damn auto correct lol

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ship or skip? https: //www .youtube .com/ watch?v=lbJ51AJuR7E

They couldn’t afford Deckard Cain this time around so they just get these random people for you to talk to.


Nah, I wanna know who Harlequin is! (Please, no serious replies, I’ve been playing Diablo since '97) :rofl:

thats Joker’s girlfriend of course

who cares who follows lore this better not be the reason my barb is nerfed and upheaval keeps getting buffed if thats the case i care who locran is so i can have a word with him about upheaval blowing and the defense on a melee hero should not be worse than ranged with teleport and shields

Locran slowly backs out of the room

i clicked it once to shut it off. haha.

John’s father says that you are welcome.

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