Burning instinct it does not work

It did go up in the preview when I took the crit damage Rare and Magic nodes in the middle of the Searing Heat board. That is unconditional and is treated just like crit damage from gear.

Yes that’s right I got that wrong. The paragon node is working and so are elixirs with +crit damage. But still, our skill doesn’t work with it. and so doesn’t do the basic 50% of crit damage. Which is a huge letdown.

I have an additional Problem with BI. When I equip a Ring with Crit-Dmg I get a current Bonus of 31 % listet in my Paragon-Board. As descirbed this should increase my Burning Dmg. But when I check my Stats: Character (C) and → Materials & Stats and Check my Offensive Stats-> Damage with Burning → It doesn’t change…

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thats true too. my burning damage is still on 14% in stats, while BI says i am at roughly 200% more burning damage. Dont tell me now BI is also buggy jesus =( would atleast be another reason why fire even with this node is so far behind. if BI and Combustion is buggy, once they fix them, we shall see a big damage increase. still sad it is not working in the first instance. gonna test this at weekend if it is working or not.

come blizz why is pyromancy sorcerer filled with so many bugs

most played class too

Druid unique drops are slated to be fixed in season 1, so maybe by season 3 or 4 burn sorc bugs will be fixed

This issue still relevant and this talant doesn’t work at all.
I have more then 70% bonus crit damage and have more then 400 int. But doesn’t any effect on my burning damage, I tryed to reset hole paragon tree, but this didn’t change anything.

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Any info about fixing this? I saw kripps video where he was explaning his build and he had 310% on it so it has to broken not for every one.

Burning instinct also showing 0% bonus for me. Looks like ability is currently disabled.

Bump, fire sorc is unplayable without this node working. I was at +100% in the preview and now I get + 0%. Stopped playing necro because minion is broken and stopping sorc because fire is broken. Only my rogue is playable

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Solved the Issue

The 0% will go up if you have any Equipment with Critical Strike Damage then (ONLY THEN) it goes up further every + Int from other equips, Only having Int from equips don’t count. The more Critical Strike damage and Int + you get from equips the higher the %. It doesn’t count Base Stats.
All tied up to item contribution. I was able to bring mine to 20%

They need to update Paragon Description

Although this works for the bonus for crit damage, it doesn’t seem solved for the “further increased by 5% for every 20 intelligence you have.” I have over 140 int from gear and only sitting at 16% bonus burning damage from this node. It looks like its only calculating the equipt crit damage.

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It doesnt count the Base Int stat, but try putting on an equip with + Int, it raises the %

No way, you answered so disrespectfull to tell me i don’t know what im talking about, just to realize you are wrong a few posts later. Watch your words, we are everyone here to enjoy the game and help each other :slight_smile:

Tried calculating on mine.
80% Total Crit Damage, 562 Total Int, Current Bonus 54%

80% - 50% Base Crit Damage = 30%
Bonus from Int → 562 / 20 = 28. 28 times 5% = 140%
Damage Bonus → (Base 40% + Int Bonus 140%) * 30% Crit Damage = 54%

It works but still, Crit Damage on my DoT that doesn’t crit?
Bruh. I need synergy for my burn buddy…

Yo Blizzard, fix this. 20 days for a hot fix on a broken legendary node is too long.

Firewall would not be increased as firewall can’t crit so it has no crit damage. And meteor should only go up on an actual crit

I’m curious why Devouring Blaze and Esu’s Ferocity don’t affect burning instinct. The best I can tell they don’t at least

they did at least fix something so we have the 50% base crit damage now calculated with BI. Not tested yet but based on this these two should work with it too. “should” unfortunately doesn’t translate into “has to” for blizz. so I am hoping the best and gonna try it this evening.

I did some loose testing last night. I note that neither devouring blaze nor Esu’s ferocity buff char sheet whereas Burning instinct does. So it’s highly unlikely that the two are connected.