Burning instinct it does not work

The wording is “further increased”, meaning the first number is scaling the second number. The second number could be 500%, it’s just going to take the first number (Crit Damage % - Base Crit) and multiply it by 5. You need pretty high crit damage for it to be meaningful.

So the way the tooltip works is:

(0.4 + INT * 0.025) * Bonus Crit Damage

What I don’t know, and what probably needs a dev answer, in whether conditional crit damage applies (since it doesn’t display in tooltip). This would be things like CHD vs Vuln on weapon gems or the Devouring Blaze passive.

so, I’m testing it now, and I have 52.6% crit damage from items (unconditional) and 347 Int. Burning Instinct’s tooltip says it gives me 66% bonus damage on Burning. Without it, my Firewall says it does 6599, my Inferno says it deals 8691, and my Meteor’s burn deals 845 over their durations. I put a point in it and… the numbers are still 6599, 8691, and 845. They don’t change. at all. Despite saying they should do substantially more.
Then when I test… uh… this is really hard to test but I think it’s doing more damage? Fire Bolt ticks for 34 without it and 46+ with it. So it’s working, just not reflected in the tooltips. I think. Maybe. Except… that isn’t a 66% jump, but I have other burning damage modifiers so the way things wash out is weird…

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same here just unlocked it still showing ZERO

So the way the tooltip works is: (0.4 + INT * 0.025) * Bonus Crit Damage

Nearly correct its 0.0025 :wink: but I also think it is a bit inaccurate since it says per 20 INT.
So if you have like 205 the numbers are the same as with 200.

So I would describe the formula as follows:
(Rounddown(INT/20) * 0.05)+0.4) * Bonus Crit dmg

For Example:
264 INT
11.5% Crit DMG
((Rounddown(264/20) * 0.05)+0.4) * 0.115
(13 * 0.05)+0.4) * 0.115
(0.65+0.4) * 0.115
1.05 * 0.115 = 0.12075 = 12.075%

Excel Formula: =((Rounddown(INT/20,0) * 0.05)+0.4) * Bonus Crit dmg

The Formula above can also be used in Excel if you want to. You may have to delete the Spaces between math operators.
Since I use an German Excel version there could be Problems with the syntax of the rounddown function but you will find it if needed :wink:

From testing I can say the buff only works with unconditional stats, so it doesnt interact with any passive stats which need conditions. Also the extra dmg only gets calculated during fighting it doesnt calculate on any ability Tooltips.

Hope that helps guys.

Smell ya later

So … it means: you need +Bonus-Crit-DMG to work, but when you play a pure Inferno+Firewall-Build (like me) with no CritDMG at all, its a total waste to have this stat on your item. I mean, Burning cannot even crit. This node should be reworked.

And of course, ice and lightning works fine …

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Well that makes burning sorc pretty meh not being able to take advantage of a level 6 devouring blaze and the flame shield aspect to get a massive boost.

They should just make it a x% mod instead of +% if it’s going to only work on generic crit damage.

OK, I did some tests with +CritDMG on rings:

It is really working with. BUT … the “current bonus %” isnt added to your Burning-Skills like Firewall or Inferno. The DMG-numbers wont change for a reason I dont understand. It must be some kind of seperate bonus I guess.

I think if you have CritDMG on 1 Ring + Weapon and with massive INT in late game, it will really kicking in!

Seriously … Worked my way up to this legendary node and got no bonus. It literally does NOT work according to the description. Was really hoping for a nice boost to damage on my burn build and got nothing.

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Same here. I just sent a ticket to the support team. Initially, when i learned it, the paragon itself showed me a 31% current bonus, but after a few hours of playing without a change in any of my items, the current bonus changed to 0%.

Learning and unlearning it makes no change to my character’s burning damage as well.

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There is an obvious bug here. They should either fix the description to explicitly mention “critical damage from gear”, or fix the legendary power to match what’s written, which should include the 50% base critical damage and bonuses from talents as well.

I obviously prefer the second choice, because the first one means you can have a legendary power which does nothing at all, and that’s disapointing.

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Bros, please read all the above answers. It ONLY works with +CritBonus on your items. You need at least 1 stat with bonus to your Crit DMG stat.
Currently, I have over 53% DMG Boost with this node. Its amazing. And I am pretty sure, it can go up way over 100% …

And yeah, the description is kinda misleading and should be changed.

yeah, a legendary note that requires a stat we dont need at all on our gear, that we could only get on 2 rings and our staff, that is super lategame scaling, doesnt beenfits from other stats in paragon and skilltree where we could boost it even more, doesnt uses basic 50% which makes even less sense AND isnt as overtuned like some barb or druid nodes. seriously, this note is one thing in a long list of things blizz has to change to even make burn sorc work. And we are not talking about being good or better at all! That is where we are at. so stop talking crap like “its amazing”. no it is not…

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Just another bump again today, as we’ve had more bugfixes and still can’t play the burn build properly

Bump with a screenshot of the issue: https://twitter.com/Gr8GreenGeek/status/1668144858014560257


Bump. Currently only works with gear based crit damage, rather than as described. Needs to be fixed.

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Just writted about this on the subreddit. The node is bad written and counter-intuitive on a dot-based build, wich doesn’t scale with crit. BUT is pretty powerful thanks to other crit damage sources we have.

First of all, node explanation:

  • It actually gives you extra burning damage equal to X% of your EXTRA crit damage. So that means, the base 50% crit damage every character have doesn’t count for this calculation.

Practical example:

  • I have 440 INT and 70% crit damage.

  • With 440 INT, getting a SUMATIVE bonus of 5% for the Burning Instinct node for each 20 INT, i get an extra 110%. Since its SUMATIVE, we have a total of 150% (110% from this INT calculation, plus the base 40% on the node description) of our EXTRA crit damage as burning damage.

  • With 70% crit damage, i have a base 50% that every character has, plus 20% from gear, passives, etc. So i have 20% EXTRA crit damage, even if my character stats interface shows 70% crit damage.

  • 150% of 20% is 30%, so with 440 INT and 70 crit damage, my Burning Instinct node is giving me an extra 30% burning damage.

When this node starts to get powerfull is when we get extra crit damage from other sources, for example with Esu’s Ferocity or Devouring Flame passives. Let’s talk about them and see how much damage those can give us once we have Burning Instinct node:

Devouring Flame:

  • 30% plain crit damage, even without the immobilize bonus, with a pretty low amount of 240 INT, is giving us already 30% burning damage. With a bigger amount of 440 INT, we can get up to 45% burning damage from this passive.

Esu’s Ferocity:

  • 25% plain crit damage, with the same stats than above example, is giving us 25% burning damage with 240 INT, or 27.5% burning damage with 440 INT. Comparing this to Combustion, wich gives us 4% burning damage per burning source (assuming we are always having more than 3 different sources) we need at least 7 different burning sources to outscale Esu’s Ferocity once we have Burning Instinct. And we can always scale this bonus to the infinite just stacking more INT.

TL/DR: Burning Instinct is actually a good legendary node once you understand how it works, dont prioritize crit damage on you gear, just get as much as you can pasively without losing other important stats and swap skill points to Devouring Blaze and Esu’s Ferocity as soon as you reach your legendary node.

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If you actually tried this in-game before talking crap here you would have seen it doesn’t work. Since BI ONLY works from gear. even speccing in paragon for crit damage nodes doesn’t higher the damage amount. This node needs to be reworked asap.

How exactly can you know if the 30% crit damage from burning ennemies work or not? I was wondering if it does.

Besides, the bonus burning damage is not calculated in spell tooltips. I have 39% bonus damage from the legendary node but the firewall damage as displayed in the spell description doesn’t change at all with or without the legendary node.

Well if you watch your % on BI and then you spec into paragon it won’t go up. If you specced devouring flame and you ignite an enemy, it should go up as well. which it doesn’t. also it doesn’t work with the base 50% which is a joke itself. It only works with added crit damage from gear. And there you only have 3 slots, weapon and 2 rings. So you have to take crit damage on your gear to get somewhere above 100 extra crit damage to get to somewhat 300% burning damage which is a high request. Everything below is abysmal. So you either go all in or just don’t use it. Oh and btw it scales better the more fire spells you use since every burn is improved. So you are forced to run as much as possible too. So there’s that, high request for somewhat middle output while other classes mindlessly spec something and get 200+ out of that. Now tell me Sorc or this node is fantastic. Because it’s not.
PS: I still run fire and will go all the way to max it out as much as possible. So I still love it.

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