Burning instinct it does not work

467 intelligence “current bonus 0%”


Doubling down on this. Mine also shows as 0 bonus and is not affecting any of my burning damage or showing on my stat sheet as affecting bonus burn damage even from Critical strike damage.


Just adding another voice to the bug. When I hit 50 and previewed the Paragon Board with Burning Instinct, it correctly showed “Current Bonus 36%”. Now at level 54 as I’m working my way to Burning Instinct, it says “Current Bonus 0%”.

Speaking of burning-related bugs, the sorc Key Passive Combustion says “Not Yet Learned” after spending a point on it.


I’m in the preview for Burning Instinct, and it’s showing the wrong bonus amount from int. I have 238 int right now, and it’s showing a bonus of 29%. It should be 59%. If it works at all, from what others are saying.


Have the same issue as its showing 0% for me aswell , blizzard should check this asap … its a legendary note if it doesnt work the build then it completely handicaped.


My buddy (sorc) and I (necro) were running around and doing dungeons yesterday and we noticed the same thing. His showed 0 bonus and his damage did not line up with the gear or stat sheet.

Mine also shows 0 and I did some testing (the best I could) and it definitely is also not applying to my damage.

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Doesnt work for me either. i hope they will fix it. maybe combustion doesnt work too, no surprise. feeling no difference with using it and without.

looked it up, combustion isnt learned for me too, even after it got skilled. pls blizzard, fix this!

It shows 0% because you have 0% bonus critical strike damage.
The description is wrong.
Int applies not to burning damage but to critical strike damage.
Put on some items with critical damage and “current bonus” will change.

If that’s the case, then it still isn’t calculating the benefit from intelligence as intended because it isn’t adding that to the critical strike damage percentage.

Eguip first item with + crit damage, eguip second item, with + int. Check “current bonus”. Remove them one be one, and you’ll see how “current bonus” changes.

Same problem, it seems ‘current bonus’ isn’t taking Int bonus. Question is: is this working at all with the int bonus? I have 80.8% current crit damage and 264 Int. My current bonus is currently 32% which is more or less just the 40% from 80.8%. So did somebody actually test this?

edit: Ok, I found the problem. It actually works ONLY with BONUS crit damage! So when you have only baseline 50% crit damage the current bonus is 0% regardless of your int. when you take my example than 80.8%-50%=30.8% is the bonus crit damage! so the math is 30.8 * (.4 + .05 * (264/20)) = 32.65%.

tldr: It works but it doesn’t take the 50% base crit damage.

first, you are right. second, could it be that devouring blaze is also bugged? i dont see any increase on the damage bonus of burning instinct while enemies are burning but it should boost it since burning enemies take 30% more crit strike damage. So, might it be buggy or does it somehow just dont show this in the bonus but it does count it? does this make sense? because if it works thats a big boost, otherwise this are 3 wasted points in your skilltree.

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That’s a good question.
I’m using Esu’s Ferocity and also would like to know if it works with Burning Instinct.
It would be good to have a dummy to check.
Or Blizzard staff to clarify).

Either the entire description of the ability needs to be changed or the ability itself is not working as described. It feels alarmingly underwhelming as currently implemented for a legendary node that should be the capstone of any burn damage build.


Yeah this only scales of bonus crit damage and not base crit damage, which seems like a huge oversight. It is also worded horribly… really need Blizzard to look at this one

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yeah but even the bonus crit damage doesnt work properly. in your skilltree you could skill +30% critdmg but it doesnt apply with burning instinct. dunno what they did there. either totally broken or completely wrong. same with combustion. ice and electro works. only burn doesnt. this is a shame…

Yeah, the tooltip is misleading as it does not benefit from the default 50% crit damage bonus.

To get this value up, you need at least some crit damage bonus on your items.

So if you have no crit damage then this node isn’t doing anything.

This needs looking into badly, we need some kind of official reply in here.
If the Combustion key passive was actually working, and the burn legendary node was working how the tooltip is listed (instead of seemingly not at all or very, very little), I’d be gaining roughly 100% increased burn damage. This has to be the biggest detrimental bug to a build the game has, no question. Instead I’m being forced to play Ice Shards like everyone else until this is addressed