Build enabling uniques should drop more frequently (at lower item power levels)

Right now we have an issue where builds that require enabling uniques are a total crapshoot as to whether you’ll be able to set them up in a reasonable timeframe. I understand that the devs want to maintain some chase items, and that’s fine. What isn’t fine is being unable to play a build because the required uniques are impossibly uncommon.

I would suggest this: leave the build enablers uncommon, but only at their high item power levels. Give a significantly (significantly) increased chance to drop those uniques at an item power level below what you would expect from the area/level.

For example, if you’re at at point where item power level 745 gear is dropping with regularity, make it so that build enabling uniques have a high chance of dropping with item power 675-700, but the same currently low chance of dropping at item power 745.

This obviously would not be in play for items like the shako, which is just a straight power multiplier rather than an enabler. But items like Tempest Roar would be on the menu.

This way, people can play their builds with the required uniques, but the “good” versions of those uniques are still chase items as they are now. Everyone gets to have their fun builds, but maximizing those builds still takes effort.


let me guess, you’re needing a Fields of Crimson!

Heh nope. Druid stuff to be a big scary werewolf.

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100% agree. I’ve been chasing Tempest Roar actively since around level 68, I just hit level 100 and never saw it. I saw plenty of the others Druid unique and a lot of Barbarian one.

Really disheartening.

It should be illegal for builds to be posted on the internet, so that everyone can enjoy the game their own way, without some author babysitting you through an experience you aren’t fully enjoying.

All these people with their re-rolls, loot drop issues, etc, are all people who haven’t took the time to make their own character, what looks good in your own head or how you interpret the abilities in the game.

At the end of the day, to each their own, but damn, you are ruining the game for yourselves and I’m talking from experience.

I refuse to look at builds, especially on my first playthrough and character, and I am having fun. Nevertheless, I see so many people hurting because they are missing some item that was a part of a build, items I did not even know existed until they were complained about.

I may not have the best build, but it’s my own and it’s getting me through level 8, and Nightmare Tiers 30-35 pretty well.

Then in the open world, when I see other players, every class is identical to each other, the Barbs are all whirlwinding, the Rogues are twisting knives, the Sorcs are shooting icicles, Necros are shooting bones and the Druids and causing Earthquakes.

It’s lame.

And I know this is an unpopular take, but I will stand by it.

All uniques should drop more frequently