Build enabling unique can feel disheartening

So I finally reached level 100. The latest patch certainly helped with the last level so thank you for that.

Build enabling unique can both feel awesome and terrible. I got Vasily’s Prayer (the Werebear helm) incredibly early, like around level 50. Amazing feeling I was able to fully bring online my Pulverize build overall a great time. Mid 60’s I got Temerity which was another solid drop that I used until mid 80’s. Now since around level 68, I wanted Tempest Roar to go to Werewolf Tornado and other builds requiring it.

I levelled from level 55 to 100 95% of the time solo doing nightmare dungeon. I did not spam the flavour of the day dungeon ad nauseum or anything I ran nightmare dungeons. I’m now level 100 and have never seen Tempest Roar drop.

Now chase items are good, Shako, GF etc are good to have in a game even if they are too rare. But builds enabling uniques need some kind of pitty system or RNG protection system at some point. Throughout my levelling process, I got around 10x Hunter Zenith, 9 Vasily’s, 1 Staff of the Crone, 5x Temerity around 12 MadWolf Glee, etc you get the point. I got a LOT of Druid Unique (and a lot of Barb ones -_-) but I never found Tempest Roar and it really feels awful.


I second this. Absolutely a bad feeling to be locked out of certain builds for no other reason than rng.

Third this. I’m 75 so I have a ways to go, but I’ve never seen a Tempest Roar. I’ve had 6 of the werebear helms drop though. And forget about finding an (ancestral) crone…

I just want to try out storm wolf, it looks like so much fun. And I’m burned out on Pulverize.

Im 86 with same issue. Got a Crone Staff finally (low rolls though). Stormclaw is working ok, but still need TR to unlock further potential.

Honestly the amount of build defining(lets be honest required) uniques for Druid is an issue.

Is there a single build that is even sort of decent without at least one unique?

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The honest answer is no.

I am not even kidding. There is NO druid build meta at the moment that doesn’t require at least 1 unique.

Its also silly how much power jump Druid gets. I leveled for a while with Tempest roar helm and a crazy Lighting Storm build… I was able to cast nearly forever. Lighting casting WW is fun but 100% impossible to even kind of make that same build work at all without the helm.

I’m 85 too without seeing tempest roar. In fact I’ve been playing the human tornado druid following maxroll guide since level 1 and solo most content.

It’s actually playable but ironically I have a full set ready for werewolf tornado version equipments in my stash which probably will never get to see light.

I really feel 100 is like the end of the journey for my druid. Especially with the raised experience with NM dungeon, that journey will end sooner without seeing anything.

It honestly was for my druid. I reached level 100 and then just logged off. I don’t have the patience to keep grinding for something that most likely won’t drop. And after playing Pulverize since level 1 I’m fed up with that build. Now I’m debating if I go druid again in season 1 and hope to get luckier.

I also had a full set of gear in my stash, sitting on about 150 million gold I was completely ready to swap build when it dropped. I didn’t know at the time it was more accurate to say IF it drops.

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Why are you fed up with pulverize? Sorry to ask as I had not played any other druid build lol. Seeing other druids during helltide, it looked strong along with another build trampleslide.

That’s the problem with me being a hoarder. The more I hoard werewolf tornado items the more I stubbornly wait for it. Hence did not try any other build.

Terrible feeling.
To the point if I do get tempest roar, I would probably just go “oh… yeah… like finally”

Pulverize is nice but after doing 100 levels with it it just got very old. It’s a very solid build no doubt about it.

My druid is 72. I hear this from the OP and I was really hoping that the balance patch would help. But judging by what they chose to change i have to assume they have no idea what they are doing or that druid is just fundamentally too poorly designed for them to want to rework it properly.

Tempest Roar and Crone etc… these are bandaids. The class feels like something is missing without them because something really is. Druid has one build that was well thought out and its Werebear. Its the only build that top to bottom on the skill tree it makes sense and theres something good on each level.

yeah lvling a druid 2x werebear helm and no TR , only lvl 80 but feels so bad

Its funny you posted this today as it is my exact story and my end goal was to get to level 100 just to see and post my experience. Well I hit it 5 min ago and logged off.

I saw one sacred low rolled Vasilis prayer early and that was my helm from 63-100. I did not see another one for pulv or a single tempest roar for all the remaining levels. I have full BIS gear to attempt Lilith in the stash that will not be used. I wish you all the best of luck and hope you dont follow the same path I did as it makes the level 100 milestone feel meh.

Good luck to those that choose to keep going.

The new exp changes without the loot change means I will reach 100 sooner without seeing the TR. and no ways to trade for it.

Yeah only just now got the werebear chest to finish pulverizer build though ATM now I need better stats on my gear because I still feel like I take too much damage…I nearly died on the 3 to difficulty 4 cap stone I was running for a barb friend…

Not to mention farming for it to give to a rerolled alt is pointless since it’s level locked loot as well. So hitting 100 and not getting the full build stuff may as well reroll the druid or do the meme of the way to buff your druid:
Delete and roll any other class.

lv 97, same here. Wish there was some pity system for class specific uniques at least. At least blizz buffed exp so the final slog to 100 will be less painful. My friends are having a blast experimenting with tornado and thunderstorm and I’m still stuck with pulv.

I got a low roll Sacred Crone fairly early into T3 but I had no gear to support it so it’s just chilling in my stash. I leveled mostly running Lightning Storm but swapped to Trampleslide once I get all the Aspects and gear for it. I’ve been slowly getting gear for a StormWolf build. Had almost a perfect set ready and hadn’t seen a single Tempest Roar or Ancestral Crone. RNGesus did troll me and give me four Mad Wolf’s Glee, Insatiable Fury, Storm’s Companion, and a Butcher’s Cleaver all in one day though. I’ve gotten so many of the other Uniques except the ones I need.

I want to play something besides Trampleslide, but Pulverize sounds boring to me even though it’d let me push higher. Right now I can do high 40s but having horrible RNG with affixes or other stupid stuff like a Waller somehow pushing me out of the safety bubble as the lightning went off. And I hate the fact that mobs teleport on top of you on the “clear all” parts because there are times it’ll cause me to lag and then I die.

On the plus side, I did finally get a near-perfect Tempest this morning. Was farming Seeds of Hatred and found two chests near each other. Figured I’d Bloodmark and grab them and it popped out. So now I just gotta get a Crone’s.