Bug Report: Tested :Twisting blade no longer proc Bursting Venoms

After the patch, the only way for a twisting blades rogue to proc Bursting Venoms(dropping poison pools) is by using basic skills with a Caged Heart of the Vile Apothecary equiped(15% chance to apply all Imbuement). This is due to the fact that Twisting Blades no longer proc Bursting Venoms no matter what u do(PS: returned blades from bladedancer’s aspect no longer droping poison pools ). this is also why ppl are complaining bursting venoms not working at all.

I tested this on Lilith, only using twisting blades and equiped caged heart of the vile apothecary, after 10 mins of trying no poison pool droped. BUT Puncture(the basic skill) did drop a lot poison pools LOL(due to the 15% chance of applying all imbuement).


If this is verified it should be adressed quickly. Fixing an overprocing aspect is a thing. Making it not procing at all on twisting blade is a major problem.
I’m at work and can’t test it until this evening. But if people can confirm, only puncture with pestilent or vile apothecary proc can proc pool, it’s an issue.


Just tested Flurry with Bursting Venom on Lilith, this skill would still proc Bursting Venom as usual. PS: My char got 51% critical hit chance plus 50% of lucky hit chance as stat shows and lucky hit chance of twisting blades on my char is 48%(Flurry’s lucky hit chance is 16%)

Good to know thank you for testing it. I give it a check when back to home this evening. Keep me inform of your experimentation.

So, to make this bursting vernom pool proc, just a bit decently, we have like 2 choices?:

  • Aspect of pestilence? But what to replace? I guess it will be Aspect of inner calm.
  • Using the Vile Heart, but then again, my build is focused around lots of CC methods, so using the staggering heart thing.

What a mess. Really have to overthink what to do now.

It seems like it is, yeah. That is the 2 options on the table for now while waiting a clarification from blizz, which is clearly required. Third option is change build or class.

I kinda agree… I thought they would announce such things before so players can prepare?
Besides that, doing such things while a Season is going on… no go for me. :confused:

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Agree I’ve tested flurry vs twisting and flurry applies properly the venom pool even withouth the imbuenment heart so seems they broke totally the aspect of twisting blade by not considering it as a hit to trigger lucky hit.

I’ll wait till today but seems that diablo is going to be uninstalled at least for me, mid season change like that they broke my lvl 80 rogue, before s1 they broke barb (lvl 73) seems every patch they will make me think I’m wasting time trying to optimize my build.

Blizzard you have just 1 year for POE2 being launched and you keep annoying players. Your time is being drained really fast.

Blizard , return our money and time

If TB don’t proc it at all, then it’s probably a bug and was not intended. They mess up something and don’t test it before going the patch live.
Blizz, if it is the case, communicate with your players to explain that. Recognizing a mistake is always better than hiding it, always.


They fixed the bug that was making it proc more often. I dont use twisting blades, i use barrage. I also used all 3 of the imbue aspects… before this patch i would grt tons of aor procs from all 3. I didnt know all 3 were bugged… so annoying. My build is 100% dead now. I was basically built around doing lots of aoe freezes and everything being frozen and amping my damage by a lot because of 6 levels of frigid finess. Now i take about 4x longer to clear a dungeon and i barely notice anything get frozen. Anyway point was, they nerfed imbue builds themselves into the ground. Be it by Bug fix or intentional.

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I kinda mitigated it 90%, but only by having like 50% lucky hit + Pestilence, combined with 120% Attack speed.
But yea… it limits choices… again.

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Same problem here… It’s broken now… One more aspect “fixed” and thrown in the trash…
If it didn’t work as intended, now it doesn’t work at all…

I just tested this as well… I really wanted to say this isn’t the case but it is true. Flurry procs bursting venoms just fine same as prepatch and twisted blades does still seem to be able to proc it but only on the initial stab making it extremely unlikely although I did get about 3 procs in 10 mins of testing

After putting together a whole build after a month of the season… Hurricane Blizzard comes and throws everything up IN THE MIDDLE OF THE SEASON… And still expects smiles from us.

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As promised do my homwork. I tried my current build pushing lucky hit chance to max with pestilent puncture and vile apothecary. TB is at 46% LHC and puncture 49 LHC and can reach 51% and 54% with second wind. The result is decent. Proc are not as high as it was before 1.1.1, but still decent.
Havent try TB without puncture pestilent and vile apothecary for now so I’m not sur what is the source of my proc. I feel that it’s pestilent puncture most of the time but i might be wrong.

That’s how it felt to me last night as well.

You can definitely feel BV not proccing as often, but it was still proccing fairly decently using pestilance points. But seeing this thread, I’ll have to do more testing without that equipped.

Tested last night, proc trigger is just the first attack of twisting blade, no more when they come back and with other aspect like bladedancer. I’am ok with the hotfix about overproccing, but the come back have to trigger proc :frowning:


I think the correct bug now is this: “Blade Dancer aspect doesn’t proc Bursting Venom’s pool anymore”… But I dont know if this is part of “Imbues were refactored.” from patch notes.

I’m on the same page, TB seems only able to proc on initial imbued attack. If it’s intended and it will stay like that, the lucky hit chance of TB should be higher as a single target core spell. But it’s a real nerf to the TB aspect if returning blades are not able to do any lucky hit at all. Have to do more test to confirm if it is really the case.

All this remind me the barb HoTA quake aspect, which they try to fix in a hurry but doing so litterally killed HOTA damage, so they went back and withdraw the fix. They only manage to fix it for S1 in the end. Blizz, stop trying to fix things in a hurry in particular in mid season without testing your changes. Broken build have already made this season a non balanced one, especially with barber. So why trying to fix bursting venom in a hurry ? It’s not changing anything. Rogue will all switch to barber which is even better than bursting venom before 1.1.1. Where was the emergency ?

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