Boss Drops Nerfed by 91.7%!? Seriously?

Hey charlatan, so I see you’re crying in yet another thread that you get less loot disguised under “it’s hard to help friends now”.
You can help your friends farm the mats too. How is it that you group up with your friends only for the kill and not the rest.

Stop pretending at least.


What do you expect for a game that charges $25 for stupid cosmetics and crap. Of course they’re gonna nerf the drops. Eventually you’ll get 1 Ancestral drop per character level and have to buy the crap or do without. It’s Blizzard we’re talking about. They want everyone to pay to play and pay to level just like they do on WoW. The day is coming. Watch. Nerfing the drops will be the first step. Always is.

I, personally, regret buying the sh*tty game most times.

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lmao wtf why ppl didnt altogether forever quit blizzard games after experiencing crap like that then coming back to experience crap all over again is just fish brains
when a day like that comes you leave n never come back


You dont need mythics to complete a season. Many builds are better off with GA items because of the aspects. Plus mythics arent meant to be common drops. They are suppose to be rare.

I ain’t buying his B.S either. Its far more likely that he is someone peeved that he cant be carried anymore without providing his own mats.


making mythics more rare is fine with me, as long as they add some type of meta progression endgame system

Oh lord. I dont know why i think this is so funny haha.

it’s even funnier because these folks actually moaning and groaning like they’re praying to the lord to reduce the loot drops, including unique from lair bosses.

and now we have the extreme cuts from the devs.

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not hard to cut all drops in half then double the GA odds though

Varsh 9 times harder not even calculating everything else like targetting

300% rota loss and 300% cost increase from 4 to 12 hearts.

Thats a rough go to help anyone now.

Oh and also u called me liar so my ignore sure is filling lately.

Truth is truth. Way harder to halp ppl.

Dang straight he is harder and so is every other boss in the game. As it should be. They are suppose to be friggin bosses, not loot pinatas.

You can post this lie until your fingers fall off. The truth is boss summons are free and only minimal mats required to open chests. Thats less mats needed no matter how many ways you try to fudge the math

The anyone looking for free boss kills now has to play the game to open their chests. They will survive . If playing the game and earning mats is too much for them then they are in the wrong genre.

Truth hurts? Tough. You are posting B.S and people have every right to call you on it.

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