Current system = 6 unique drops from that bosses loot table for every kill.
New system = 5 total uniques but only 2 are guaranteed uniques (in 4P) from that bosses loot table and the other 3 are from the entire loot table (meaning very high odds of them all being useless garbage) effectively nerfing the drop rate by two thirds. This isn’t per kill either but per set of boss mats, which entirely removes the benefit rotations allowed.
Old system four player:
Each player has 12 steel and spawn Grig once each, 4 x 6 unique drops from that bosses loot table = 24 total uniques from four kills.
New system four player:
Each player has 12 steel and spawns Grig once each = 2 unique drops from that bosses loot table for four kills.
How anyone sees this is a net positive doesn’t seem to understand that they are just flagrantly wasting our time. More time to get the same thing isn’t rewarding, it’s punishment. Adding a new endgame grind or itemization system to work towards to extend game play would be an example of an enhancement of game play. This is not that.
For those that argue that the game is too fast don’t forget that Diablo has always been about the power fantasy (look at D2, D3 and D4 until now). It’s no coincidence that most players seek out the most powerful builds in order to blast content and see how far they can push in the Pits. Because that’s the most fun. These changes are not fun, they are just artificially inflating playtime in order to increase their engagement numbers. I believe the actual driving force behind this decision is to keep people playing longer in hopes that they buy more cosmetics, in other words encrapification.
TLDR: These changes equate to 1/12th (8.3%) the drop rate of previous seasons. That means drop rates have been nerfed by 91.7% for the same amount of mats paid. Keep in mind this is for T4 boss drops in 4P, lower torment tiers and 1-3 players are even worse…
I personally don’t care and will go with the flow. One less loot on t4 is an odd choice, and making most of it 50/50 on if it will be a random versus boss unique. esp when they don’t epect people to hit that torment unless your hardcore player, only thing that semi help countering it barely with the change but is a rng if it spawn is the mini-Belial for extra loot drops.
Disregarding the hyperbolic spew machine who responded to you…
Looking like 4x the Materials for a rota & 5x the Time as well to top it off.
Now THAT’S fun and engaging!
Thanks for the “Good Feels” chat and asspurrational content changes Blizzypoo.
It’s funny how some eat it up - “well pkayers were upset with teh leechers so we…”
Can it
Y’all were changing the system anyway.
Stop being deceptive and talk straight with none of the psychobabble roundabout.
I made some posts similar to this asking how its better to prevent leechers by making it happen on every single run as that is the end result lootwise. I dint even take into account the loss of much of the targeting. Gearing up is going to be quite difficult. We will see how it goes. Maybe it will still be “good enough.”
If the loot tables and weighting remain the same you will be begging for “difficult” in a few weeks. This is what has really turned me off to S8, in addition to nothing new being offered. This is a lame manipulation to drive up the time in game statistic. It is the cheap and easy way to go about it. But I expected nothing else.
So much crap dropped in S7 but this does seem like a massive 180 turn when u combine the lower GA on uniques with more random uniques since targetting got nerfed and less loot in general from bossing and rotations being dead and so on and so forth.
Blizz needs to stop futzing with a game they obviously barely understand and just add were-form skins for druids… and more “skimpy” skins for everyone else.