Boss Drops Nerfed by 91.7%!? Seriously?

Good. IMHO they should go even further. Current system of boss kiling and item drops is just nuts. “flagrantly wasting our time?” LOL current loot pianta is not fun, nor rewarding. How is salvaging whole invetory of legendary items in 5mins FUN ?
I would ratehr see them remove target farming and guarnateed drops as well, making drops way harder and fight more meaningfull. Killing uber bosses is my least favourite activity after PIT. Hopefully it will get better.

  • The first Unique item dropped by a Lair Boss will be from their unique pool. Further Unique Items will have a 50% chance to be from the general Unique pool.
  • When playing in a party, Lair Bosses have a 33% chance per additional party member to drop an extra Unique Item from their unique pool.
  • Lair Bosses now drop 5 Unique Items in Torment IV, instead of 6.

You and me both…

It takes a good 30-40 mins to get a full invent of ancestrals doing whispers. Bosses is probably around 20 if you are blasting considering you get 1-2 per boss kill. So this is a bit of an exaggeration, no?

What you want already exists, it’s called Diablo 2. The rest of us want a modern Diablo game.

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The pools of forum warrior tears are going to be deep. I bought a snorkel and extra popcorn so I won’t run out when it hits.

They rarely make any meaningful change from PTR. I am beyond skeptical. The mindset of game leadership and changes made finally did me in. I am FAR from being a casual but I am sure some random internet person/bot will get triggered and go off on a rant.

I think when the see the rising tide of disgust and unpopularity of the changes on PTR they will make changes.

look at this, the cost to summon varshan has increased from 4 malignant hearts to 12.

loot has dropped from 6 units to 5.

if rng favors you, small belial may spawn, it’s still stronger and has more mechanics than varshan. defeating it drops another 5.

this is potentially a pure 200% increase in summoning mats for the new season. no idea if the drop rate of summoning mats will compensate for this spike.

http s://i.imgur. com/TS3u4IZ. png

The bosses themselves aren’t a major issue, at least not until the upper Torments. It’d be nice if all the good seasonal powers weren’t behind a T1 boss, but you get the powers for free because you don’t need mats to unlock them. Varshan is still an absolute pushover and while his power isn’t great, it’s far stronger than the jokes that are the Apparition powers.

The reduction in ability to target farm uniques in a game that is RNG upon RNG definitely is a problem. Boss mats aren’t exactly in abundance in T1 and the devs seem to insist on solving every build issue with an unique item these days.

I was thrilled about the changes in S8; so thrilled I haven’t even bothered with the PTR because I won’t bother with the season…


My comment for lawnmower crap game:
:rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :+1: :+1: :+1: :+1:

The boss rotation free resources ride, shouldn’t have happened in the first place.
Obtaining loot without paying for the materials?
I don’t mind the changes themselves per se, and perhaps a drop in quantity will lead to Blizzard improving the quality of drops in the game itself and not only in the bosses lairs.

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I’d like to see some drop research for lair bosses, solo, T1 and T2 difficulties. That’s where you will generally complete unique-dependent builds. I suspect the results will be terrible, but some stats would be a real indication. I wonder if anyone is testing that kind of thing.

Should nerf the uniques droprates even more. Too common.
The whole idea of making them drop from specific bosses is meh. Everything should be available everywhere. Fine that some places have higher droprates for certain items, but not to an absurd degree that makes those places the only viable spot to find these items.


I’ve played more seasons of d2 than I can count without getting an enigma, y’all act like this isn’t what most of us wanted

Still sounds better than finishing pit 150 in 2.5 weeks without even trading

D1 was not
D2 was not (only those that overplay it by 500 hours might get there so)
D3 was, and not just that but literally the only game in the marker that does so
D4 ? - the game is better slower… Just need to add a better substance but the game is MUCH BETTER with slower progression

That thing that you complain about (low drop rates, or say low efficiency of drop rates) is PRECISELY because the game is artificially sped-up… The drop rates are deliberately low because it is EXPECTED that the players will beat the content 200 times over

Literally in every way you look at it the conclusion is the same:

  • Content designed on reward-based (or reward-centric) system is both exhausting and terrible

Leveling up Glyphs and MW is simply not fun at all… So why have more of that ? (more of the terrible and tedious gameplay part) when we can reduce the importance of it and make the game more playable (with properly designed and tasty content and not an excuse for loot/rewards type) for all ?

See the problem ?, that “assumption” that “Diablo is a game about loot” - THAT is the problem and keeps the game from evolving in a proper manner (always was)

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No kidding? Well so much for ppl arguments in my other thread thats it ok because it costs less. So the death of rotas means 300% loss of loot as well. This heart example is 300% increased cost. So to help friends get varsh loot is going to be at a minimum of 900% harder comparing S7 to S8 without even calculating targeting on top of that as that is more random now too?? This seems like a massive massive massive change. They are going from one extreme to the other.

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well, we haven’t even factored in the reduction of 1 unique from 6 to 5.

some might argue that the additional belial fight provides another 5 uniques.

but that’s still RNG. it doesn’t justify the increased cost of summoning mats, now requiring 3 sets of mats for RNG luck (my gut feel is 50%, thus 2.5 unique) to yield 7.5 unique, whereas before, 3 sets would give 18 unique.

This for real? Lol wow

yep, season 7 rootholds, where roots will pops bunch of gears. these genius not knowing what to do with them, so they ask the devs to reduce gear drop.

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i agree these s8 nerfs are just plain dum it’s a great way to lose when majority of players are casual. blizzard is once again sabotaging themselves with these nerfs to boss rotation, materials, loot, progression.

to win blizzard needs to cater to casual players as the hardcore players they will stick around regardless unlike casuals. the hardcores live for the neglect and abuse it’s their purpose so let them have it.

instead of nerfing loot and progression blizzard need to focus on adding more endgame content/activities diversifying adding variety. tightening the power gap between class/build aka balance, stabilize game, etc etc.

the 10% mountain peak should be impossible/tough content with no greater rewards like high pits 110 - 150 not torment 4.