Boring, grindy game

Trade items for what? Other items?
You can duel with your items here as well.
Sure you can reroll, i forgot that every class uses Enigma.
You can also still show off your found items here as well.

The grind in Diablo 2 is absolutely pointless but also insane because you are literally doing the same actions for hours. Its repetition to an extreme, if you really think that is good game design then its no wonder that developers dont see a need to actually make an effort.

I found while leveling, I’d feel pretty good until I leveled up three times. All of a sudden the mobs I was plowing through outscaled me and I was weaker. The scaling is so uneven, and also makes the experience vary based on class, skills being used, etc. It’s not a good system as it is.

You can gain a big burst of power, and just as you are feeling effective and powerful, it switches on you again. It cycles and repeats.

My necro had to hang out in W2 for a while because after jumping into W3 right after completing the capstone dungeon, I was immediately oneshot. Why? I still don know. At level 54, two legendaries dropped nearly back to back with near perfect rolls for my two main aspects.

All of a sudden I’m blasting through W3 just like that, except for unavoidable cc deaths, or poison. In W3 sacred items start dropping; think overcharged rares. They become the new standard and anything below that becomes irrelevant. It feels like I could just skip through W3. I guarantee though, that I have the damage but not the defense for W4. I don’t have any source of unstoppable for example, which is outright mandatory to deal with cc.

So yeah, power level is all over the place without a feeling of incremental power increases. You either get weaker, or you gain a massive boost in power and instantly destroy everything around you. There really isn’t anything in between in my experience.

They could have just used their own D3 with the same thing.

Your comment is a skill issue, mate.

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I have wearbear lvl 64 on WT4 and it was fun at lvl 60 strygling to kill mobs but now at 64 its starting to be borin one shoting elite packs.

Be thankful you have challenge at torment 4 everything gets super easy really fast.

Yeah I guess rifts do have similar density to juiced maps in PoE so that is true. Rifts don’t have rewards like div cards attached to each of their dungeon types like PoE does though and I think this game would be better with a similar system though more casualized. They would do better with a boss per dungeon as well. Not sure the exact number of PoE maps, but it has to be around 150 with 16 difficulties with 10ish maps per though some bosses do overlap. It is at least 100+. They knew what the competition had and with their resources they should have done better.

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I’m not struggling with the game, mate.

Maybe not, but you’re certainly struggling to come up with something more helpful and original than “skill issue”. It adds nothing to the discussion and is quite literally equivalent to the classic “git gud”.

What?? I only feel like i am getting stronger. The only time it feels weaker was immediately after i raised the difficulty. You guys are literally doing something wrong. I just blow mobs up over and over.

Literally nobody is here asking for help, they’re complaining about the game and calling it bad.

So yes, again. Skill issue. If people want help, then seek constructive help rather than crying in the pram.

I honestly don’t enjoy PoE anymore. Every season they stacked something else on an already convoluted system. It’s at the point now that it’s nearly nonsensical to me. In order to play I have to use a third party program to follow a character guide that has been thoroughly tested so I know it will actually work. Then I have to constantly reference third party information for maps, modifiers, etc.

At end game while running maps, the amount of enemies and effects going off constantly, makes it nearly unreadable chaos. Either you delete enemies the moment they are seen or they delete you, and never find out what caused it.

PoE feels like a spreadsheet rather than a game to me nowadays. I think they got out of control years back and should have reeled it in and trimmed the bloat.

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There is no need to do that. I hate streamers but someone like Quin if you watch what he does is pick a class then move down the tree and pick what he currently needs to survive. He is successful with his builds. If he needs more damage and isn’t getting killed then he takes points away from defense and adds offence. It just takes a bit of planning. You don’t actually have to follow a guide. Maybe you have to follow a guide until you get a feel for the game, but that should only take a couple of leagues unless you just don’t want to learn. If you have to follow a guide in PoE then you probably have to follow a guide in this game imo. PoE 2 is slowing the game down and it is apparent from the trailer that they released.

They haven’t added anything that has went to standard in PoE in quite a while. What they have now isn’t even overpowering either since you pick the couple of mechanics you want showing up in your maps while locking the stuff you don’t like out. Remember when Blizzard said play the way you want? Well you can actually play the way you want in PoE. Maybe if Blizzard had played PoE for a bit while designing this game they could have learned what play how you want actually felt like.


who would have thought

diablo immortal has a better leveling system imo

How is the grind pointless in d2 when you can actually use the things you grind for?
D4 is the same grind but with far less options.

First off the game existed for awhile before enigma and there was lots of class/spec builds and experimenting. Enigma obviously took a lot of that away.

Anyway, no you cannot really pvp in D4 its very underdeveloped. Theres no real structure, theres no dueling, etc. Yes. In D2 you could trade items for items or currency.

Hard to reroll in D4 when finding a cool piece of gear like in D2 when 95% of the gear you find is your you class only. Cant give gear to friends either. Cant trade. Cant do much of anyrhing with it except salvage tbh. Cant have alts use it as its same level as char that found it.

Show it off where? Theres no lobby, no game join list, no in game community… just players that appear and disappear like ghosts.

You seem bitter against D2.

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And somehow i cant use the items i grind for in D4? Use them in PvP? How exactly does D4 have less options, when D2 is so incredibly meta that everyone is running the same stats?

I am not bitter against D2, i am just calling bull on people who praise it so much.

I can’t stand him for moral reasons. Regardless of my personal opinion, someone who plays a game professionally puts in an insane amount of hours. You’d assume they would know a system in and out. I guarantee he has used the same general builds enough times that he has it memorized. Nobody should use someone who plays a game for a living as the standard.

A new player will not go into that game without any research or knowledge and be successful. They’ll take the wrong nodes, use the wrong gem links and levels, pick a major node that will break their character in an unintended way. They won’t know about and how to stack multiples layers of protection. If they do manage to get through the challenging bosses on all three difficulties, which someone just winging it probably won’t, they probably won’t be successful mapping. At least, they won’t get far. They just won’t. Not to mention the vendor recipes. Nobody can make sense of that on their own.

In D4 I have put my own build together, played around early on to try different skills and passives and made my way into W3. D4 doesn’t need a guide, but you do need to do outside research, because most of the stats on gear doesn’t do what it says. I guarantee most players still think a 20% boost to a stat literally means a 20% increase because the game doesn’t tell you otherwise.

As you can tell, I’m very critical of PoE and I don’t want you to take it as me attacking your enjoyment and impressions of it. I’m glad people enjoy it. I just don’t believe people can approach the game and play organically while building their own character and be successful. They will hit a brick wall earlier than later. The difficulty of the game and its fast pace makes it eseential to min-max. A player going in blind will fail many times over.

You can only use items in D4 to find more items. In other words youre literally just grinding to grind for grinds sake. The scaling and item frequency is bad too…why do I find 30 rares after playing for 10 min? How are they rare if they are that common?
The items you DO find are boring and for your class only really also.

You wont get the excitement of finding a cool unique and trading it or rolling a new char because of it, etc.

Example: I found a deaths web wand in D2 while playing my barb and created a necro because of it. I found a griffoms on aforementioned Necro and was able to trade it for high runes. I found a shako I gave my brother. We made dueling games and had loads of fun.
None of that will ever happen in D4.

Simple truth is D4 has LESS features than D2 in regards to grinding and items…and thats a shame because that’s what diablo revolves around.

Not sure why this series keeps moving backwards.

Sure you do—that’s 80 points, easily enough for 2 more boards and the attendant glyphs and rare/magic nodes. I’m not sure what you’re doing with your boards, but there’s a ton of power in them.

Are you kidding me? Do you not use your items in D2 to find more items? Because if that is not the case, then i truly wonder why all the focus in D2 is on finding items.