Boring, grindy game

No you don’t. You get stronger and stronger if you actually try to solve the problems you are presented, like resource generation, cooldown uptime, and damage scaling.


Well, some people like feeling like they’re level 12 in every other diablo. I just don’t think that’s a majority opinion.

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So you’re saying 1 shotting mobs 20 lvls higher than you is… weak?

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I only feel like i am getting stronger and stronger. You must be doing something wrong.


Got to T4, have seen less legendaries since being there than in t3. Opened multiple boxes in helltides only to get a couple sacred yellows.

Yeah, not much fun to be had.

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Only open mystery chests in helltide

8-10 dungeon runs are 4-5 hours. Aka 1 day.
For 1 level, doing the same activity.
Find key 1 and 2 or similar, do the middle, kill the boss.

Helltide. Boring.

Do Tree stuff, get freaking rare items for that effort.

If a unique drops it’s not for your build.

If a good sacred item drops you can’t use it because that imbue is on another piece already.

But that’s not the worst.
The worst is what I wrote, mob HP. HP sponges.
Every encounter being a struggle.

The gameplay doesn’t change.
Generate, spend, generate, spend. zzzzz.
And you have to do that a lot for each encounter.

1-50 was tolerable in a way because of the story carrot, despite the endless “unskippable” dialogue.

Post 50 this game has nothing but grind.
People like to compare it to D2.
1st of all D2 was in a different era.
I played the shi1 out of it when it was released, had a level 93 HC MF Sorc, which I sold when I got bored.
This game, D4, has nothing going for it.
In D2 you had multiple viable builds. Frenzied axe thrower for instance.
This game only has 1 build that works for each class, I repeat myself.

No, I’m done. Unless they change the amount of HP mobs have I’m done.
There are other games that give me more satisfaction. I don’t need to spend my time being unhappy/dissatisfied.

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8 dungs are 4-5h? Are you mad brother?

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It’s not me, it’s the game.

No no, its you.

100% its you.

You welcome!


I agree, the scaling and lack of trading are two of the biggest blunders.

Wtf were they thinking?

Nah I full agree tbh

Its boring because theres nothing to do with said items imo.

Example: in D2 you could trade with your items, duel with your items, reroll class with your items or show off those items so the grind was worth it. It was fun,

In D4 the grind feels pointless and boring. You’re literally just grinding to grind.

Not sure why the Diablo series keeps moving backwards each time.

I’m not sure that linking to build guides is the defense of the game that you think it is…

If one guy is struggling to do things in the game and plays all day for 1 level at level 53, then that build guide link is the best thing he can find on the internet this days …

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But why not? OP’s argument is that there’s only one build for everything and clearly isn’t understanding the game.

Now they have proof they have more to learn and a resource to use.

If after that they still struggle, then it’s not really the game’s fault.

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I kill everything in 1 hit (even level 107 mobs in NM dungeons), so nothing is spongy. The issue is with zero density. Kill a pack of 5 mobs, run 5 screens to another 5. Its just blah.


Which of those do you get from paragon really? You get stats then small amounts of damage or damage reduction once you are 80+. Not sure the scaling of mobs during those levels, but you don’t gain much from paragon those last 20 levels.

It’s literally mathematical. Live in denial all you want.

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I agree the density is trash. These guys should have played a couple of PoE leagues and saw what juiced maps are like. You are just mowing down screens of mobs. They could have done similar (not copy le PoE) and just scaled it back and slowed it down a tad to where it wasn’t just hold right click. It could have felt so good. They gave us this mess instead.

From what I understand, if you’re not prioritizing vulnerable and crit then you’re nerfing yourself. Also I really don’t like level scaling, feels like a treadmill. They need to tweak it somehow.