Body type for all classes

lol to be fair i didn’t totally get why the female druid needed to be a copy of the male druid. but i think as someone mentioned above its probably to make it more easy for players to determine what another player is. think of pvp. certain body types is going to quickly clue you into who is running your way and i assume that has something to do with why you dont have skinny female druid next to the big boy male one.

Feels like many of the people playing this weekend are WoW, or other traditional MMORPG players, who think that this game will have a lot of the showing off my mog type of stuff. I just don’t see that happening. It’s an MMOARPG, and most people are going to play it exactly like an aRPG. Solo 90% of the time, and with absolutely no interest in how you look.

I guess if all you like to do is play dress up and fantasize about being your character, then how you look might matters, but in game, your avatar will be so small you won’t be able to really see much.

I could be wrong, and this might be the single most game breaking thing for someone, but I’m going to be playing the game, not staring at my character screen.

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I was quite disappointed with the lack of body type options as well. Every class should allow for Skinny, Average, Muscular, Chunky Monkey. My friend was actually quite happy with the druid offering a thick body type. I don’t like barb for being too big… I legit made a “comical” druid… cause it’s not appealing to look at. I wont even touch the barbarian either.

I want to agree with the general statement of letting us pick body types, but I hate having to acknowledge that I agree with the sort of fragile-ego baby that uses “woke” as an insult. Conflicted.

But I do grudgingly agree that being able to pick my own character body type would be ideal. Give me tiny Barbarians or massive giant Sorcerors.

Fat people make the best Druids.

I completely agree, I don’t want to come off as shallow that won’t play a class because they are fat or something, but the options available and what is offered is a major turnoff. And this is coming from that has recently lost a lot of weight, so I don’t exactly want my in game representation to be what im working against, though I was never that big lol.