Body type for all classes

Please let us pick body types for character class,

I have zero interest in playing druid and having my in game avatar look like a fat mess. My wife was so excited to be able to play a druid up until she saw what the female variant looked like. Having the choice to pick would make all the woke people with unhealthy body positivity issues happy, along with everyone else who doesn’t want a repulsive druid.


Agreed. I hope they add Body type choice. Hell, the creator needs more faces and hairstyles aswell. The creator is kinda dissapointing overall.

I understand that not everyone cares about how their character looks but personally i do, and so does most of my friends. i dont play druid but my friend does and was hyped for it. But his reaction was literally WTF is this, and he’s reconcidering even playing the class becouse of how it looks.


They might sell it as a DLC. Adding a slider is too much work. Of course, day one you’ll have 200000 cosmetic items on sale in the shop…


Totally agree !

For the druid i don’t even mentioned the fact that the guy is a sort of roots eater and should be more how he was in D2 in terms of body type.

But it’s a game so yeah why not… but at least let people the choice…

I was excited to play Druid again since D2 LOD… and yeah… i was a bit surprised to play a guy who’s even heavier than a barbarian which is a bit a nonsense for me xD !

I dont even know if I still want to play the game now. My character represent a big part of everything I like in a game. Especially in a game like Diablo where you’ll farm for hours looking at your character.

So if you guys want to people have choices, let people have real choices and let us, players, be able to choose our body type at least :frowning:

(Sorry for my english if I made some mistakes, it’s not my main language)


No mistakes in your message. I entirely agree.

Blizzard’s woke ideology has backfired. Inclusivity should be all encompassing. Not, “here, we’re going to shove these unhealthy, minority body-types down your throat. If you don’t like it, don’t play it. Teehee!”


Totally agree !
+More body types and hairstyles.
But i think, for Blizz, it’s so hard, and release date will be change.
I ready to wait, you?


More character customization options is always welcome and wanted by me. The more options players have in all aspects of games the more they can make the game feel like their own.

As far as character customizations I’d like the body scaler, a triangle face shaper/scaler, moveable tats and face makeup that isn’t all black eyes. Not asking for current makeup but change the actual design instead of 15 black eyes. The only one I like is the Crow type one because all the rest are just black eye smudges.

+1 More options.


They won’t change the release. They won’t change anything. The best we can hope for, is cash options later for more customization.

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You’ll have to buy at least 4 seasons worth of battle passes to earn what you’re asking for

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Agree, and it’s so painful.
What happen in fantasy game, so sad :c
“O tempora, o mores!”

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I completely agree to this. I have no issue with the look, I just don’t want my druid to look like that personally. Being able to change the body type would be awesome.


Thank you. The character customization is unacceptably underdeveloped for a game releasing in 2023. Oblivion had more options.

Locking body types to classes forces you to possibly play as something you find unappealing if you like a class, or alternatively forces you to play as a class you don’t like just because the appearance is representative of you.

Give players more agency over how they look, not less.


I have zero proof of this but the fact that nearly everyone is complaining about most of the class base forms I can’t stop thinking that it’s a setup. Basically they’ll give us a way to adjust the body sliders but it’ll cost real world $$$ to do it. A “plastic surgeon” or if you prefer something more “magic” oriented a “body sculpturor” will give you access to all the body sliders but you’ll need to buy tokens for them in the MTX shop.

Also concerned about that. Create a problem, then sell the solution.

But maybe not. They made customization in WoW easier. Granted, you pay a sub to play it.

I don’t assume they will make body types available. That’s way too much effort which you can see very well in FFXIV. Armor has to be customized for each body type. In D4 they only have to do this once per class.

If they expanded that, this step would be increased ninefold.

I’m very happy with how the druid looks in D4 and that’s why I’m going to play it as the main and show off the dadbod (as Rod would say) in full glory using transmog.

Yep, i completely agree! I play Druid in any game if the class is available, and was so excited to see the druid was going to be available after the close beta last week. Then, I saw the lump of a character and I have been playing as a sourcerer… Lets hope they fix this druid BT before the full release.

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fatphobia :sleeping: Archetypes dont have a body type selector

Other classes: “body type A” - “body type B”
Druid: “Oh lawd! he is coming” - “Oh lawd! she is coming”


Reminder the only reason druid is fat is because they refused to properly design the druids skills, if bear transformation/wolf transformation was long term/ permanent druids could be lean and muscular as they are described in the lore so its the designer hating on the class bascially.