Body type for all classes

Don’t know what their issue is. I mean it seemed like it was getting better with Diablo Immortal since the characters there are much better looking especially considering the nightmares that are the Diablo 2 remade characters. The community begged them to change the options but they didn’t they even made improvements themselves, still nothing was done.

While I hope they listen to what people are asking here, because if they were to make body types a choice it would solve this issue and give people like me who wants a fat sorcerer the option to play one, I’m afraid they have a history of ignoring the fans.


I agree with this.

Although you don’t need to go into finding something to blame like “oh woke ideology” or “unhealthy minorities”.

You can just say that you wish there were multiple body types per class, which is fine and agreeable.


Agree fully.

I know there are some games with body sliders and all the armor can fit on each slider type, and then other games where they have to completely redo the armor set based upon body types. I am thinking this game is the first type mentioned based upon how the models look, but I really have no idea.

The druid was likely designed that way because he’s practically a werebear that “embodies the beast”. Makes sense to have big body mass. He’s extremely similar to the werebears from the Witcher 3. Muscular but also, let’s say, prepared for the winter.

Completely agree, If someone wants to be fat, let them, if they want to be skinny let them be skinny? Either make options for different body shapes, or make neutral bodies.


Yeah i was super stoked and was worriewd posting this exact topic, would be out of line or body shaming disgn chouice, but plz let males and female have a proportion slider for girth of tummy and chest and stuff plzzz blizz <3 the class is amazing tho but… plz sliders UwU


The druid model looks extremely bad, I honestly don’t know what they were thinking. I guess it has to do with representation, but why did it have to be my favorite class?! Anyway, more options would indeed be nice. Let our voices be heard!


Again not true, existing body structure is altered and whats missing is filled in with the druids version of mana they can even become stuck if they stay like that for years not impossible to revert though just hard, why are you changing how the mechanic works just because it doesn’t suit your argument?

Agreed, but for me it’s just the druid that I want alternate body types for. The strongman look of the male druid looks ok, but the female druid looks like a stereotypical American who rides a mobility scooter when shopping at Walmart. Every other class looks fine to me, they just need more hairstyle options.


Not a chance. Don’t be silly.

I agree. I started a Druid and was like WTF?! No way that looks good. I guess they have to have one class that looks like crap. D3 Witch Doc comes to mind.

Here’s to the investors seeing how poor druid cosmetics are selling and corporate strong arms them to making body options available to increase cosmetic sales. For once, they might actually make a game company do something worth while!

If the old Pathfinder game can have the body type and facial expression, they should be able to add them in IV. Why does everybody look like a goth with black under eye?!

Dozens of earrings and nose rings to choose from that are the size of an atom. But anything that does not require a microscope to view? Well you can probably guess what’s going to happen.


Hard disagree, Druid is thicc boi for life.

i wanna be a big boned sorcerer, to show how much kfc chicken buckets I eat :chicken:


each class is supposed to have a certain aesthetic. for example, necro is supposed to look pale and malnourished and like a creeper who hangs out in a graveyard. a fatty necro just wouldn’t look right and the game is supposed to have a certain theme/look to it.

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Jokes aside. Unfortunately this is the truth. It’s basically an artistic choice. Characters are small to begin with, so by making each class have “distinct” physical features make them more easily recognizable. Character sliders may be a solution for many people, but others may think it will ruin immersion.

Going to disagree with many here and side with each class having a distinctive look. You already have transmogs and all that, but let’s keep each class to having their own identity versus full customization. It just doesn’t fit in the Diablo world.

This actually supports a druid overhaul since we know what they should look like and its not lord of the mcdonalds forest.