Blood Maidens Way Overtuned!

helltide is not an endgame activity. it’s where you will find lots of casual players.
open world should be fairly easy. dungeons are for challenges.

So it’s a question of skill then? I solo’d her with only like 2 or 3 sacred items equipped in WT3. She was difficult but it was fun because it was. She may get nerfed but I think some minor adjustments would be okay. Otherwise, leave her be. Making the bosses easier that are supposed to be a challenge is not the way we want to take this at least when it comes to this boss.

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Ah good. You’ve identified your problem!


likewise an eternal player, 0 issues soloing her fighting in groups. the longest part of the fight is the wait for her to spawn

i like the fight, granted I was way under level to fight her (only 60ish with a few pieces of ancenstral gears on) but my crew stumbled in a fight that was spawned and we went with with 100 to 300 shards each and left the fight with her dead, our gear broken and our shards gone hahah

went back at 75 and it was a much easier time, I can only imagine at 80 its a fair fight and probably at 100 its cake

There is your problem, your gear is underpowered now. Find new gear, temper and masterwork it.

I got rocked by them when I switched to WT3 and it was surprising. They might be overtuned a bit, but you do have to change your approach a bit and it takes some strategy.

they do take forever to kill but i think its a gear/early game atm. its annoying that i keep having 7 other people doing no damage and keep dropping their debuffs on me though

The level of hypocrisy here is off the charts! 3/4 of people also clearly can’t read either because they’re going on about how easy the Blood Maidens are on lower world tiers when I am talking about lvl 100 T4. Of course they’re a breeze on T1 and T2, everything is. Get your heads out of the sand and realize not everyone is a looney toon that starts the game over from scratch every 3 months! Clearly A LOT of you are though and Blizzard balance the game without considering the Eternal Realm and it shows.

They did balance the game considering the eternal realm. They just figured you’d get updated gear. Most legacy gear is simply inferior now.

I suspect that obtaining new gear, properly tempering it, and maybe starting on masterworking might lead to an easier time with the new helltide boss.

Have you updated gear yet? That might be the difference.

I love the difficulty of things when the season reset first drops.

My first world boss took us a 5min 30seconds.

First blood maiden actually managed to kill me XD

Why would we care about the suboptimal way to play the game.

It’s a seasonal game and they should balance around seasons. You need to change, not d4.