Blood Maidens Way Overtuned!

She only got me once but that’s because I never fought her during the PTR didn’t know her mechanics. That big fire circle got me but I learned to evade out of it.

I haven’t tried her on World Tier 3 yet, but I solo’d her several times and also had groups come join once I’ve summoned her and still only died that one time to her.

She isn’t over tuned. At most, you’re trying to take her while under leveled, undergeared, or both.

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Y’all learn to read please! Again… I am on the Eternal Realm, I am neither underleveled nor undergeared. It’s not a question of not being able to kill them it’s simply a matter of how long it takes. They should take about as long as those Helltide assassin things not x5 longer than a world boss!

If you’re running her with your legacy gear, then I’m sorry to tell you, that you are in fact undergeared.


/facepalm /extracharacters

She is fine. 20 chars

Let me put it this way, would you go do a World Boss on World Tier 4 with all yellow gear?


That’s the equivalent of what you’re doing when fighting a new boss with gear that’s not intended for her. Again, undergeared.


if you arent undergeared, you eventually just need to get good.

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I am playing this season on eternal too, and I solo’d Blood Maiden within 60 seconds. She’s perfectly fine.


Im using old legacy gear, haven’t upgraded anything. Its fine; its more fun if you time your threat max lvl to her spawn.

I will go back to not running helltides for fear of falling asleep if they nerf it. Once i find all the temper books and get decent upgraded gear, im sure it will go back to that.

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are you using yesteryear gear? I hate to say this, but get gud plz.

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Less time crying, more time playing and adapting. Nothing in this game is that hard and hasn’t even been a day yet.

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I strongly disagree!

Why? Helltide is a system that now will be with us from early to endgame. Maybe it is because you are playing eternal, but there are even items to make it harder, so they are (fortunately) also an endgame activity and within a lot of potential in that.

Sorry, but in that case you are simply not maxed out. The new gear and temper affixes are just a all new league for most of the builds, therefore the game is and will be balanced around it.

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Not overtuned, you’re just bad. I’m tired of the bad players whining for the tiniest of a challenge being nerfed.

You’re going in with essentially less powerful gear because you for some reason haven’t utilized tempering and masterworking and you’re whining about it. You’re playing the game wrong.


My friend, they are okay believe me, if you played PTR you could see that on higher levels they are vanishing as everything else in the game, except of lvl200 bosses and pit lvl130+

I accept the difficulty of this “Mini Lilith” Hell tide in general was too easy to begin with IMO. It’s good to have something new as a Legitimate Boss.

And if you keep losing to it, you might be low level? Or need better gear?

Get better gear she easy

I don’t think they have any one shot mechanics. And I’m solo killing them in about 6-8 seconds.

Not trying to say I’m great or anything, because I’m probably just an average player but it feels like you’re doing something wrong somewhere.

For instance, the more players you have the more eruptions will spawn (because each player spawns them) so I guess there can be multiple eruptions killing someone. I’ve also seen players get the circle and stand still which ends up causing them to take all the eruptions at once.

As for legacy gear that you’re defending, it’s mathematically inferior. That’s before you account for the reports of perfect rolled legacy gear changing to min stats. If you’re rolling around in legacy gear then you’re just not prepared for any of the new content. Might explain why I can destroy the fight solo in 6-8 seconds compared to your 11 person team taking several minutes.

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You are not maxd out or you are just bad at this game. In ptr I could solo her in seconds with optimized build, including tempering/masterworking.

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How many people need to tell you you’re doing something wrong before you start to question yourself, do you think? I dont think these were challenging, or took noticibly long to kill, even on freshly wt3 characters at 35 or wt4 characters at 50.

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