Blood Maidens Way Overtuned!

They’re basically mini-Liliths, waaaay too much HP and hard to spot one shot mechanics. Idk how they went live like this.

Edit: I play on the Eternal Realm, it’s not a question of gear…

They’re meant to be tough and typically people join you to help kill them. May want to save your hearts until you’re better leveled, geared or both.


Nah keep them a threat


we did them with 12 people and they were still way overtuned. real chore to kill (plus they run around too much and are hard to see).

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Isn’t it fantastic? Great change to helltides!


I am as geared as humanly possible because I only play on the Eternal Realm. There were also at least 10 other people with me and she still took x10 longer to kill than the world boss we killed next. The entire fight is also a complete cluster**** with mobs constantly spawning and cluttering the screen to the point where you can’t see anything, not even the Helltide meteors. They’re ridiculously overtuned and they will get nerfed, it’s not even a question. It’s frankly inexcusable how they made it to live like this and why no one sounded the alarm on the PTR, unless of course they were buffed last minute in typical inconsiderate Blizzard fashion.

Helltides are a chore whose only purpose is to gather mats for other content, that’s not where the challenge should be.

I’m not saying your concerns aren’t valid but if you’re on Eternal, I would love to hear your experience with her when you are fully geared out and not using old legacy gear. As I imagine was the case for everyone fighting her at the time.


So is the legacy gear on eternal basically useless now?

Mathematically yes. Almost all of it. Only thing that might work is some warped immortality build based on damage reduction while injured but even then the mobs are doing so much damage at pit 150-200 that you probably can’t achieve immortality

Considering the amount of main stat we were hitting along with the percent amount we could potentially get on affixes for any given damage type in the PTR, legacy gear will be vastly behind when people start gearing.

If geared correctly I can easily see people hitting 2k main stat. I hit 1600+ on the PTR with just decent gear, nothing special.

Also why I firmly believe the OP will be fine once geared. Blood Maiden is easy compared to what’s in the Pits.

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As she should be. The real challenge should be in the Pit and other endgame content like summoned bosses, not Helltides that are only there as a stepping stone. Also everything in the Pit can be soloed, these can’t and clearly aren’t meant to which is a problem because A-RPGs aren’t MMOs.

It’s far from useless, it just can’t be further augmented because it doesn’t work with the new crafting/upgrading systems. Which I personally resent because it’s not our fault that the gear this game launched with was poorly designed and had to be all but scrapped. I am tired of feeling punished for playing this game from launch because it’s been nothing but massive paid Beta testing so far…

Blizzard basically did exactly what all the other indie companies are doing with releasing their A-RPGs unfinished but lied about it and billed us top dollar for a glorified Beta.

All I ask is you keep us updated on the situation as you get better gear. I have a feeling your opinion may very well change.

I like them. There are always people around to help kill them.

People doesnt customize Temper/Enchant their gear much as they level, they dont even sort their powers , as they judge it like a waste of time

Its true that they are tough, but its only because most people arent tweaked :slight_smile:

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Early on in wt2 the fight took forever. But since WT3 the maidens were going down like a sack of bricks. I just unlocked WT4 before logging off for the night so haven’t actually tried them yet there but I suspect that by the end of the weekend they’ll be sub 30 seconds fights.

Can’t judge things on day one. Give it time.


I only play on the Eternal Realm (I’ve updated my OP to reflect that) so I am as maxed out as you can be rn without the new crafting and upgrading systems. They’re still overtuned.

Not on the Eternal Realm, and not on the seasonal either after the first few weeks. This is an A-RPG, not an MMO and everything needs to be soloable. These things are taking longer to kill than world and summoned bosses, that’s messed up.

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People joining is the problem. They’re super easy solo. It’s people that don’t know wtf they’re doing jumping in and nuking everybody else with mechanics making them seem hard.

they are not overtuned.

They are too, and I am gonna tag you with the quote from the inevitable nerf when they announce it, probably as early as tomorrow…

sorry, you label them “mini liliths” i have a hard time taking you serious.

They might nerf them, sure, that doesnt mean they are overtuned tho. All it means is that they are once again caving in to people are just bad.