BLIZZARD: You Either Row This Boat Or It's Going To Sink

A 12 gauge with 00 buckshot will fix a croc.

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The problem is Blizzardā€™s target audience is people who like clicking on menus and people dressing up their barbies. One person who spends hundreds on cosmetics is worth more than someone like me, who spent 35 dollars on a game and will NEVER buy cosmetic pieces or battle passes. Iā€™d only cop out for a real expansion.

Hardcore deaths by connection interruptions should be automatically preserved. No excuse for no single player or private/coop experience. These are super old concepts even for this genre. If they added new enemies (not reskins), new ways to play the game (classes, features) new areas. They had a great idea with some world navigation ideas like cliffs, ladders, etc. Would like to see them take that to the next level.

has been there in diablo 2. has been abused by force disconnecting.

Yup, and one of the main reasons for a MP world is the cash shop. They know the people who buy that crap just wanna show it off to other players. It needs to be like Diablo 2 and Diablo 3. SP with the OPTION of MP.

Make it a stat, ā€œThis player has total DCā€™s.ā€ Literally no normal gamer cares about someone disconnecting in a PVE game. Nobody cares. If you wanna be a dork and DC yourself then whatever. If it interrupts PVP, and someone DCā€™s, start timing them out.

Say you donā€™t know how writing code works without saying you donā€™t know how writing code works.

Ah yes, because that would not be horribly ab used by people not wanting to die in HC.
About to die? Pull the plug! :man_facepalming:

Why do you care about some dork doing that in this game?

You obviously donā€™t know how to code, but Iā€™m like a super genius I guess.

Did you even watch the VoH expansion panel. The expansion will have a new class that we have never seen before.

Iā€™m fine with that, but I also think the sequels should build off what they have.