BLIZZARD: You Either Row This Boat Or It's Going To Sink

It’s not a bad game if it were done by an indie company. This is made by a 74 billion dollar company. They SHOULD be the ARPG kings. I mean they used to be. Realistically D4 should have been delayed another 6 months. Delays suck but it’s better to see a game in a really good place than see a half baked product. I’m just hoping they fix the lag and rubber banding. Invisible walls. S4 is really good but the game still feels like an out of season april fools joke.



And how do they fix that?

Do you have any proof they are only doing one expansion?
And seasons are substantial content.

I can get behind this

Sadly, they will be expansions. That’s how gaming is, these days.

most of them are not even in the same genre, are you serious or trolling right now?

  1. Sure
  2. This is Single-Player mode
  3. There will always be lag spikes due to the nature of the internet, if you’re not prepared to lose your character for any reason then for the love of hell DO NOT PLAY HARDCORE
  4. Nearly every season has had content that applies for eternal as well
  5. Sounds like expansion content, for the most part

This I would want very much too, kinda tired of other people messing around me. The most annoying thing is when you do World Bosses, can’t even do 1 hit and it just get’s down in less 1 second - I don’t know how this is still a thing. It’s even worse experience for a newcomer.

Blizzard is always reversing decisions.

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You’re not wrong in this regard, however as the current game works and the fact we have an overworld; a single player mode, or a private game mode would be near impossible without dedicating a whole team to working on it for months on end.

Now that being said, they could implement a SF mode, not a SSF mode mind you, because of how the overworld works. What this would entail is similar to what they have in WoW, where you can still group up with people and see people in the overworld, but you can’t trade with anyone. That could be the only compromise I could see Blizzard taking at this moment.

Nah, you just remove boss fights. Legions can be done solo. The only thing would be boss fights.

You don’t think people would complain about the fact they can’t fight World Bosses? It’s the best consistent source of Scattered Prisms. So if you took those away you’d have to implement another system to consistently drop them. See the chain affect going on?

I have no idea, but I’ve not done a world boss in months. I would love a SP world.

you guys never considered the fact that there is absolutely zero incentive for blizzard to change this?

you essentially picked a online game and asked for a single player offline mode, its not happening dude, this cost money, a lot of money, and they gain nothing out of it.

At that point they will simply ask you to pick another game, since you are no longer their target audience.

Yea these are the issues they’d have to solve before making a single player mode. That’s all I’m saying. They would have to alter some of the fundamentals of the game to compensate. Which in turn would mean completely different servers to house this new build for the game, which costs money, then you have maintenance, updates to implement not only to the base game but to this new version, etc.

The list goes on. If you look at it from a business standpoint, what do they have to gain from adding this in? If anything they would be losing money.

What fundamentals of the game would need to change? Its not has hard as you think. It is a simple line of code.

With the new system you are blocked from progresssion without word bosses.

Only WB drop those prisms that you need to put jewellery sockets in gear now.

Also if they ever make this single player offline it would probably after season 25 right before Diablo 5.

Again, you still need servers to house the new build of the game, without said lines of code.

So what’s more likely to happen, they buy completely new servers for some players that want a single player experience, or they add a rule in the game the players can checkmark upon creating a character that makes it so they can’t trade with anyone?

I’m not saying I’m against the idea of a single player mode, by all means I’m always for more options. However, realistically speaking, I don’t see it happening.

this is a facepalm moment…

It would take me an hour to do it.

time to send in your resume buddy

Nah, make more money doing what I do now, but it is not as hard as everyone thinks.

Row, row, row your boat
Gently down the stream.
If you see a crocodile,
Don’t forget to scream.