Blizzard please help this class

Oh boy here we go again you already know. Attached is a video of a key i just finished. WT4 NM 36. Highest completed as of now so yay there. But dear lord its rough. Some trolls on this fourm love to boast but wont show proof.

So people can actaully SEE these isssues heres proof.

Why cant we tell our minions to focus 1 mob?
Why are minions just standing around?
Why are Supressor fields not destroy able?
Why cant we passively summon minions as in D3 anymore?
Why is summon minions not an aoe 1 push all?
Why is the priest not its own minion or its cast always rolling when pressed?
Why are my minions damage so abysmal?? My golem was smacking 1 trash mob for 2k.

Why the f*** can other classes do this exact same key in 5 to 10 minutes at this level and it took me over 20?? I had to cut out the first half of me freeing prisoners.

Folks will say " oh you cleared the key so its fine" NO. Thats not how an ARPG works.

Damage & speed. Thats the hallmark of an ARPG. It should not take me 20 minutes to do what another class of the same level can do 50% faster. This is not viable.

Blizard please help this class.


thanks bro , i m actualy reaching lvl 80 , and i have the exact same issue , i do not want to give up , i want to end this character and push it to 100 , but omg , i have rogue friend , and barb friend who clean keys ways faster , and when i say way faster its 5 times maybe 6 times faster .
A have every single minions nodes , i m full renown so i have the +20 paragon point there is some other point we can talk about:

  • Mobs under shields actualy completly nullified you wizard pets.
  • we have no mobility what so ever
  • no way we can make our minions target destroyable on map
  • Golem taunt actualy dont work
  • the golem don t stay on the mob after casting his taunt , he lauche the spell and run away most of the times
    -minions spend a lot of times runing aways from a target to another some fight they don t even stay more than 4 secs on a target , they just spend theyr times runing around like idiots

Considering also our paragon boards are not even working right now its an absolute nightmare (no pun intended).

All we can do for now is just endure. Currently just grinding 31-34 keys atm and levling my glyphs.


I have been struggling so hard on Necro. I’ve changed my build so many times, trying to use ones I see online. But I can’t even kill bosses to get the abilities I need to finish the builds. I have gotten to the point where I barely get hit by the boss, but it still just nickles and dimes me til I die. It’s just getting to like 30 minutes on a single basic dungeon boss. I’m out of gold to respec, and I have no more resources to apply abilities to the items I do have. I’m at the end of my rope, man.

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Youre going through it for real. My struggle isnt even the bosses its the elites. As you can see in the video the bosses melt.

But its the combination of bad ai, bad minion dmg, bad everything, coupled with micro managing and its just awful.

Doable? Yea of course as you can also see in the video i completed the key lol. But dear god why??


same here , i smelt all the boosses in 15 secs

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Again its not the bosses though. Its the elites. Its the bad ai. Its the bad minions.

A corrner stone of the necro fantasy and playstyle is off their minions, why on earth do we not have simple control to focus 1 target.

That ALONE would fix so many issues.

And of course theres very simple QoL changes.

Let us raises corpses in an area instead of 1 at a time. Why do i have to sit there spamming 1 button, with no buff mind you, to get my key damage out? If you watch the video that literally got me friggan killed.

Then on top of that, the paragon boards dont even work. So even if i get them up the dmg output is abysmal.

I have to wait for AotD to be up JUST to have some form of minions generation theres no way thats intended.


Watching the video; one thing you can do is use the leg that allows Blight to pull mobs, and scorpion-pull suppressors into your bone mages.

Or; if you dont want to change up your build, just run past the suppressor field until youve dragged your mages inside the field and then reaggro

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So thats the bad news, i DO have that. Its how i was trying to pull that first supressor for my mages.


Woops, didnt notice :upside_down_face:

Every time someone says “if they buff minions, theyll be op”

What i hear/read is “i dont understand how arpgs work”

Cause yeah, arpgs are about clear speed. Necros were always gonna have the slowest clears, because they dont have a movement ability.
But when minions are bad on top of the crappy movement, thats just compounding the issues


The universal complaint for now is just let us focus 1 friggan mob. We have 12 minions minimum.

There should be no reason if 90% of our damage (even if its crap) shouldnt be able to be focused onto 1 mob if we want it that way.

Not having that said damage standing around or wacking something of its own choosing.

Youve seen the video right? I have to disenage 3 to 4 rooms down JUST to reset their aggro.

Then theres you know just HAVING minions.

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Hi there,

Im having the same issues (I’m almost 70). Sometimes when a boss (or elite) appears I’ll try to send the golem. The golem hit one time and run away to kill a fly or spider or fix the floor. Or just starts to run around the boss (or construction).

And yes, the skills to make agro doesn’t work properly, I mean the Bone Golem “works” until the golem run away to fix the floor or kill a fly. The skeletons are like ghost to the enemies, so you always eat the damage.

It’s like the necro hasn’t power over his minions


That’s because they’re friends, not minions. The old days of forcing the unliving to work without proper treatment and pay are over.


You telling me these undead bastards unionized??? Well were screwed

I did make a post about golem pathing. During a legion event i tried to make him slam but he instead ran around in circles so i know exactly what you mean.


What do you mean specifically about the paragon boards not working?

Also, Kripparian recently made video about how he believes resists are bugged somehow, as it stands now theyre the absolute worst stat you can have on any single piece of gear at a minimum magnitude of 10. It also so happens that Intelligence (our primary scaling stat) also scales resists as well. Coupled with the severe lack of mobiility it gives a decent basis for why Necro is widely regarded as the weakest class atm.

The build diversity/viability is also extremely underwhelming. Sorcs have viable builds for each element.

Its already been reported but cult leader and Golem board stats are not reflecting

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Its weird but I don’t feel weak or underpowered (to the degree that some people have been complaining about) because I haven’t played other classes to WT4 so don’t have anything to compare it to. But then I do a legion and see everyone zooming around completely destroying everything in one hit while I am trying to regen essence or catch up to the group and then I’m like “Oh yeah…”

Yeah he seems to be unable to slam the building/construct sort of structures so he gets confused.

For real, so I worked up about 85 luck strike with ring of medlen, sometimes it’ll proc like crazy because they decide to go for the mob other times nothing because they split to high heaven. The fact we lose ability spots for a golem and skeletons and if you want more mages and warriors you use two slots in insane. Least they could do is let us put extra skeletons on boots ffs.

I’ve rebuilt so many times that I’m out of sigils…

The wombo combo on Elites sometimes are absolutely ridiculous. Flame waves, bolt spheres, Obelisks killing my Minions instantly. It’s pure pain

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