Blizzard please buff Spiritborn and Sorcerer significantly. Please

Wanted to make this its own thread because these 2 classes are severally lacking (snapshotting doesn’t count).

Blizzard please buff Spiritborn (Quilvolley, Touch of Death, Stinger) and Sorcerer (Fireball, Meteor, Ball Lightning, Frozen Orb) significantly, please.


i am using a sorc. at this point, even if the devs buff both class from 1000B to 1000T, it is still the same boring content.

in fact, i think all classes are already too strong. a character with 20k–100k hp dealing billions or trillions of damage is insanely unbalanced. it’s like an ant wiping out an entire savanna of 100 herds of african elephants.


They need to do another stat squish at this point.


they need to up the other skills of these classes, that is one thing i never got in this game, there are skills that hit like a wet noodle, dont matter how much you build around it, it either doesnt have a good unique to go with that skill, or it is just outright hitting like a wet noodle, and if it was meta at one point it is due to snapshotting or a unintented bug.

i guess some skills are not ever ment to be strong and just there as a placeholder/filler or level with it.

i do hope they will make the other skills stronger either directly or through some unique, cuase it really start to get boring this way, its every season the same 1 or 2 skills that are OP, every other skill hits like a wet noodle in end game (i dont consider standard t4 end game) or gets totally overwhelmed and outdone by a bugged interaction of another skill, which they will not fix for weeks and weeks if at all, most of the times if any of the other underwhelming skills are in the meta, it has nothing to do with that skill itself, but rather a bugged interaction or snapshotting.

i do hope they will buff some skills.


I started a sorc with the “normal” Shockuna Lightning Spear Build. This build is a fun quick porting build which is nice to play in T4 overworld and pit Lvl 70. If you go higher you will feel the full force of Enboss DamageSpongeBobbiness. Awful. No fun.

Next step for my filthy sorcish peasant will be the “Orange” Version of the build that requires snapshotting (everybody likes this mechanic. there are no exceptions. it has to be mandatory for every build to function in the future :lying_face:).

Yes. Please buff buff buff so at least a well done build can do pit lvl 110 within 3 mins.

Bossing (Lair Bosses/Blood Maiden/Headless etc…)

  • Bloodwave Necro. 1 press of a button (no buffs, no preparations etc required) DEAD
  • Lightninspear Sorc & other wetnoodle hitting classes (no snapshotting): they have to activate all the buffs available/pray toRNGCrittus to get the fight done within 20 seconds (may :honeybee: HOURS)

Quote of the Century, I thank you for that laughter! :rofl:

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we became better jokers because we enjoy this kind of ridiculous setting. :rofl:


I don’t remember you here on the forums advocating for other classes to get buffed last season when Spiritborn reigned supreme in it’s own universe beyond anything and everyone else.


I like my crushing hand Spiritborn, But anything that is above like pit 75-80 is impossible.

Had to get carried by the better classes to get my glyphs to 100

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I will try a level 100 pit with a non-snapshot 12/12 glyphs 50 bis items (not the amulet ofc) lightning spear sorc now. I will be broken and enraged after 15 mins at latest :see_no_evil:

Update: forget it… not possible.

Anybody tried out the “Orange Pit Pushing” build from Mekuna?
Can a mere mortal use it to do a pit 100 comfortably?

If this was for me, I did actually (if you have a selective memory that’s not on me).
I was against nerfs though, most asked for nerfs which I didn’t agree with and still don’t agree with. I don’t think they should nerf Barbarian and Necromancer at the end of this season either. I am against nerfs, Blizzard goes too extreme on those. People are having fun, keep them. Just bring other classes up to their level.

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I don’t know how to fix Sorcs without revamping passives. like…300-400% damage per passive is what it would realistically take. That’s a LOT of power in one key passive.

It is possible took me 13 minutes to clear but I did it non orange and no snap shot. But my LS build follows no guide

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The wizard is in a good place. Of course he doesn’t make pit 150 but he has 3 to 4 builds making +135. The other classes only have 1 extremely strong build, the rest are trash. The rogue only has two death traps and rain of arrows, the rest are trash. The problem is having classes making 150 so easily.

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I usually play either Sorcerer or Necro…and Necro, every season, is usually much better in every way. The passives alone for necro are 1000% times better than anything Sorc has. Its been a weak, pathetic class pretty much since this game started. Yea there was ball lightning and then lightning spear…but for the most part only the true sickest of us all play the class.

If the idea of a sorc going for pure melting power and giving up defense to do it, this design is horribly broken. But everyone knows that anyway.

If you want a strong sorcerer like character, play a necro. almost any necro. You’re beefier and you’ll do more damage.


They should be nerfed instead. By a lot.

Yeah, there really are some skills that should be buffed a bunch.
Overall all classes should be nerfed though. With some targeted buffs to very weak skills.

LOL yeah no shortage of the SB hate last season. Karma is what karma does.

I think things are fine with everything relative fair and even, though I think the sorcs could use a little love. But after the 3 season of barb suffering nerf and after nerf, I guess you can say it’s sorcs’ turn.

Power creep is already bad enough. I think all classes should be able to do pit 120 with some difficulty with the seasonal buffs in place, and anything higher should be for min-maxing experts and game pros with high APMs. The level 120 is arbitrary just so one can level their glyphs to 100.

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Blizzard panicking as they realize players want more than 1 build option per season.


Why? They never really did one to start. Yeah life, base damage, and armor got squished, but those are all relative start points. All of the scaling of those via game functions are exactly the same.
What did it accomplish? What do you think anothet would accomplish?

Season 6 would have been even worse without that stat squish that everyone forgot even happened because of how moronic S6 was. As of now every form of content minus your max pit level is trivial. They need to fix that somehow and perhaps in multiple ways.