It wasn’t a stat squish. Nothing got smaller. They just moved some numbers around and then accidentally (probably) added more ways to make the end numbers even bigger.
I tried and I can finish pit 110 without that crazy 3x masterwork in each affix. But you need to have at least 2x in the affix Chance do Lighting Spear do double damage for sure.
Currently my LS does 300 Billions critical but not all the time like in other classes.
I say nerf the broken stuff and stop snapshotting, it is garbage.
agreed. That’s what needed to be performed among a lot of other things to get a decent balance.
This. Again, to my original point, it didn’t really do anything.
It didn’t change mechanics, it didn’t constrain anything, and for people allergic to big numbers, they’re just as big now. Another one won’t change anything.
If you ask me, one of the main reasons for it in the first place was to hide the fact that eternal gear pre-VOH was in fact nerfed and there was no actual power creep with higher level gear; i.e. all of the percentages and multipliers, the things that really matter, wound up being the same in top level gear as it was prior to the expansion.
I think what you are actually asking for is increased difficulty;
If so, changing that is not going to come from a stat squish, it’s going to come from a full rebalancing of player stats versus monster stats.
I agree…
Spirtborns are called SPIRIT-TURDS this season, despite being SPIRIT-GODS last season.
Sorcerer?..Sorcerer has been a worthless class all the time…
I don’t think that will change.
CL Sorc here…I think damage for T4 is just fine. I melt everything…It’s when you start pushing pits and see how bad “Single Target” or Elites damage really is.
If you look at Axial Conduit for example…66 Mana drain should be 33 mana drain, twice as much exploding damage. That’s a significant burst of damage to single targets or Elites. Not only that but would reduce mana usage and maybe you can stop using Starless Skies for once.
its been Sorc’s turn since the game started. In the history of this game and its seasons, they’ve had 2 strong builds (I’m not counting the broken fire shield build-that was just stupid). Everything else has been mediocre at best. You dont realize how much better other classes are until you play them.
Um…Okay. It’s a sorcerer though, btw.
Season 7 showed that Spiritborn was meant to be reliant on rod of kepeleke. Which is stupid and cannot be true. One item? Nonsense. So what it actually shows is they do not test their game. Whatsoever. I don’t believe anyone will argue that. And if they do well…we can look around and say “ok sure”.
They need to do more stat squishes in the future. Better ones. Ones that matter. They could also buff the content if they don’t want to nerf players.
Imagine seeing patch notes that say monster health buffed by 2000%. Imagine this great dream. Where we may still 1 shot them anyway.
i do 100s with mekuna’s speed farm version in 1:40 mins.
check it out before it’s nerfed into oblivion.
I feel in no way that my sorc is underpowered. Fast af speed farming and can clear tripple digit pits with subpar gear…
My only issue with it is that snapshotting is needed for tripple digits and snap shotting is lame.
I was playing SB last season and while most guys were crying for nerfs i was having fun. This season I’m having fun with Barb and Necro and to he honest i don’t care about nerfs after season ends. If they nerf necro I’m gonna play something else. I’m surprised that someone still cares about SB.
It’s a Sorceress with facial hair.
This made me laugh, thank you for that
No Spiritborn players cried for nerfs. They were in the McDonalds play place ball pit with you.
The 5 seasons (S0-S4) I played this class I could not bring myself to make the male version…they all wear the same dress.
I don’t know who decided on that, but one of the worst decisions in D4 for sure, eventhough it is cosmetic only.
is this post a joke or what ?
If your LS sorc is well optimized, pit 100 is still easy without Overpower.
Sorceres is the best class of the season. The only one with 4 builds making 135. The other classes only have broken lasts and Barbarian has earthquake. I have a meter at T4 and I have no problems.