Blizzard needs to stop with the nerfs

You need your medicine x4 before you get any candy x1.


While itā€™s true that Sorc needs some adjustments they should nerf all class damage by at least 50%.

Currently 99% of the content is a joke and trivial, game def needs a character nerf (or monster buff, especially bosses & worldbosses)

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Except 1 build to my knowledge the average sorc struggles past T80. Iā€™m not even sure if that build can do it I just know Blizz is stronger than Shards,Lash, CL and FB as far as NM push.

crit and vuln need to be reworked. completely, and so does just about every other affix.

the reality is crit and vuln is good on all builds. this shouldnt be the case.

every affix should be BIS on a build. there should be no useless affixes.

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Theyā€™re definitely getting reworked; and not just Vuln & Crit, but also Overpower.

Major issue with this is ALL Sorc builds rely on Crit/Vuln and Sorc is already the worst class.

EVERYONE relies on Crit/Vuln, this is not specfically a Sorc problem. IF they nerf vuln and crit (which I donā€™t believe theyā€™re doing, theyā€™re likely going to change how they stack / mix up the buckets), it will affect everyone equally.

This wonā€™t make sorcs worse than they already are. Actually, a nerf to vuln would actually make Sorcs better relative to the other classes because Sorcs have the worse Vuln uptime anyway.

The game is about power fantasy. The problem is is that there are multiple power fantasies, and the only one that is being fulfilled is the crit/vuln stacking power fantasy.

Not everyone just wants big crit numbers. There are people who want to melt things with DOTs, there are probably some overpower fans out there, minion fans, etc. All of them need to feel powerful, not just the crit/vuln stackers.

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I did say in post ā€œMelting DOTsā€ā€¦so far DOTā€™s in this game are in a good spot. Rogue poison is ridiculous, infinimist shadow DOTā€™s that crit are insaneā€¦Iā€™m even running a custom firewall sorc that melts NMDā€™s ten over my level.

I donā€™t think nerfs are the answer, I think everything outside DOTā€™s, crit, and vulnerability need to be buffed instead.

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I got a feeling they are going to make them additive like other affixs and we only have one dmg bucket.

Iā€™m fine with them changing them. Heck, remove vuln for all I care. The key is making sure you buff other stuff to make up for it. However, my fear is that this will end up being a major nerf. Then without a PTR the season will start with this massive nerf. Then two weeks later we will get a ā€œbalanceā€ patch that barely addresses the issue. And for sorcs it will be a minor buff to something nobody uses. Followed by having to wait for season 3 for any additional balance fixes.

Difficult to make things better when youre retarded.

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They do this, and Iā€™m out. Iā€™ve been enjoying the gameā€¦but that would be the last call for me personally.

Uh, wut? Have you tried NMD? Tried Lilith? Iā€™m sorry but I have a necro lvl 100 and a rogue 95 and clearing NMD are tough. I killed Lilith but couldnā€™t clear NMD 100.
Reducing dmg output by 50% would mean we couldnā€™t even clear WT4, what kind of fun is that?! Do you like needles under your nails too?


Wrong. This is a game. Entertainment. It competes with books and movies.

Will you tell Conan the Barbarian to his face that he should not feel godly and should be OK with some shotty sword or can only use weak combat skills?


Why is it OK to treat me that way after I paid over $100 for this game?

Bad faith prediction. Just because you donā€™t like the devs, doesnā€™t mean theyā€™re going to make the worse possible decision.

Faith? Iā€™m going by experience they already nerfd the game into the ground once and had to fix it, donā€™t think it will happen again? Where is your confidence in these devs coming from?


I hope they make everything additive, so the game isnā€™t a boring 1-hit fiesta anymore that we currently have. :wink:

Theres a thousand ways to skin a cat, but crit and that concept has been a core dungeons and dragons mechanics soā€¦while maybe not in d2, i think its a real mistake to nerf crit to a point where it isnt significant.

It should be a powerful hit now how that works for % damage auc over time is how you need to balance it.

Hope they do a good job.

This stuff really is upper level calculus stuff.

Crit rates in DnD is also more like 5-15% in most cases.

Yes. Overpowered characters arent interesting in stories either.

Trying to give you a better game where you arenā€™t overpowered seems like an okay way to treat customers.

We would still easily clear WT4 with 50% dmg reduction. Which definitely speaks to how much a nerf is needed.
To be fair, WT4 should also be buffed, reversing the monster lvl nerf, and add something akin to the NMD sigils, to make it more challenging. In which case dmg likely shouldnt be nerfed by 50% overall. Some builds definitely should be nerfed by 50%+ however.