Blizzard Listening to Feedback on Season of the Construct

Blizz always says they are listening but nothing ever changes.


I hope they listen well, like they did when players said they hated dungeon rooms that throw enemies at is that don’t drop anything or grant XP or how players hated being asked to pick up statues and run them back to an alter all the time.

So they designed a season with a end-room filled with traps and rare enemies that don’t drop loot or XP and also made carrying statues around in dungeons a big part of the mechanic.

It’s frustrating seeing the team take two steps forward and then immediately take two steps back the next season.

It’s not can’t, no one is saying traps are too hard. They’re just not fun. It slows down the player. It enforces a negative feedback.


Frankly I find puzzles to be fun and a nice break from the monotony. Unfortunately, too many instant gratification types scream the loudest and the end result is usually a mindless, boring game.


Suddenly sitting in a corner as a Trap goes off is a Puzzle? Hmmm, what to do what to do…


Pls look at this feedback Bliz with solutions

DEV Feedback: Why Traps dont work :mouse_trap: - PC General Discussion - Diablo IV Forums (

I mean… with everyone wanting to quit playing at the same time I don’t see how they couldn’t hear.

That is a good thing. Having updates released that have been solved for weeks really sucks imo. They just need to hire better or more people to test in house.


You have two polar opposite opinions there… one person loves traps and how they slow down gameplay and make you pay attention to the meticulous movements.

Everyone else kind of hates how they slow down gameplay, how tedious it is to pinpoint move in the game engine and how unrewarding the season feels overall.

That one guy vs an overwhelming majority… they probably wont change much.

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I think the thing that actually might move needle and get us emergency fix is that it just doesnt work. You have traps you must avoid or get less loot but you cant see them. They are covered by mobs or other affects or whatever. You just cant avoid it all unless you progress like molasses and then is it even worth it? You could have completed 2 other vaults by then just moving fast.

One guy made a great point as a rabies / poison druid. He poisons whole screen and they dont die for awhile so whole screen is green poisoned mobs running around coveringtraps and now he has to dodge these floor traps? How was this not spotted as an issue???

Somebody should do some actual tests.

Run vaults for 15 min going as fast as possible and track results.
Run vaults for 15 min avoiding all traps and track results.

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Why is that silly? Any one with half a brain could start digging into the “why” people dont like (re)leveling - look at how reknown was changed or campaign skip added. They have content that players do not like… what is it players dont like, what are we trying to get players to feel leveling (if its a narrative of powering up, becoming an “end game” giant… maybe we need to look at how we are pacing that or how we introduce and layer in new things.

As to seasons, heck yes get rid of the stupid warding buffs/interaction with traps. Its a fail, its like a restaurant massively changing its menu. Yes its a new taste to the menu… but it tastes very bad and customers wont keep coming back for it.

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You need to rework the entire game to make it not based around releveling or reset while keeping the grind. Something like raising the item power cap and mob strength every season so people are forced to regrind their gear.

Not sure you read what I wrote or I communicated it well:

OR change the pace of leveling or the power you gain when leveling… if leveling amounts to “go kill 100,000 monsters”, doing those monsters 1 by 1 is tedious… if you can more quickly get from hobbit to lord Sauron weilding you mace and watching the petty mortals fly… leveling becomes a lot more fun… again I point back to D3. Having a challenge cache and letting you level with legendary powers in the cube (and more recently with max level gear on a level 1) changing the leveling dynamic greatly… now the focus is not on a long drawn out 1-70… lets juice this up and speed through leveling in 20 minutes.

D4 feels very very very bland until much much later on in the paragon progression… maybe the XP curve needs adjusting from 1-50 reduce time by at least 50%, 50-75 dont change, then 75-90 start extending, with 90-100 being omg wtf long tailed grinds (or even 1-100 being short but having “prestige” levels after that for cosmetics which are super super long.

The problem is how people feel.

blizzard has “listened” to feedback since March 2023…

where did that get you?

chasing the carrot still? “s4 will be better” “s5 will be amazing”

man… just let go already


20 mins of 1-100 is not a well design game (aRPG), just remove leveling altogether and move into an “item power” based system ala Destiny or something.

Actually, after all this time I am convinced that they are really NOT playing this game - they’re just saying they are. Several things that are contradictory to what they’ve said in the past; only ancestral drops in WT4 and talking about really looking at the builds to find balance but the bugs persist, to name a few.

I have actually started dreading patches coz I just know something wrong is going to happen! :rofl:

Getting rid of leveling… while still giving out skill and paragon points incrementally. Do you see why it’s silly?

Get rid of a freshly released seasonal system, not just the buff, I said mechanics… the whole season. That’s silly because 1st they spent a lot of money developing it and 2nd because it’s a season: it is already going away.

That’s not good feedback. That’s the opposite of good feedback.

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Not all feedback is good. Some ppl have wild ideas. Even mine are bad sometimes. They can sift through it and figure it out. Most good ideas have more than 1 presenter.

Why would they have internal games they have to pay when they could get the community to do it for free as the community PAYS them 25 dollars for skins and 60+ dollar expansions?

We don’t do testing around here bub.

  • Blizzard
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