Blizz, you are SERIOUSLY out of touch

someone? try thousands of people…

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i am as end game as it gets, i’m level 65 and in torment difficulty, after these nerfs i am having trouble in nightmare these devs are criminal


Thousands? More like ten.

go look at the d4 discord

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Literally a thread of players who don’t like a challenge. If only they’d know what gaming used to entail.

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wait you guys can play without stuttering…? EA has begun? lol

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Both bone skills with their crit scaling and corpse consumption for resource gain got nerfed, which sucks, considering that stuff was propping the class up to some degree.

Yeah, definitely no thousands of outraged in there.

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Just checked, torment has a 70+ recommendation, usually if you go up in difficulty and you’re having trouble that’s the game telling you that you need better gear or to refocus your build.


Last time I checked Necros crit for 15k (trash gear) to 25k (a crit affix here and there). Necro has not much builds but Bone Spear/spirit hits like a truck.

all i’m seeing is that they reduces percentages on the glyphs. how does that totally destroy the paragon board?

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As a reminder, no matter what Blizzard tells you, no matter what they promise you, you’re only allowed to play as Blizzard intends… and they intend on Diablo 4 being a slog


i agree with you… they need to recheck all these nerfs…


People say the sky is falling on literally every game whenever they announce some nerfs


also they only reduced treasure goblins in PVP zones??? you seem hyperbolic, OP…

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i was in the correct place, these uncalled for nerfs now mean that i am uninstalling and moving on

No, they used that as a cover when they nerfed practically every source of damage reduction the class had.

You mean the Powerbottoms on Blizzards Payroll? Thats not very likely.


Now they only hit like a Pontiac Aztek.

“See what you did there I do” - Yoda