Blizz, you are SERIOUSLY out of touch

I gotta say, I’m not normally bothered by nerfs, but the pulverize nerf has me tilted. Druid is so utter trash until the build comes online and catching a nerf this early after struggling to finally get into the 50s and get the build online… bruh.

I’m rerolling rogue. Druid is trash.


BLIZZ quit nerfing shi* I actually want to have fun in the game


Hmmm. I finished my pepsi. I guess that’s a problem, if I want more pepsi.

I think I’ll down one before I sleep. Other than that I am not too sure what my problem is.


By the time you hit 50 Rogue will have been gutted too lol


These players are a joke itself


Didn’t you just give the Barb a 10% damage negation after open beta, because they weren’t durable enough? Now you just gutted their entire defense with shouts, as well as their damage, cc negation, and resource management? Are Barbs over performing in pvp zones or something, or are you pretending that this arpg game is a moba, so that you can fail where PoE has the last 2 years? Revert the nerfs, and let people have fun in your pve game…


Druids and barbs can be rough while leveling, but once you get to endgame both druid and barb are rank 1-2 of top builds.

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Not after these ludicrous changes…


Maybe that’s the point? The ceiling was too high?


Honestly it is incredible another sorc nerf. I was expecting the patch to see some buffs and instead…the opposite.

Sorc will be the most hitted class of the game also in D4, after D3. Play another class.
It is not a matter of being op or up, it is a matter that whenever build you do, it will be neefed and you will be hit.

It is not worth write blogs, report bad balances and so on…m the only way to let blizzard stopping nerf sorc is not play it.

And don’t mention paragon nerf. Hit all class. We will go to paragon board for little chenge on stat and not endgame features, it is very demotivating.

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Hardly…it erases nothing.


OP is so dramatic holy mother of god LMAO. Just play and figure it out, I’m sure you can figure it out brother.


He is dramatic I agree, but to his point, it has been constant nerfs for every fun build since the original closed beta. People are getting frustrated that every time they spec out a fun build it gets nerfed.


50% reduction in too much stuff…

Increments blizzard! Use Increments!


true they are scared to make ppl feel over powerd thats how out of touch they are, they dont even know there own power system XD so sad these nerfs no one asked for the only one that anyone could say is ok is the barb nerfs

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The problem is that Blizzard clearly doesn’t playtest their own content.

Any decent theorycrafter who balances the game could see the strength in Paragon board. They said that was the intent of the Paragon board.

Now 33-66% nerfs across the board? On day 3?

Anyone remember the necro minion nerf in server slam? No way anyone actually playtested that lmao


Necro happiely doing 25k crits with bonespear on level 50 and is getting buffed… It’s just more proof that Blizz is out of touch :smiley: .


These nerfs have me speechless. They are so aggressive and so early in the life cycle. There is no sense in it to me.


Impotent rage is always just hilarious to see.

It’s called Balance tweaks. We saw them in D2, D3, D2:R, and about every ARPG that’s ever been made. They nerf the stupidly OP stuff, buff the grotesquely underwhelming stuff, and no matter what they do, there will always be someone on the forums to scream and flail and flop on the ground before the dow load is even done.

Seriously, quality work. I need a laugh between game sessions, and your kind never fail me there. :clown_face::clown_face:


Holy moly…the blood pressure op. All this outrage and meanwhile in game the world still revolves.