Blighted corpse explosion visual clarity (VERY VERY BAD)

This is a very annoying issue that needs to be addressed

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I totally agree! This is extremely disrupting to gameplay and it wasn’t an issue in previous betas.

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They could make it work like they do with buildings and other things that obstruct your view and have them fade enough to tell it is there, but allow you to see what is going on.

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definitely need to be fixed in next patch, cant count how many times i almost get smoked because i just cant see the 5 pools of poison chilling under the blighted stack…annoying as hell.

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Yup. Honestly, the visual just needs a cap on how much it can stack with itself.
2-3 visuals makes things look dark without full on blinding everyone. More than that and the screen is inky blackness.

And by the high heavens, do not actually cap how many instances of the ability can be up at once. Minion necro is bad enough without taking their actual damage source away.

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I kinda get why they made it like it is, but yeah it becomes way too dark.
Maybe make it half the opacity at max darkness would be perfect compromise I think.

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+1. Blizz, pls improve this.

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I don’t know how this made it through quality control, but this graphic needs to be adjusted ASAP. It doesn’t even just cover the ground, it has this weird smoke effect that also clouds your camera view.

Def need a visual fix, currently its very dangerous to use it esp when the boss / elite have some sort of ground poison AoE.

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This really needs fixed. I have been wishing there was a way to minimize the corpse explosion particle spam so I could see the important things happening within the cloud.

Agree, i cant see anything nor can my party. Holfully they’ll patch it.

Adding my +1. Love the build, hate the blindness.

I’m still holding out hope for a patch later today before official launch that’ll fix it, because its anti fun for all those I group with or in opened world if I use it.

The darker the cloud, the more deathified the mobs become.

I swapped specs after 58 levels for this very reason last night :frowning:

legit wondering how this got through any testing. Your character, enemies and enemy ground effects should always be visible.

+1, awful. Bad design. Who would have thought you need to SEE spell effects and enemies and your own character in an ARPG.

Yeah sometimes i die from explosions of enemies because i do not see them, also you cannot see the poison puddles of enemies and end up standing is pool of poison -.-

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You are trading more power for less visibility, stop using it if you don’t want the clouds of darkness.

That is beside the point. It makes grouping difficult, because it obscures everything in that blasted pool. I refuse to group with my friend because of it; ESPECIALLY if you are you playing HC.

It needs some serious visual tweaks.

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