Blighted corpse explosion visual clarity (VERY VERY BAD)

Agree with everyone here. The skill is great, but visually it’s terrible. I actively feel bad for using it. Please change it blizzard.


+1 here, Necro lvl 54 and I tried this shadow corpse explosion but the visual issue is unbearable


+1 again… this needs to be addressed…


I came to check if anyone had a post on this and sure enough, its here lol. I really love playing shadow dot necro. Tried all the other variations but something about shadow is just too fun. However, that dark cloud is a near deal breaker especially in boss fights. Cant even see the attack markers if you blow up enough corpses. I have a head piece with the blood mist aspect that pops corpses on contact and my screen is black almost all the time. Wish this gets addressed fairly soon.


Yeah i tried this ability aswell, while being in a group, after exploding like 10 corpses the whole screen went black for everybody.


Skill is unusable in its current state. It’s also worrying that this could’ve passed even most basic QA…


+1 On this. Its just a little too dark, making it very hard to see other ground effects. With so many necromancers around mostly all doing this, just make it the effect a little more transparent will be a great help to many


Hey Blizzard, please fix this! Just bumping so hopefully you give this issue some priority. Just chill out the opacity of the blight or something. It’s too dark. I’m grouping with mates and they are already calling for me to either respec or stop using blighted corpse explosion (which my entire build revolves around for essence generation).
please fix team. Other than that, loving the game cracker!. ps. Raids like Lost Ark would’ve taken Diablo to another level. Maybe next DLC??
Thanks guys.


Is anyone from Blizzard even looking at this issue? It’s a real problem. Any communication would be appreciated.


+1, as a blighted corpse explosion necromancer, can confirm this is really bad. it is disorienting during solo play, and absolutely ridiculous in group situations.

the blighted corpse explosion effect looks fine when there is only one of them. the problem is that the “black cloud” effect stacks infinitely for each blight pool, until things become 100% solid black instead of “spooky cloud”. the whole point is to spam this ability, so the pitch-blackness is almost always a problem.

i reckon that maybe the black cloud particle effect should not be allowed to stack multiple times and that would tone things down a good bit


Ya, I have to play gimped version of the skill, because this is deadly in the wrong way.

And please, do not say “just make it invisible to other players”. It’s a huge problem for the necro players too! Can’t see corpses unless hovering over them with a mouse, can’t see enemy ground effects.

It is cool how it gets blacker and blacker, but perhaps move it to a different layer? So it’s underneath all the other effects or something? Or just go the obvious route and drop the opacity.


Huge problem. It is making me re-think my build, but I’ve had my heart set on this since the necro beta.

It is bad for you and your group. You cannot see enemy attacks or their AOE visuals.

Blizzard needs to change this ASAP.


This is absolutely game breaking, especially on HC


Agreed, it’s terrible.


I rly hope Blizz will do something about it. This ruins the game for every shadow Necro and those you play with.


Came looking for this. This effect is terrible and makes gameplay illegible once the visual darkness effect stacks and obscures everything. Recommend removing that element of it or changing the layering such that characters and other spell effects can still be seen on top of it.

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yes my friend compain too about that i hope they will change it so i wont have to change my build because i somehow ruin their game experiece

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+1 to this, really hope it gets fixed soon. The environments and graphics are amazing, if I could see them!

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still blinding everyone and everything with giant black clouds

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yes it’s bad to play in group with this black screen , You cant see where mobs hits, you cant see your character, you can’t see things on the ground, most of the time I see black pods on screen nothing else please fix it

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