Blighted Corpse Explosion and Blight not considered a DoT

So if these two skills do not scale with Damage over Time, what even is a DoT on a Necro? Necro feels like they had to rush to get 5 classes for launch.


Probably Decompose. And, humm… that’s it.

I’m starting to think Damage over Time is only effects that stick to the target directly. So Bleeding, Burning, the poison from Rogue’s Poison Imbuement. Things like that.

It’s stupid, and it isn’t explained well anywhere in the game. It makes no sense. And it’s ludicrous that, of all classes, Necromancer may be the only one (I don’t know Druids yet) to lack an ACTUAL, REAL Damage over Time effect.

I guess that entire aspect died with Diablo 2. Just like Minions.

It’s stupid too because in the beta I’d been hoping Blight was a proper DoT, not a puddle on the ground. And with Blighted Corpse Explosion, it’s blinding if you stack them, and that also would be easily avoided if it simply behaved like a traditional DoT.

I don’t mind persistant damage over time effects, mind you. It’s just annoying that the game describes them as doing their damage over time, only for them to not work as such. Blizzard is the same way, I believe.

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I’m not even sure that counts. It’s also a really weird skill because attack speed doesn’t seem to impact it at all, and the whole “generates a corpse every 2.5 seconds”. Well, I don’t know how time passes in the world of Diablo 4, but it’s easily 5 or more of our real world concept of seconds.

If that’s the case I find it really funny that it can roll on Necro gear. I was enjoying the placebo of my character feeling stronger with each stat, but it seems they do nothing. They couldn’t even be bothered putting a Darkness Ultimate for the Necro lol.

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They are bugged and scaling from physical right now I think.

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Yeah, there’s a Minion Ultimate though. No issues with that, just funny considering the state of minions.

I don’t think they should have felt the need to arbitrarily give every class an exactly equal number of abilities. It honestly feels like in some areas, skill trees are horribly, obviously lacking, and then in others you’re almost left wondering why an ability even exists, other than to meet the quota of “there must be 4 skills”.

Anyway, Necro Ultimates really underwhelm me. Blood Wave? Horrible. It sucks, and it doesn’t even feel complimentary to the Blood skills. You push things AWAY from you, so immediately it invalidates Blood Surge. Blood Lance is fine with that, but Blood Lance sucks. Even if they buffed the crap out of it, it would still suck, because it is fundamentally always going to suck, because it’s a stupid idea to have a spender that’s essentially single target in a game like this. It’s just bad, mechanically.

Then Bone Storm, I like it, I don’t know that it’s good, but I do like it. But it certainly doesn’t jive with a Bone Necro, IMO. It’s a melee Ultimate, and Bone is ranged. You can be melee while using Bone Spear, but there’s no reason to be. It’s just odd, and one of many things that feel like nobody had any idea what they were doing when they designed abilities.

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Decompose doesn’t work either, we don’t have any abilities that scale with DoT affix’s atm even though we have a paragon board dedicated to them. The shadow damage over time nodes on the wither board literally do nothing atm.

Shadow bone storm puts a dot on enemies? That count?

Maybe, but it’s not shadow dmg so still wouldn’t scale with our broken paragon board.

Shadow bone storm does shadow damage

I wouldn’t know since the ability is crap. Regardless they can’t have a whole paragon board with shadow dmg over time nodes for one aspect changed ultimate.

Does this mean the Wither Board’s Legendary node, doesn’t bump up Corpse Explosion’s DoT?

Well that aint good.

I’d say this explains quite a few things. No wonder necro only has a handful of worthwhile specs. Bone and Blood seem to be the only ones working right, and even Blood has a few problems. Rofl.

wait what? what? how???

I had just started rerolling some of my gear for +% DOT damage. If I hadn’t read this I would have spent way more gold for nothing. The +% damage to affected by shadow damage over time still seems to work because of Shadowblight.

Is this a large oversight like the visuals of Blighted CE or is this intentional? Blighted CE and rend seem to hit pretty hard but I haven’t pushed any real nightmare dungeons yet so I can’t make an actual statement on that yet. And is this a tooltip issue or actual damage?

In the meantime I at least have some paragon nodes to swap out.


I have done the legwork to test this in game and it appears that it is in fact a DOT and that both DoT damage AND Shadow DoT damage does indeed affect the damage dealt by both Blight and Blighted Corpse Explosion. The only bug appears to be a VISUAL one with the tooltip.

I tested this by removing select paragon points and the gems in my weapon, and using both abilities on the same sets of mobs repeatedly and watching the damage ticks.

There was a change from around 1600 damage ticks to 1800 damage ticks, and up to 2100 when everything was put back in place. And I tested this over 50 times.

So at the moment, based on what I can tell, this does not appear to be doom and gloom for Necromancers on bugs and gear, it is merely a tooltip display issue. Likely a situation where the Formula for damage calc for the display isn’t coded to include those values.

The dots still hit a bit too weak imo, but it does not appear that this is the reason.


If it’s not a DoT, does it mean it can crit? I’ve seen yellow numbers but I wasn’t sure if it was BCE. If so, does it crit on cast or on tick?

I hope Wither is working correctly for Miasma. Invested into that tree and node for stronger AoE DoT damage.