Blacksmith item restore button

Need to add a feature that allows item restore for a limited amount of time, or holds like 5 items in a cue that can be restored due to accidental destruction. Accidentally destroy my master worked shako and starless skies. Blizz won’t roll back my account. My fault but mistakes happen, considering the level of effort to get those it has ruined my season.

they added an option to mark items as favorites so you dont make these mistakes


Yes I am aware. It didn’t stop me from screwing it up.

unless you unfavorite the item you cant salvage it is what im saying.

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It’s honestly not that hard to get ubers. Spend your gold and buy mats for uber Duriel or Uber Zir fights.
They have like 10-15% uber drop chance.
If you can’t be bothered with that minimal amount of effort… then… I don’t care I guess…

Getting the Uber wasn’t hard, all the masterwoking was.

They so have a pop up that asks if you’re sure. I think at some point we’ve all salvaged something we didn’t want to. It sucks but I also feel it’s part of the game and something we have to live with.

But you never know maybe they’ll add it at some point.

Run pits? Even an average build can run tier 100’s like 15-20 per hour.
That’s over 1000 neathiron per hour… i’m sure you can figure out the rest.

Loooooooool, imagine being this bad. Glad there’s no restore button, learn to control the keybinds

The other day I accidently salvaged a 1 hand axe with 3ga’s (str,life,critdmg). It sucked, but we got a laugh about it (not so much me).

Salvaging or vendoring the wrong thing isn’t the worst.

I once tempered the wrong item and destroyed the item that already had the right tempers. Now I triple check what I temper lol

personally i dont really think this needs to be a thing. I mean the tools to protect your gear are there.

Im sorry for your loss of the 2 items, but really, this mistake wont happen to you ever again. (and i must know, cause it happened to me once inf the past as well)

No boss has that big of a drop chance lol, and Andy and duriel have the best chances at ubers, zir is mainly for GA items while he is bugged dropping double items

Most people have done this at one time or another, or sold an uber by mistake.

It is not a mistake that happens again. That is why they won’t let you undo a salvage.

Imagine thinking he meant mats, go try masterworking before commenting pls

People should learn from those mistakes it’s called life. Other people cannot always protect you from yourself.

Streamers and content creators have literally done thousands upon thousands of tormented Duriel and Zir runs at this point. The evidence and numbers are there to support a 10-15% drop rate for ubers.
Nobody is forcing you to believe it. I’m just telling you what the numbers are. You’re free to go on believing whatever you want to believe.

And? There is also people doing 150 runs with no Uber also verified but your sample size of a few streamers that literally can run them endlessly is the fact. Lol, blizzard even said the drop chance would still be extremely low, not 15%. Just by my runs alone they are around 1% and I considered myself lucky, these streamers got y’all believing anything

Ya for sure… the drop rate on tormented is 1%… you go with that…

Per my sample size of my runs to drop ratio it is, I’m sorry your wrong it happens. I can almost guarantee it’s lower then that tho, considering the keys to summon the boss were lower then 10%, logic goes a long ways