Blacksmith item restore button

Oh… the uber drop rate on Tormented Duriel and Zir is lower than 1% now??? According to you?
Well… thanks for that info. I guess every single other person must be wrong. Good to know.

Sorry to write it but - that is a you problem :slight_smile:

I dont think there is a need for a “revive my HC char because i ran the wrong way accidently”-button either


I don’t mind an un-salvage option (we do have a buyback feature). Not to worry though, you get to re-farm all this stuff in S5 anyway :slight_smile:

There is an undo character delete button for those that accidentally type in the character’s name…

How many stop signs does a person need before they stop?

The game has a ‘favorited’ feature plus an “Are you sure you want to do this?” prompt. You salvaged them, that’s on you.