Billion+ life pit bosses

What was the purpose of a stat “squash” when we are still dealing with damage in the millions and mob health in the billions?


That is something I wanted to know, too. :sweat_smile: Especially on softcore the damage numbers will go trough the roof, because them softcore Andies usually do not care about dying as much.

Outside of S Tier builds, everyone else will be stuck in pit 70s. There are so many big damage builds that rely solely on bugs. This PTR is even less balanced than live.

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That’s why it is PTR. They will always be like that, so fine tuning could be done before going live. What we PTR players can test in several minutes, Blizzard can’t afford to test in years. They just can’t. How many hours you think a player can give a game full-time per week? 40? 60? 80? That’s not enough for anything. But when millions of people play, even the server logs and stats can tell enough to fix many things.

The devs kept saying they want to get us into end game faster. Not sure if this is how they intended? :man_shrugging:

They are completely redesigning the game. We are back in Alpha with the expansion due for release in a month. I really should stop preordering Beta release games from MicroTransActi

Apparently, paragon farming is the new end game… :rofl:


Sorry! It is still beta for me till I see tormented echo of Diablo invading Sanctuary… Enough off-topic…
We still need to deal billions of damage to be effective. I find the occasional 1-2 billion to be enough to do T100, so it should not be a problem even for hardcore. A little bit of tuning will definitely help, I believe things should be tuned down a bit, except maybe the necromancer. Bone Spirit is an exception there. It should only get nerfed, if they buff ossified essence again. Bugs aside… It should be obvious they should be fixed, so we do not see 223894723984723984273948237498237498237423984327489237432984273984237 damage…

Why is this reasonable? Most builds can’t obtain such numbers even with perfect gear.

Like I said, virtually everything outside of S-tier builds approved by the developers will ever make it past pit 70s…

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It’s how they decided to refresh the meta for the meta slaves, i guess. You can’t expect from a seasonal game to allow you to do the same thing over and over every season… :crazy_face:
Look at bone spear for example. it is now only an utility skill to make enemies vulnerable and to prolong bone storm for you and your golem… :rofl:

It is how it is supposed to be. Nobody wanna play the same thing every season. i do, to find the balance problems and how things shift and find new uses for skills…

“play however you want” as long as you stay within the predefined sandbox.

Cookie cutter builds is the reason I stopped playing Diablo 3 a decade ago. But I still manage to make every D2R season…

Let’s not go into how much of a disaster Necros and Druids are in PTR.

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because they haven’t been able to properly balance class/build power so they had to make bosses and monster hp scale extremely high. Even in live season 5 game is balanced around top tier meta builds, if you play non meta forget about “fun” and forget about feeling you are doing something or progressing.


I don’t understand how people find this reasonable/acceptable.

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I suspect the pit 100 boss don´t have billions but trillions health
Blizzard caps everything and forget to rebalance the higher level endgame…

There are tiers in the pit seem to not scale well period. This was most noticeable when playing non S Tier builds. You can do a full clear in under 5 minutes and go up 3 levels and all of a sudden be stopped in your tracks. Even the LS sorc had her first “challenge” at pit 80 when the pit boss took almost 6 minutes whereas pit 77 he died in under 15 seconds.

If more builds were viable then you could play whatever you want every season. You wouldnt have to play the same thing every season. As things are now you are pigeonholed into a couple builds each season.

You think swing meta gives some special build variety? Its the same builds you could run if they stopped the swing meta crap and just made them all good. Do I expect perfect balance? No but being within 10% of the meta is perfectly feasible. Blizz just choose not to.

Yeah, Wrong direction to go in my opinion. I think they are doing this becuase it gives streamers views and Blizz gets free advertisment and we get ______!

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Bosses are much easier. I do pit 75s in 3 minutes on barb, rouge and sorc np

I see. Try necro. Haha

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I agree.
The amount of health those guys have is ridiculous and absurd.
devs never do anything right. I bet they dont even care…
1st the paragon cap and now this

People are clueless. Stat squish had nothing to do with lower numbers in endgame.

It was so the numbers in endgame wont go to infinity with new items and skills.

Also most builds dont hit in bilions except for overpower, bugged ones.

Good normal builds will go around hundredths of milions at the very endgame.

You wont see those numbers easily on live.