Billion+ life pit bosses

Mh-m… Try Blood Artisan on the necro and talk again. It is spamming bone spirits like crazy since season 4, because they made it back then so, that blood lance consumes blood orbs and no longer we need to walk through them, so spam blood wave and blood lance and get 197,5 attack speed and try to se what is going on… Ehm… Not to mention Soulrift + Bone Spirit… But for that you gonna need sunglasses to play to not burn your eyes… :joy:

Sorry the patch notes were suppose to say “Morale Squish”. Someone messed up.

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World Tier 3 is still cool to play if 4 is too hard

you can refund Pre-orders

They did make the necromancer have a few good builds with the addition of the soulrift skill. Pared with the sever skill the necromancer can reliably handle farming Pit 60 even with okay gear. I tried to clear a T4 65 pit, but the health spike and constant cc is an issue. I almost finished it. I would have but constantly being stunned then frozen back-to-back ate up a lot of time. At one point in the pit run I had a 5 or so minute lead which should have been more than enough time to finish the boss. But having 4 elite packs with frozen, teleport, and Waller spawn in more than one spot is a real downer especially when the mobs were spiders, goatmen and Nangari. I can deal with the health on T4 it is the cc that happens all the time.

Go up to 80+ and things get whacky… It goes from clearing in 3 minutes to clearing everything in 3 to 5 minutes then spending 5+ mins on the boss. Unless, of course, you have the right build/gear…

The preorder shows up as nonrefundable. Already have a ticket for it. :see_no_evil:

every class/build I watched clearing pit 100 in less than 5 minutes were using the bugged new mythic helmet which was doing exponential damage. so all those tests are pointless because the bug will be fixed.

I could finish PIT 100 with my sorcerer, not exploiting any bug but definitely not in 5 minutes. Could be better if Chain Lighting was not doing 10x less damage than in season 5.

Most builds will farm pit 70s pretty easy. Most will push into 80s but yes, the builds doing 90+ are bugged interactions and/or using crazy snap shot shenanigans + overpower seems once again to be very overpowered. The diff from what pit 70 builds and the 90+ builds is hundreds of millions if not billions of damage per second which has always been the D4 problem. Meta is too far ahead.

Read these two sentences again very slowly