Beware TEMERITY barrier gets bugged to 3hp

There seems to be a bug with Temerity, where it will get bugged to hold 1-4hp of barrier, isntead of the rolled value (50-100% of maxhealth)…

It usually happens when zoning through a door, and you can reset it by unequip / re-equip…

The real danger is that having 3hp of barrier kinda looks the same as 100% hp of barrier… so it’s really easy to not notice.

I have a video at youtube about the problem - /watch?v=J3F4_E68ndM

Here is my forum post.


That’s good to know. thanks for sharing.

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Yeah, it’s Really bad. Now that they Finally fixed so that the +Life per Second works with the barrier, the pants itself are bugged. Was not fixed in todays patch, either.

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I think this item has been bugged in one way or another ever since launch. Every time i tried to use it did something weird/unintended.


Please fix this ASAP!

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thats working as intended, why are yhou playing sorc|??? lol

you guys use temerity? i don’t think i have used one since season 1. so many better choices for pants…

That isn’t the point though. It shouldn’t matter only if it was a meta item. If you were leveling up and maybe trying to get into T1 and happen to get a temerity thinking its a good short term defensive option - and if it isn’t working as intended, especially on hardcore - then this matters. And even in the lategame, players could still try to experiment using temerity like using necro blood builds etc n whatever.

And coming from a console player, we can’t readily check the values of how much barrier we have, and typically trust the visual indicator entirely. That’s why I appreciated the OP for posting this and sharing.


This is still happening for me too.

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