Betas killed Diablo 4 for me

After playing 3 betas, I am literally worn out. I don’t feel like playing.


I get what you mean. I beta tested WoW:BFA and got bored with the game on launch that I never finished it.

The only consolation I can offer is that at least we helped identify issues to make things better.

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That being said I don’t think d4 is the worst game ever I just played so much during beta that now this feels repetitive.

Game isn’t going anywhere…I plan on slogging through this Druid (no looking up builds…hence the slog), exploring the entire world, doing everything I can…and then not touching it for a year…THEN try a new class. Should feel like a new game by then :slight_smile:

I understand you are not feeling interested in the game right now, but how many threads are you going to make about it? Some of which are contradictory. From what I can tell as of June 2nd you could not play, were talking about rushing, then talking about being bored. Repeatedly. It is perfectly ok to move on and play a game you DO like.


Day before


I guess I am disappointed that the game I was hyped for won’t give me that high I wanted.

The first area is a bit tedious but we have three new zones to explore. I dipped into Scosglen (sp?) briefly and that helped.

I never explored Fractured Peaks fully during Betas either, so I’m still looking for Lilith statues :slightly_smiling_face:

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You extensively played the Beta you said, so you know exactly what sort of game you were getting, esp in the first hours of gameply. I am surprised you did not refund it before release.

I assume despite your inability to play from a tech support perspective yesterday, you must have been able to get into game and play…

Although the time between “can’t play” and “bored” is pretty short based on your posts.

lmao this guy really wants the attention

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Dude keep going, the act I just finished and the quest I’m on now is UNREAL

So you feel the need to spam the forum about it? Seems pretty odd to me.

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This is why i skipped out of the server slam.

Also i did not do too much stuff during the first and second beta

Dude, go outside and do something productive. You don’t feel like playing, and you think we give 2 cents???

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Friend, we can see your post history.

You are either trolling or seeking attention that you were not given during your developmental years.

Absolutely moronic complaint