I am bored, I feel bad

I just can’t enjoy this game, I feel like I wasted money. I’d rather play piano or learn Japanese during my free time. Maybe it’s not this game, maybe I just don’t feel anything from video games. Or maybe the betas have killed my desire to level.


What do you hope to accomplish with this post? Who’s making you play this game?


I wanted to see if anyone shares mutual opinion because I see that everyone is having fun except me.


Aren’t you that troll from the beta?

Yes, yes you are.


Are you implying this issue here is the game or you?

Well, you aren’t being forced to play.

Good luck with your Japanese language studies.


No I don’t share your opinion. I do not recall seeing anyone asking for your opinion either.

I actually shared this opinion for a while earlier.

Was a bit of a “Is this really more fun than this other thing” “Do i really rather spend my time here than this other thing”

But i switched to a more enjoyable build after looking around for a bit and now i am enjoying myself for real.

Could also be just beta burnout.

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People who constantly seek validation from strangers online just so they can start having a pity party are incredibly cringe.


it’s pretty normal. trying to make him feel bad doesn’t accomplish anything. or are you trying to make yourself feel better by putting somebody down on a video game forum? pretty cringe.


Not exactly the most productive use of ones time. If you don’t like the game for whatever reason, what is going “Oh woe is me, is there anyone else that feels like i do?” going to accomplish? If the game isn’t for you and you’re not enjoying it, time to move on and find a better use of your time.

No, its only you


It’s fun to beat, once or twice.

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You posted this same thing 11 hours ago, if you’re that bored, why are you on the forums letting people know you’re bored, I hope you’re now a Japanese speaking maestro.

Maybe don’t marathon it and take breaks every couple hours and achieve something in the real world. It helps.

It’s ok to simply buy a game (or anything else for that matter) and realize it was a mistake. I don’t think there’s anyone here that didn’t make the same mistake once or twice.

Why bother?

Me, for example, I bought D4 and SF6 in the span of less than a day. D4 in now put on the shelf, I have no desire to play it but there’s no regret in me for buying it at all. Because I’m having a blast in Street Fighter, so in the end I found something else to spare my time on (just like you should on playing piano or learing japanese). What’s the problem? Maybe in a couple of months you (and I) are going to feel the urge to slay some demons, after a bunch of patches, and then you are going to realize that it was not a bad purchase after all. At least that’s what I hope for. And if it was a bad decision after all? Well, that sucks but I’m sure it’s not the first time you regret spending money on something…


its because theres no social interaction allowed in the game, this is essentially a single player ARPG, its really bad atm. i hope they fix it.


Dont feel too bad. Im really bored as well. I was hoping that I would love the game and play seasons for years, but I don’t know now. Something feels off and I dont like the lack of depth. The skill tree is super simple and the itemization is bland. Legendaries are too build enabling and finding one for a certain skill pushes you to use that skill.

Ive gotten to lvl 38 and I’m in act 4 so far. Its honestly felt like a chore playing. The game just doesn’t feel very exciting to me. Hopefully end game feels better.


I think the biggest problem is monster scaling. We never get a sense of build improvement or power, it feels the same at every character level. Nothing changes. Yeah, so far I’m a little disappointed with gameplay but I keep playing out of curiosity. I just started act 2. Was there even a boss at the end of act 1? I couldn’t tell, the battle was like all other dungeon final boss kinda look.


Posts like this remind of the guy who once explained that he’d “played that game 1000 hours and it sukked.” If the game is so boring, why spend so much of your time playing it? Do you think there’s some magical point where the game fundamentally changes?

Try a different build. Try a different character. Try a exploring or beating dungeons and strongholds instead of blitzing the campaign. Or maybe just go do something IRL for a bit until you get the itch again. Game’s been out less that 30 hours.

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