Beta saved me 70 Bucks - an in-depth critique

Went pretty optimistic into the Beta cause the game is named Diablo afterall but oh well. I don´t even know where to start cause of how inherently flawed i think most of the games systems are, and since you apparently can´t say something is bad without delivering a critic master thesis, will this be exactly what you get, so lets get right into it i guess.

I´ll do a little Switcheroo and start with the Cons first:

General Core Gameplay / Skills / Skilltrees:
It just doesnt feels like i can play the game the way i want to play, but rather how Blizz wants me to play the game, starting with the ressource generator system taken somewhat straight from D3 for example, which just isn´t fun cause it always boils down to a poor and unsatisfying catalyst for better abilities that remind you that you shouldn´t have too much fun between your blizzard trademarked and mandated no-fun time endorphine spike calculated experience. A in its design inherently flawed system.

Which leads me to another Example:
The 6 Skill System, or rather the samey structure of the skills/gameplay which is Blizzards way of telling you how you are supposed to play and have Fun™.Heres a Ressource Generator, heres a Core Skill, heres a Defensive Skill, heres a Support Skill, heres a way to Expensive Skill, heres a Ultimate, gee thanks Blizzard its just like my favourite Moba, thanks for teaching me what ENGAGING GAMPEPLAY™ is. A in its design inherently flawed system.

Which leads me to the Skill Tree itself:
They just don´t feel thought-out. Kinda messy, kinda meaningless. Upgrading a skill gives you like what? +1 Damage? Some do a little more i´ll admit, but it just feels meaningless and weak. Another Thing: The whole “nodes/branches” that are there, it just seems very half a**ed it´s the only way i can really describe it. The options are sparse, one node is always mandatory before you can even make your hard choice between two other questionable choices and thats it, some you can only spec once, some can be specced trice. Some are straight up worthless like the Sorc +3 to Mana for example. You catch my drift here i hope. A in its design inherently flawed system.

Going on to: Cooldowns:
Just no, and i really don´t get it cause your game is probably halfway designed by Focus Groups and QA Testers, cause i´d really like to know the quota of people who told you “watching a timer run down truly is my favourite past time” pun intended.
A in its design inherently flawed system.

Closing Thoughts on that before we move on:
I get that you always one way or the other dictate how players should play the game cause afterall, you design it / have to make it, but there are simply obtrusive and unobtrusive ways to do it, and the way you did it, was to make plenty in its design inherently obtrusive and flawed systems, id say.

Anyway, on we go to Items / Itemization:
Every Skill scales off Weapon Damage, big yikes, nonsensical, ironically convoluted, nuff said, but at the same time there is insane affixe bloat, stuff like “Damage to Enemies in Melee/non-Melee Range” “Increased Damage against Elites” “x% core skill Damage” etc. Not to mention all the "Vulnerable, Hurt, Immobilized, whatever stuff which kinda brings me back to the awful skill/node system which is mostly comprised of this, cause thats how you think Builds should be for that ENGAGING GAMEPLAY, like, in one way you wanna simplify the game by having every skill scale of Weapon Damage or the green plus Arrow and then you have all this overly convoluted stuff to make “builds”, which the ui frankly doesn´t always properly explain, but more on that later. A in its design inherently flawed system.
One more thing about that, lets take “Vulnerable” in particular here, are you telling me this is engaging item/skill building when things are something like "well, that skill applies vulnerable which does 20% more damage but only if you have a barrier which then lets this other skill do like additional 3% more damage for every enemy close by that gives another 1% damage etc.
That´s maybe just my opinion here, but i find it incredibly bloaty and unfun to make a build if thats how you want it to be.
Are blue items even in the Game? I don´t remember frankly.

Which leads me proper to the items itself:
Making your builds foremost through items instead of skills is a in its design inherently flawed system. One of the many things you shouldn´t have copied from d3. Items should make your build better, not straight up be its very reason to exist in the first place.
Also little fun side note: Theres a Legendary Effect that says something along the lines of “If you stand still for X% seconds you deal X% more damage”. Things like that are just contradictory game design to me cause on one hand you implement a dodge mechanic into the game and then you tell people to stand still? Really? Just one of the many things i feel aren´t really thought out gameplay wise. Too many cooks i guess.

But let´s talk about the aformentioned UI:
Short note: Yes the Skills do tell you its Affix/Effect purpose down below but only if it applies, but if it doesnt apply, i really didn´t know or found where to look to know what some mean sometimes. Correct me if im wrong here.

Now really: The UI:
Its cheap, it looks cheap, Mobile Game cheap. Very in-your-face big even. Modern Triple-A Game bloaty like desinged and inherently flawed just like most of your competitors new products by how overt and cumbersome they are.

The Font Predicament:
Nothing screams dark and brooding like Arial and its diabolical sans serif bretheren. A in its design inherently flawed Font for a self-proclaimed “Atmospheric” Game.

About the Open World / Dungeons / MMO Stuff:
Struggling with the same problem most open worlds have, triteness, repeating stuff, meaningless filler for padding game time aka ubisoft objectives more or less. The Dungeons can be described verbatim, a tiresome task repetition, plenty of backtracking. Another thing: It seems as tho you decided Waypoints should only be in towns, instead of, you know, outside in the wild, so we get plenty of useless hubs that basically do the same just so you have an outlet for your blue check mark mmo drivel. A inherently poor designed game world if you ask me.
The World gave me no sense of saying “hey im worth to be explored”
And while we are at it: Fetch quests should only belong in Hardcore playthroughs for that extra edge of pain and suffering.
Also gathering Herbs. I rather don´t.

I don´t straight up hate on Multiplayer features but i just don´t see its point here, at least in d3 you could seamlessly continue your journey with strangers on the same mission, but with d4, theres nothing, i see some strangers in the town minding there own business or rarely out in the open just rushing by and fading into nothingness as quick as they came, but thanks for the lag, like whats even the point here, its wild how much better a silly system like the d2 game lobby was and works in bringing people together than this “MMO EXPERIENCE”. It truly is a in its design inherently flawed system. Just like the Level scaling.

The World and Lore / Quests:
Not a big lore guy but let me just say, i don´t feel like i´ve been thrown into a world i am familiar with, make of that what you will. A design, i guess.

The Cutscenes
Just wanna say i don´t think you did yourself a favor here really by making the cinematics proper ingame just for the sake of the player seeing his character model, made with a rather lackluster character creator to begin with. Intentionally flawed made i guess.
Plus the top down ingame cutscenes are A tedious and B the Npc seem to go through a incoherent range of animations for some reason.

Technical pet peeves:
Having to scroll Itempages, or Itempages having a small but unpleasent fade effect.
The Camera is uncomfortably close. Period. Why not give a simple option to zoom out?
Another thing is the on screen menace of what my buttons do, i don´t need to be constantly reminded that my town portal is on T or how i get to the skill tree, why not give a simple hide option?
Something else: You can only show 1 Quest Objective as active at a Time, and honestly, i´d rather have non since the quests are menial anyway, but if you insist to have mission objectives in my face at all time, might as well show them all.
Also no quick transparent map Overlay to see where you need to go is a glaring inherently flawed design choice. Instead we get a worthless minimap which can´t even show you the roads in its main city properly?.
The Statpage is very bad for multiple reasons. Not to mention the Herbs i have to face before i can see my stats.

And Bugs:
I had some, like right off the bat my game started with zero voice sounds, which i thought playing the first hours just weren´t implemented in this beta, shortly followed by the skip dialouge buttons not working anymore. A suffering combination. Also sometimes icons inside the ui would just disappear. The Model in the transmog menu sometimes doesnt properly switch. Some heavy rubberbanding when entering new zones. General Lag when entering Zones / Towns. The druids passive raven was non existent for me. Flaws you hopefully fix for the people who will pay for your game.

My very own Question Mark Quest:
Why has the Ooblong or whatever that currency is called a max limit of how much you can have? Inherently flawed? Not sure what the reasoning here was.
Also the Bar on top of the start menu that says play. I ponder.

Very personal Opinions:
I just missed the Tetris Inventory, i understand why you want it gone, its clunky, its un-controller friendly, its soulful, its charming, all the kind of things you don´t want Diablo 4 to be, i get it when someone is breathing down your neck to make this game Xbox Series X One X ready, but i´ll just wanna say that i missed it, and what it entails. Because it just makes the items feel even less relevant, everything is the same, same size, same feel, just numbers, numbers go up, numbers go down, nothing has weight, nothing has gravitas, no sense of finding something of discernable value, i´ll transmog it all away anyway, gone, like tears in the microtransaction cash rain…

Things i didn´t properly touch on:
Like Classes for example: Only played two, Druid was a dissapointment. Sorc was alright. Most skills felt meh. Saw some Necros with vile lookin d3 skellies. Spooky. Made me wanna main Uninstall Wizard.
Server Issues: The one thing i won´t fault blizz for cause thats the whole point of the beta in my eyes, a server stress test. Also i didn´t have much issues, longest wait was 20 mins, a few server throw outs, otherwise alright. The ingame Performance was a somewhat bigger issue. Are blizzards servers a in its design inherently flawed system? well, some launch players will probably not have the best time i´d wager.

Closing Statement aka my Pros
Frankly i didn´t do a switcheroo in naming my cons first because, if i really think about what i like about d4, its frankly only the name. Diablo. My wish that a well made game in this franchise could still be made.
“But what about the Graphics” i hear you all scream: They´re alright, visual fidelity is alright, some stuff that the artists made is nice, some still feels very blizzard look-ish to me. I find it kinda mushy compared to how concise i consider d2r´s art design. But thats also a very personal opinion fair enough.
Pros, actually, there is the Dodge, something i do kinda like, or would atleast, if it weren´t for the Cooldown again. I don´t remember the last time i played a game that told me that frequently how “not ready yet” i am for its very gameplay mechanics. If something like a active Dodge mechanic even belongs in a top down arpg is a whole ´nother question tho, and i´m not the one to assess, if its a flaw, or just part of blizzards inherent game design for d4.

Well, what can i say
Beyond being full of inherently flawed game systems in my perspective, if i had to describe d4, it would be foremost Bland. Bland and uncreative, there´s just nothing that sticks out as creative ideas here, only somehow worse iterations of the old. Some QoL Improvments sure, i don´t need most but if some like them, hey who am i to say no.
So, do my 70 bucks make a dent in the Billions Blizzard will make with D4, absolutley not, but does it bring me some sinful pleasure to get this off my chest for some strangers to read on the internet, you better believe.

tl;dr Inherently flawed

*Edit Numero Uno: For everyone saying i don´t provide any solutions, i disagree, i think they are plenty of times easily discernable from my points, also, what am i supposed to do here if i disagree with core game design choices? Write for every point another 10k long Essay about game design, thats just silly, some things just can´t be solved with a simple 1 Sentence solution, although i even tried to provide some down the thread
*Edit Numero Due: I think it´s kinda funny that some people call me a bully, when i didn´t with a single syllable insult anyone from buying nor playing the game on launch, yet have there been plenty of petty remarks aimed at me, such is life i guess


Same here my man. I got a taste of the tripe they are serving up with this game and refunded my pre order. It’s so bad I cannot believe it.

What are they doing over there at Blizzard Studios to create such a terrible product? It’s baffling that this multi billion dollar corporation with nearly limitless funding is incapable of producing a decent product.

It doesn’t do anything “great” and most of what it does is done poorly.

It has no aspects that really shine or are redeeming.

It’s just a watered down diablo 3 reskin with MMO-Lite elements thrown in for no real reason. It’s dog water.


“in depth critic” sounds like a crying blizzard hater

no paragon still, we all know that the build design and power comes from the gear itself
you havnt seen the enitre system yet, you also have that codex which I dont remember its name, that list of bonuses you unlock


And by saying it is inherently flawed it will go the same way as Diablo 3… years of fixing the game only to have Season that last a week.


There a lot of these supposed “unbiased commentary” coming from all these haters. I wish since they already got their refund or are not going to order, would just go away. I mean, I would NEVER waste my time commenting on a game I wasn’t ever going to play.

Just so you know, D3 has been a great success. It’s been out for 10 years and still has a great fan base. Is that what you consider a failure? Or you’re just trolling?


The game isn’t designed to suit your specific tastes, that’s normal. You can play other games. I don’t enjoy Fortnite, but I’m not on the forums telling them how to change the game for me. I just play something else.

I’ve enjoyed what I’ve seen so far, and im excited to see how things end up.


I´m starting kinda harsh, fair point, but it gets kinder

The Paragon system changes nothing in my eye, because as i sayed about how flawed i think the fundamental system of skills and itemization is:

Making your builds foremost through items instead of skills is a in its design inherently flawed system. One of the many things you shouldn´t have copied from d3. Items should make your build better, not straight up be its very reason to exist in the first place.


Ya Seasons that your “great fan base” plays for a week, such nice game design. D3 was bad for years and had a lot fixing to do to be somewhat playable and “fun”. So spare me. And yes I consider D3 a failure. The first lead game dev quit, and the second one also after trying to fix the game. Apparently you no nothing of D3 and it’s beginnings.


You hate the game because you don’t like the company? That my friend has nothing to do with the quality or success of a game. If you hate it, why does it occupy so much of your time in a D4 forum?

PS I know everything about D3, since I’ve played it since the beginning, same as D1 and D2 and D2R. Not a fan of D2R but that’s just my preference.


don’t let the door hit you on the way out

i love this game as do all my friends. several of us maxed multiple characters this demo and can’t wait for more


I never said I hate the company you clown. I just noticed that you have no clue about D3 and it’s beginning and what it took to make it playable. A game that burned two lead game developers is a success for you? Yeah, you know a lot of D3 hahahahah


Well i never said you aren´t allowed to enjoy it if you do


If I were a betting man, I would wager despite the long review and negativity that you will have D4 installed by the end of the year.


Even though I don’t agree with everything that you stated, thank you for leaving feedback and not throwing a tantrum.


Not gonna happen, you can believe me

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meanwhile i’m thinking i pretty much got my money’s worth in fun just with these 2 week-ends :wink:

lots and lots of issues but god am i addicted.
gonna be rough waiting months for release in my case.


Yet, you’re still in here discussing a game you’re NEVER going to play. Hmmm…


Whats the problem with that? I was a bit dissapointed, just normal i wanna talk a little. Also society would have never moved forward if we always just silently walked away when were dissatisfied with something.
I don´t really understand this way of thinking.


Throwing in my 2 cents.

Preface - Played Diablo 2 and 3, Moved away from the Diablo IP and ABK as a whole (not going into detail why)

I decided to try the open beta with no intention of buying the game because I wanted to formulate my own opinion on an IP’s latest addition that I absolutely loved growing up. the dark and grueling world that was built and the adventure through it. Genuinely miss it as other ARPG’s haven’t hit that absolute itch that Diablo gave me.

This is formulated primarily from in depth break downs of the systems seen in the beta and my own experience in this open beta as well as various sourced articles I’ve come across.

  • The Art and environment of Diablo 4 looks great and very immersive. I’d definitely want to give kudos for the art team for creating an environment that looks brooding and well done

  • If this is the beginning of the story for Diablo 4 that we are limited to, they lost me in the very beginning. I don’t understand what our PC (Player Character) is doing. are we just wandering around with no sense of purpose? The main questline(s?) also left me extremely confused. I don’t understand what we are there to do. Diablo 2 and even 3 gave us a sense of direction. 2 had our player character tasked with hunting down the Dark Wanderer and cleansing the evil spread by them. 3 Had our player character and many others coming to investigate this comet that crashed down. as if drawn to it. These key story plots give you at least some direction on where you’re headed. D4 just feels like I’m wandering aimlessly while doing things for people than being thrusted into the main plot issue of Lillith returning.

  • The combat feels very diablo-eques visually. Feeling very impactful and satisfying.

  • The innards of the system is something to be desired on my end however. To point out a few. I am not a fan of the way they decided to tackle rarity in both Diablo 3 and now Diablo 4 (Especially in Diablo 3) As far as I was able to gather from information and digging around it looks like they will use this distribution White > Blues > Yellows > Orange > Unique Orange > Green (Sets).

I am not too keen on why there will be Legendary and Uniques from digging around. One of my biggest gripes with Diablo 3’s Gear system was the addition of the mandatory Chase items, Set pieces that had varying degrees of strength to it. You had the normal set piece followed by the elder version and an even rarer version of it. My philosophy of Chase items in ARPGs has always been these items should not be a mandatory item but more of a pleasant option. I’ll take a very common example of the Headhunter’s belt in Path of exile. Do you need it? No but if you have the currency to acquire one or you come across means to get it, that’s great! That being said. I don’t like that you can forge a legendary from a yellow item by Distilling its unique values or use the codex of power to craft said legendary. it defeats the purpose of legendries in my eyes. I guess you can say I wasn’t a big fan of the Kannai Cube in D3.

-I am a huge fan of Variety in playstyles and currently the system for Diablo 4 feels sort of lacking. Meta playstyles will always and forever be a thing, Min maxing is an inevitability and certain classes and skills will just genuinely outshine the others. For me this is concerning. Whether this is Diablo 2’s Rune word system that gives you varying degree of difference between skill playstyles or Diablo 3’s rune system giving twists to your skills. Coupling this with Set pieces to give a higher degree of change to skills pertaining to that set piece. The Skill tree in D4 feels reminiscent of D2’s skill tree. Yes you progress and obtain some skills you might not use but the variety being limited to 2 at max feels off in my eyes. I’m just not a fan of it but we don’t have access to the rest of the game. I was also never a fan of this paragon system they added to 3.

This being said we’re restricted to Level 25, which is something I want to discuss Below.

  • Was there any closed testing done with the different level ranges? Mid level play and end level play? a full formulation of one’s opinion can really only be done when you are given access to the different snippets for an ARPG. A game can feel grueling early on but become satisfying the in the late game.

  • I’ve never been a fan of forced online mode and I question it in ARPG’s, even in Diablo 3.

I hope Dungeons are not the end game solution for D4.

  • Having varying objectives in dungeons would make them feel unique. As I saw in the beta it was just Clear X elites and get key, Clear area and kill boss. clear X static enemy and break barrier, kill boss.

  • I feel like the distance between mob packs in Dungeons and enclosed areas can be shortened.


We’re going to have a preview into the end game systems and progression soon, and then once you see everyone having fun in June and realize you judged the entire game from a limited beta test, you’ll be back.

See you in June!